667th Break: Help

On another side of the central region.

"Qiu Qi?!" Qiu Shiba exclaimed in surprise when he saw one of the two figures coming toward their group.

"Yan Rui?!" Lin Ze similarly exclaimed when he recognized the person who appeared with Qiu Qi.

"Shiba-ge!" Qiu Qi called and waved as she jumped off of her horse which was still running before she ran toward them who stopped to meet the two. "Si-ge! Shisi! Doctor Ke! Qiu Shou and Qiu Lie!" she cried when she saw the others in the group. "Wait… where's the boss?!" she asked when she didn't see Meng Xing.

"Leader." Yan Rui cupped his fists as he bowed to Lin Ze.

Lin Ze nodded at him before he turned to Qiu Qi. "He was left in the Luolian Pavilion and will catch up with us later, but he is already fine." He answered and assured her. "Why are you and Yan Rui here? Is the situation in the Summit Meeting already that bad?" he asked as he looked back at Yan Rui.