Leonardo laid on his bed. He was continuously in thoughts of beauteous Ava. He reminded himself of random past memories of getting attracted to her. But he was not making it into his count that he was getting forward toward her. But the way Ava's beauty attacked his mind was not easy to escape from her.

'The princess of an unknown castle was coming to him. He lost in the beauty of a girl who was wearing a royal blue ball gown coming to him'

'Prince held the hand of princes and got closer to her. He kissed the sleeping beauty and the princess opened her eyes after years'

'He was digging the ground with his bare hands to get the girl outside from the underground water tank'

'Ava opened her eyes and hugged him tightly'

'He was pasting honey on her burned arm and Ava was looking at him'

These waving thoughts were catching him to not sleep

Where are servants? Why do I have to take coffee by myself? Emma asked

Don't worry. You are not doing it the first time. Remember the days when we were doing work at someone's home? Sophia said

Sister why you are rewinding a bad past in which I am not interested? Emma said

Pay thanks to me. If I didn't marry this psycho man, you wouldn't live a luxurious life. Sophia raised her eyebrows.

Whatever, it's not that time. Emma said

I found the best way to get rid of the cause of Ava and Leonardo's being together. Sophia said

What causes sister? Emma asked

I will give this Lucas to social services. Sophia said

But Lucas is happy here. You will not be successful in your way. Emma said

Lucas was happy. When he saw his aunt was getting treatment from the doctor and she is doing rest on the bed, he lost in the memories of his mother. He is sad. He went to Ava's room and stuck with her.

But sister how it will be going? Ava will not let it happen. Emma said

I will make it happen. Just look my way. First I will remove the cause then I will remove this poor girl from here.

I'll see you then. Why you are making lemon cookies? Emma asked

Lucas's aunt is not well. So she will not serve him breakfast. He is already upset. I will split salt on fresh wounds as he is missing his mother. It will make me easier to bother the child care department.

I am really bored with that child and his aunt. Please do something quickly. Emma said

We will go slowly. So we will achieve our goal in an accurate time. Sophia said

Lucas woke up on his bed. Meanwhile, he saw Sophia coming to him with a breakfast tray.

Who brought me here? I slept with my aunt. Lucas said

Your uncle. Your aunt is not feeling well. That's why. But don't worry. Look! What I bring here. Your favourite breakfast. Sophia kissed his forehead.

But my mom gave me this. How do you remember that? Lucas asked

Because I knew it, sweetheart. Sophia said.

After Sophia went downstairs. Lucas went into the garden. He was upset that his aunt was not taking care of him.

Emma changed the medicine of Ava. She put tantrum-controlling medicines in her medicine box. Ava needed to take 2 tablets twice a day. She eats her medicine and the morning and evening. She was feeling dizzy. But she ignore it as she thought it might be happening due to poor meal intake. Lucas made a drawing in that drawing he made two big people and one small in between both of them.

I will ask my uncle to hang this in his study room. He said

Okay. Can we go in the morning? Ava asked

No, we are going now. Lucas said

Uncle, hang it in the frame here. I drew my aunt, you and me in this drawing. Lucas said

It is beautiful beetroot. Leonardo said and hang that paper in the frame.

Take my photo with this frame. Lucas said

Done I took. Leonardo said

Now take a selfie as is shown in my drawing. Lucas held the hands of both and stood up.

Leonardo took pictures. Ava was nervous. She was continually looking at Leonardo. Leonardo kept looking at going, Ava. After she left Lucas in his room for sleeping. She came back to her room and fell asleep.

The next day in the morning Ava didn't wake up. Leonardo went into her room with Lucas. Leonardo called her but she didn't respond. He checked her pulse it was running well. Leonardo shook her. she slightly called Lucas's name and fall asleep again. Leonardo made Lucas understand her condition and told him about she didn't sleep last night. That's why she was not waking up. Lucas looked at Ava and nodded his head to his uncle. He kissed Ava's cheek and went outside. Leonardo opened the window of the room. so she gets fresh air directly. Sophia came to Ava's room to ask about her condition. She found Lucas standing there.

Why are you worried, my dear? Sophia asked

Nothing, will my aunt not wake up like my mother? Lucas asked

God Forbid. But if it happens so, don't worry. I am always with you. Sophia surprised

'Why this girl didn't wake up? It's noon. Sophia mumbled.

Sister, are you wondering why she is not waking up? Emma whispered

Yes, did you make this happen? Sophia raised her eyebrows.

I just make it easy for you to get rid of little evil first you told me about me last night. Emma patted her shoulder. I exchanged her medicines with James's medicines.

Thank you. I am going to make it happen now. Sophia smiled with surprise and said.

She held the hand of Emma and went to her room. Watson went to Leonardo and told him about Lucas's anxiety. He went to Ava's room more than ten times to check if his aunt has woken up. Leonardo quickly went to Ava's room. She saw Lucas was sleeping with sleeping, Ava. He checked her medicines. All medicines were fine. He was unable to understand her condition. He took Lucas and laid him in his bedroom. Leonardo was lost in beauteous Ava. Meanwhile, Sophia entered his room.

