
N/B: the story's tense has recently been changed from present to past tense. Please note.

His bare feet touched the ground as he staggered down the street, kissing and massaging all it came in contact with. So what if the vehicle no longer motioned forward? Elmer had legs and they still worked fine.

The chilly air was biting, wind blowing from all directions. It was going to rain, and Elmer knew just what was coming for him. It would be no ordinary rain. It was them, disguised as nature with one mission alone.

To get him.

They'd announced their visit, and he was ready. He committed no crime, yet, they still charged and pointed their arrows at his chest.

On his lips he tasted fresh blood, and his gut felt like they would explode in a matter of seconds. Elmer was not bothered. Still, lingering on wounded feet he plodded through the city of New York. The whistling of the breeze grew stronger, causing a gush of goosebumps to appear all over his body. His plain t-shirt and jeans did little to conceal his skin from the harsh weather.

It did not bother him. His footsteps were heavy now as his legs trudged forward.

They were coming, and nothing was going to stop them now. He had unleashed the monsters of the universe. Had he known, he would had stopped when they warned him to.

Had he known, he would have reconsidered his choices more carefully. But alas, none of it mattered anymore. It was too late.

Elmer's legs dragged forward as he rethought his past actions. It had all happened in the brisk of four days. It was looming to an end now. His decisions would bring him to his downfall, and a cloud of havoc was about to be wreak upon him.

Nevertheless, he did what he had to. Pain and suffering he was feeling, but soon it would all come to an end. His actions would bring forth a cry.

One that would be worth suffering for. Cry of unfathomable joy.

Tears of gold.
