A squad was standing in line near the helipad. After a few minutes, a private helicopter landed. A 34 years old young and handsome-looking man in full black dressed up with an aloof personality came out of the helicopter and walked towards the lavish black car. He is a self-made, harsh ruler, a powerful businessman. People from every business known him as an honest and brave businessman. Underworld dons have fear to face him, no one can dare to challenge him. If someone does wrong or dishonesty he tore their pride into pieces and give them the right way to hell. This person is known as "Leonardo Benjamin". One of the squad people open the back left side door for his boss and said; Welcome back Sir!!

Leonardo nodded his head and sat in the car. His secretary Frank Albert, sat in the front seat and mumbled; "It was a bit tough to fly in a day and to back in the station again, I think we should do rest instead of going anywhere today." Leonardo was a keen listener and observer. He was infuriated and said to the driver; we are going home, I want to see you all in my office at 7 o'clock in the early morning for the next bidding. Frank suddenly got nervous over his act and harrumph a bit due to shyness.

Leonardo reached Benjamin's mansion where his nephew (Lucas Benjamin) injured his knee while running from the stairs. The attendant to Lucas was frightened of his boss's anger. When he entered the lounge he saw his knee was bleeding a bit. Tears were coming out silently from Lucas's eyes.

What's the wrong beetroot? Leonardo asked

Welcome Leonardo, you would have come in the early morning! Sophia interrupted Lucas and his uncle, she is the wife of Leonardo's younger brother James Benjamin.

Thank you, sister, give us time I am talking to Lucas for concern.

Good night Leonardo! Sophia said and moved towards the stairs.

Leonardo again asked his nephew. What was our rule?

If you want to stand on your feet in this life, be strong, don't waste your strength with mercy. Don't break your guard, don't break your guard….. If is it the right time….you should break the hand without hesitation which attacks you.

Even end is death, you should look into its eyes and walk towards it without any fear.

Don't cry when you fall, you should stand on your feet again.

And our most important rule, don't trust anyone except yourself. Don't trust especially women.

Women are like vipers snakes, the most harmful relation can be a one's mother…. Even when necessary, she poisons her child.

Do we agree? Leonardo again gave him a huge lesson of rules to remember. He took a bandage from Lucas's attendant (Myra) and passed the bandage to Lucas and said;

Don't show your scars to anyone. Start healing your wounds..!! Okay? I will not join you in the morning at the breakfast table. So do it with your mommy. I have to go now. Good night my beetroot….!!

Lucas nodded his head and clean his tears then moved towards his mother's room.

Should I give you your nighttime medicine Olivia? An old age attendant Mrs. Rosa entered in room and asked Lucas,'s mother.

No aunt please..!! Sophia also asked me an hour before but I am fed up with taking medicines day by day. I just want to rest. Said Olivia with sympathy and a painful voice. Meanwhile, Lucas came into his mother's room with Myra and said; I am going to sleep mom, can you please come to my room. I want to listen to a fairytale by you. Olivia negate sadly and asked Lucas; My sweetheart, can you please listen to a fairytale by Myra? I am not feeling well now. I will be with you tomorrow night.

Lucas hugged Olivia and said; okay but you have to do breakfast with me in the morning as uncle will not join me in the morning.

Olivia smiled and said; okay sweetheart, your uncle will go to the office in the early morning, that's why he will not join you, but don't you worry, me and my sweetheart, the beetroot of uncle will do breakfast together.

Good night mommy... said, Lucas

The next day at 6:30 am, Watson holding a tray with a cup of coffee and a glass of water, knocked on the door of Leonardo's room.

Come in and put it on the table. Voice came from Leonardo's room.

Watson entered the room and said Good Morning Sir!!

Leonardo nodded his head while he was wearing the coat. He took all sips together in a second and left the room.

Again emergencies workout… Watson mumbled.

The squad including Frank was already waiting for their boss in parking. Leonardo speedily came and sit in the car. The crackling sound of moving cars made Olivia wake up. She came outside the room and went to the garden for a walk, where a courier rider was waiting for her.

I was about to call you Mrs. Olivia, Watson said here is a courier man he wants to handover you the parcel by himself with a special note.

Okay, thank you. You may go I will check out Olivia said.

