Chapter 7 - Tell Me More

Sky's POV

"Can you tell me more about vampires?" I asked Myra. We were both sitting crossed legged, facing each other on the bed. We were still wearing our clothes as it wasn't the right time to do it yet. "Sure, anything for you. What do you want to know?" she replied, before she grabbed my hands which were actually quite sweaty from how hot it is in here for some weird reason. Was it just me?

I couldn't help but to just continue to look at Myra. She was like a vampire goddess as she was just stunningly beautiful. She just had the most amazing dark blue eyes, even though they were currently purple because I was extremely close to her and we had our first kiss. I knew it was kind of early to have a kiss with someone who I don't really know that well, but it was the time to do it. I had to get on a good page with her girlfriend too...wherever she was. I haven't seen her much.

"I actually got a couple of questions to ask." I then started to hesitate at the question that I was going to ask her. I then finally asked her, "When did you start existing? You know, vampires. How did they exist?"

"Ooh, that is a bit of a tough one to answer. I was born a human, then when I turned 18, I started to feel different around others. I could sense their heart beats and could only smell blood when it is out in the open. Like you have bitten your lip hard enough to make it bleed." she explained to me as I slowly nodded. I think I was beginning to understand vampires now...but I still needed more answers.

"Did you turn Samantha?" I decided to ask her. Just so she could confirm that...

"Yes, I did. I turned her three months ago."

"Was the process..."

"The process of her turning went kind of alright. She didn't resist it, even though she was trying to at some points as the venom was getting to her heart and it was rather painful for me to watch her struggle. After that, she wasn't really the same person but kind of was at the same time if that makes sense."

"Yeah, that does make sense." I told her before in the corner of our eyes, we watched the door open to reveal Samantha, carrying a small paper bag. Was this a perfect timing or something?

"Hey, Sammy. What have you got there?" Myra asked her, letting go of my hands as she got up to walk over to her. "First of all, I know you two kissed and I am kind of upset that I wasn't here to see it. I was stuck in a queue to get this." she replied, as she then put her hand in the bag and took out three black bracelets with a red ribbon tied all around it.

Myra reacted with a small gasp, before she let out a small squeal. "Matching bracelets! Come and look, Sky!" she told me in a excited tone. I then slowly began to hesitate again until I got up, then walked to them before I got handed the bracelet from Samantha.

I looked up at Samantha who had the same purple eyes as Myra, then turned my head to look at her as well. "Do you want me to put it on for you?" Samantha then asked me before I shook my head. "Then, what's wrong?" Myra asked, cutting in.

"These aren't really bracelets. They don't have anything to tie a knot with." I told them.

"That is right. They don't. They are special bracelets. Once you put them on, you cannot take them off. They have very strong magnets inside the two ends." Samantha explained to me before I watched her put her bracelet on. I then watched Myra do the same.

I then started to have a rather bad feeling about this one. There was some type of...I don't know!

"Are you sure you don't want Samantha to put it on? She won't try anything, I can assure you." Myra asked me. I then let out a sigh before I said, "Go on then."

Then, I watched Samantha take the freaky bracelet and placed it around my wrist, the bracelet immediately attaching to the other end. But, that was not all. Her hand slowly started to make its way up my left arm, before she placed her hand on my cheek.

"What is she doing, Myra? Stop her." I told Myra, before she started to giggle. "It is only fair."

Then, that quickly sunk in as I knew what she meant.

I felt Samantha move her hand to the side of my neck before she leaned in for a kiss.

Our lips then met for the first time.