Brother, can we talk, please? Sophia asked

Yes, Sister Sophia, come in. Leonardo said.

I want something from you. It's not for me. It's actually for Emma. Sophia said

Keep speaking. I am listening to you. What I can do for you now? Leonardo got attentive to Sophia.

She got a good education because of you. She lived a life she wanted because of you. Otherwise, you know the conditions and situations of her past. I want you to hire Emma officially in your company. I don't want her to go back to Canada. When she is in front of my eyes. I feel comfortable. I can breathe easily. Both James and Emma are equal to me. Sophia said.

Okay. I will send her a call letter through Frank as official proceedings.

Thank you, brother. I respect it. Sophia said and went into Emma's room.

Good news. My lady! Sophia said and clapped.

Tell me then. Emma asked.

Leonardo accepted my proposal to hire you as an officer in his company. Sophia said.

Really!! Emma shook

Yes, my dear. He never rejected my proposals. Sophia said.

Sister, I will work hard. Will make my name there. I promise you I will work not for myself only, but for both of us. But what about our hurdles? Emma asked

Don't worry. Those will disappear soon. Stay calm and move slow. Sophia said.

Sophia found a video of Olivia on Mrs Rosa's mobile phone in which she was calling Lucas while playing with him. She transferred that video to her phone and put Mrs Rosa's phone back to place. She went to Lucas's room where he was sleeping. She played that video on her mobile phone. Lucas opened his eyes. He found his mother was calling him from somewhere. He thought that his mother might come back to the mansion. He directly ran downstairs to the basement. Voice stopped. He went into the storage room where all his mother's stuff was placed. He got his mother's dress out of a bag and hugged it. Leonardo came to know the absence of Lucas. He ordered all servants to find out Lucas. While he was calling Lucas loudly Ava woke up. She saw everyone at the mansion was finding Lucas. She went downstairs and asked Leonardo about it. He stared at her. Ava thought for a while and quickly went to the storage room. Leonardo followed her. Ava found Lucas sleeping there.

My dear! Lucas! Ava said

Lucas opened his eyes.

Did you wake up? Lucas asked

Yes, my dear. Ava said

I thought you will be going like my mother. Lucas broke down. He didn't cry due to fear of his uncle's rules. Lucas said

I will not my dear. I am always with you. Ava hugged him

I listened to my mom. She was calling me. Lucas said

It was a dream. Come now. We go to our room. Leonardo said

It was not a dream. I was awake when I listen to that voice. Lucas said

Ava felt ashamed for being sick. Leonardo looked at both of them and took Lucas out.

Aunt makes food for my mother. When she will come she will eat that. Lucas said

Look dear. She is always seeing us. She is always watching us. She is going to be happy when she sees you happy. We can't see her. She can't come to us. I told you everything when we went to her grave. Didn't we? Ava asked. She tried to make him understand the situation.

I heard her. She called me. Lucas said

Maybe you heard because you miss her so much. In fact, you remember those moments you spend with her. Ava said. Leonardo was surprised by Lucas's words.

Ava took her medicines from the table and threw those in the basket.

I will not take these medicines again. these cause me to sleep long. I cannot be so careless as my sweetheart. Ava mumbled

but your wound is not healed yet. Leonardo said

I don't care about it. I will take care. Ava said

Listen to me beetroot! You are missing your mother. It's okay. But what did we agree? We will get stronger no matter what happens. You will stay strong if you get hurt or upset. Didn't we? So now be a good boy and go for lunch. Leonardo said. Lucas went downstairs.

I want to talk to you. Ava said

Leonardo step back and nodded his head

We can't solve Lucas's problem in this way. Ava said

I am not doing anything wrong to him. Leonardo looked into her eyes and said

But I don't agree with you. Ava said

I am listening to you. Tell me what is wrong. Leonardo asked

You said him to be strong as you don't want him to get hurt. But he is a kid. He doesn't know how to be strong at this age. He is living too hard things at his age. He needs care and love more than advice and rules. Ava said

He shouldn't be needy. I am trying exactly for this. You always lose if you need someone's love and care. If you want to be strong against the hardness, you should forget these terms. He is going to learn this. Not to fall against a little hardness. Leonardo raised his voice.

He is only five years old. It's not true to expect this from him at this age. Might be you fought many things at this age on your own. But he is not alone. So because of this. He doesn't need to live like you. Without exception, everyone needs love and care. One of those is Lucas also. Ava said

The only person who thinks wrong is you. These words make a person weak, not strong. Love is a weakness. Do you get it? Leonardo said rudely.

Then being strong is a mask. We wear it when we get scared to lose someone we love or when we don't want to be hurt. When we look under the mask we will see only a person who is scared not strong. Love can heal someone who is scared. Being strong can't do that. Ava said confidently and went outside. Leonardo thought about Ava's arguments for a long time. Then he went out of the mansion.