Olivia waved her hand to the courier man when he removed his helmet Olivia realize that the face of the man was known to her but she was unable to recognize him. The man came to Olivia, he looked around he saw there was no one, and then he said;

Hi Olivia! I hope you recognized me please be patient, he was Olivia's husband (Henry Benjamin) best friend Michael who was an intelligence officer no one from the Benjamin mansion knew him except Sophia. He started talking, what I am going to tell you, you have to listen to me carefully. I am giving you a phone which is in this parcel it contains all proves with videos and recordings. You will come to know who shot your husband 3 years before. That person is in your family. Whom you know as your dear one is the real yours and Lucas's enemy. For a moment Olivia felt dark in front of her eyes. Michael gave that parcel to Olivia. Please leave quickly before this Sophia wakeup and checkout that you are here. You better know she doesn't like you, said Olivia. Michael left the mansion. Olivia quickly went to her room and lock the door. She wrap off the parcel and switched on the phone she go through all videos and recorded files repeatedly. After half an hour Sophia woke up, Olivia was shouting outside her room. Come outside Sophia I have to talk to you immediately…

Is everything okay, why did you wake up so early dear? Can't we talk in the daytime, please!! Sophia asked. She noticed that Olivia was not in the mood, due to aggression her face was getting blushed and her eyes were getting red.

You know what I will not let you live in this mansion, I was not known that you killed my husband. Because he gets to know about your secrets of damaging Leonardo's business…you shot him. How unmerciful are you, Sophia!!! I got all prove. The CCTV recording of that shooting. How can you kill that person who owns you as a sister? How can you ruin my life? I hope you are also killing me by giving me nameless medicines with care. You are also killing James by making him a more psycho person!! What kind of person you are?? Are you human? How can you live with bravery after killing people…!!! I am going to tell Leonardo about your actions…. Olivia shouted at Sophia and started to step down from stairs

Sophia got nervous she start shouting at Olivia and pushed her downstairs

I did not do that. I will not let anyone know about what I do, never!! ever!!… Meanwhile, she observed that Olivia slipped from the stairs and fell to the ground floor, her ears were bleeding. She look around, James saw the entire incident from his room as the door was a little open. She got panic but suddenly she handled the situation and shouted.

Oh my god… Olivia dear what happened? Does anyone call an ambulance… I think she got dizzy while she was going downstairs…hurry up please…call an ambulance…

I don't want any complications this time, you will control the material that will be delivered today do you understand Jackson? Leonardo asked one of the penal members in the meeting.

Leonardo got attention to the phone vibration. It was a call from Watson.

He knew that Watson call him when something is important.

He picked up the call.

Yes..!! I am listening… what accident? ...which hospital…? Meeting over...!!

Everyone was looking anxiously, Leonardo never left an incomplete meeting and this never happened before. However, he left for the hospital quickly.

What happened there, Sophia? Asked Leonardo

I don't know brother, when I came out of my room she was on the ground floor and her ears were bleeding, probably she fainted due to dizziness and fall down. Sophia lied with confidence she knew that she will not recover because she gave her the wrong medicines during Olivia's sickness.

James was scratching his head and grumbling "this shouldn't happen, I can't forget, I can't forget, this shouldn't happen...." Sophia noticed that James was not in the phase of relation. So she diverted his attention and said. We'll go home and everything will be okay.

Where was Lucas? Leonardo interrupted

Thank God!! He was sleeping at that time, he didn't see that accident, said, Watson.

Frank came back and said her blood was wasted a lot, she couldn't survive.

Leonardo's eyes got red, he punch the wall with anger while thinking that Lucas lost his lifeline.

Lucas came out of his room, and run towards her mother's room, he found his mother was not there… Myra where is mommy? Asked Lucas

Myra already got the news that olive was no more she encouraged herself and smiled, come we should prepare breakfast. She tried to divert the attention of little Lucas who lost his mother forever.

Lucas went to the kitchen and sit on the chair. He saw a few people standing near the front door in the crowd and saying something to his Leonardo uncle, and Sophia's aunt

I am sorry for your loss, A man patted Leonardo's shoulder

How old is her son? What a pity! He lost both his father first and his mother now at this age. Alas!! A lady hugged Sophia and said all.

Did you tell him? Does he know about it? Asked lady

No aunt, how may I can tell such a thing to a boy of that age? Sophia emphasize

Ah! I wish I could see her when she was alive… lady exaggerated in a way, my condolence to you Leonardo. Stay strong

Did Emma come back? Sophia's aunt asked about her sister who was abroad, her aunt tried to involve with the entire matter of family.

No aunt! she can't come because of her job. Sophia replied

Leonardo left the house immediately and rush the car towards the graveyard.