710th Break: Full Speed

Present time.

"Pft – " Qiu Liu couldn't help but laugh when he recalled the face of that elder of the Practitioners Alliance. They are currently riding on their horses on their way back to the imperial capital, at full speed, so they can immediately arrive and help the emperor, who was injured by none other than their colleague in Huichen – Qiu Shiba or Jiang Li, the fifth prince.

That time on the awarding day, the Alliance elder almost fainted after being refuted by Meng Xing. Whether it (almost fainting) was due to anger or fear or maybe hypertension, only he (traitor Alliance elder) knew. All the colors on his face disappeared. They know that he is creating trouble since he (the traitor Alliance elder) knows that the Huichen will go back to the empire after this to help the empire especially since something happened to the emperor.