System Store

[Ding! The host has completed the 2nd mission successfully.]

«Mission: 2» [Completed]

[Register as an Adventurer: Visit the Adventures Guild and register yourself as an Adventurer]

[Reward: System shop will be available]

[Time limit: 24 hours.]

[Mission Failure: remove 2 levels of cultivation]


[Ding! Now the host can access the system shop to buy anything.]

[Ding! The contribution Points system has been added to the system.]

[Contribution points (CP) can be used to buy things from the system store/shop. CP can be earned through system missions or by hunting magical beasts. Also, CO can be used to increase the mastery of techniques and other things.]

[Ding! The hist has been given 50CP for completing the mission 4 hours earlier than the deadline]

'Looks like a new function has been open, I will check out this later!' Leon only takes dew glimpse of the pop-up window and ignored it.

Leon grabbed Emily's hand as they both walked out of the guild, they both decide to visit the tavern that they had seen earlier. Why did they decide to eat there? Because they had seen earlier there is a signboard with the price of every meal. The starting price is only 25 copper, which is very low and they can save up some money.

After walking for a few minutes, they are at the entrance to the tavern. They both walked in and saw many adventurers eating there happily making conversations with each other, from their faces Leon could tell that the food was delicious he could even smell the aroma of some delicious meals.

"Hey did you hear the latest news about the empire?" A person with a scar on his left eyebrow said.

"Are talking about the Lion Heart Empire, Jim?" A female with a brown hare tied back was wearing very light armour around her chest. She has equipped a dagger on her waist.

"Yeah, I heard that the Empire is preparing for a war against the Evil race again!" The man named Jim said.

"That's nothing new, but I heard that many Prince from the neighbouring countries has asked for her hand. But the strange thing is that she has rejected all. haha!" A bulky guy said while blaming the table.

"Have you seen her ever? I heard that she is very beautiful and charming!" The lady said.



Leon and Emily listen to their conversation while walking to an empty table to have lunch. They sit opposite each other, Emily was a bit nervous because it was her first meal with Leon.

"Emily, what do you like to have for lunch?" He asked what she likes to order.

"Anything is fine!" Emily said.

"Are you sure, Emily!" Leon asked.

" I am sure." She knows that Leon would order good food for both of them so she left that choice to Leon.

"Boss, 2 boar steaks and with some veggies and roster pork belly with rice!" Leon shouts.

"Two Boar Steaks with Veggies and two pork bellies with rice, coming right up!" The owner shouts.

"Here's your food, sir! The owner brought the food right to their table. Without wasting any time they both dig in, they enjoyed the food very much.

After having their meal they paid the money on the counter, and they walked out of the tavern. Emily was hugging his left arm like a koala as they walked on the road, the people around them looked at them with a smile.

" Emily, let's go look for an inn to stay the night!" Leon said, at first he thought that, after registering they would go and hunt some magic beast to get some money. But the test took almost half a day, so they had no choice but to give up on that idea. The forests are very dangerous at night.

"Let's do that hubby, we don't have anything to do anyway and it will be dark in a few hours," Emily said while looking at the sky, some clouds were orange and its a sign that it will be dark in a few hours.

After walking for a few minutes, they find a fine inn named white rose inn. The signboard was designed in a rose shape.

"Emily, let's go in and rent rooms for us," Leon walked while pulling Emily by pulling her hand. As they entered the Inn, they saw the innkeeper sitting at the counter at around in her 40s.

"Hello! dear guests, welcome to the White Rose inn, I'm Maya the innkeeper. How can I help you?" The innkeeper named Maya greeted them politely showing a sweet smile on her face.

"Hello miss Mary, I am Leon and this is my wife Emily, we are looking for a place to stay the night!" Leon brings Emily close to him while talking, showing that they were a couple in love.

"Hehehe" Maya let out a small chuckle while looking at the couple in front of her, in her eyes, they are very cute. "Well we do have available rooms for 2 people and it will cost 3 silver per night with meals, but if you want to eat outside then it will cost only 2 silver." Miss Maya said with a smile on her face.

He turn to Emily and asked, "what do you think?"

"We should book the room with meals, it will save some of our time," Emily suggested.

Nodding his head to Emily, Leon turned back to Miss Maya, "we'll take the first option with meals for three days!"

"It will be nine silver coins in total!" Miss Maya said, " June, please check out room number 8 it is clean or not!"

"Mother, have you forgotten that I just cleaned that room a few hours ago?" A girl with a ponytail around 10 years old, came out of the kitchen caring a bucket and a cleaning cloth in her hand. She looks very cute while carrying a bucket full of dirty water.

"Here is the key to the room, please don't lose it or you will be charged 10 silver coins as compensation!" Miss Maya handed the key to Leon.

"Here is the nine silver, and please send the dinner to our room later!" Leon handed the money to Miss Maya and he took the key from her. After that, they both walked toward room number 8.

They both entered their rented room, and to Leon's surprise, the room was well maintained and clean and the bed was a double-size bed which is quite big. Leon immediately laid down on the soft bed, it's not like he was exhausted or something but he missed the bed last night at Emily's place.

Emily also lay on the bed and put her head on Leon's chest, which is very surprising for Leon.

'What a bold girl, hehe!' He chuckled inwardly and patted her head.

'System Interface' Leon said inwardly.

«System Interface»






«Strength: 375»


«Agility: 375»

«Stamina: 375»

«Intelligence: 416»

«SP:110» [Can be distributed to the following stats]

«CP:50» [Can be used to level up the mastery and to buy at the system shop] (New)





'Now the shop has been open, let's see what it has to offer.' He inwardly thinks and clicks the shop option.


[Cultivation manual]

[Martial technique]



'Which one should I check first? Hmmm...let's go with the first one." Leon said inwardly and choose the first option. He was curious about what kind of cultivation manual would offer by the system. If there is a manual that suited Emily he would buy it and give her as an engagement gift, he can't think of any other gifts at the moment.


(Please don't forget to give a vote behind before you leave.

100 Power Stone: 1 bonus chapter.

200 Power Stone: 2 bonus chapters.

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