Dinner time

The car was silent till they got to a big gigantic gate, the way the gate opens itself got Vera, she gets nervous as they seem to be driver into the big compound without stopping, the compound is one that can be used as an estate.

The driver finally halts the car, Vera sighs convincing herself that she would be fine, she knows that Grey isn't really her husband but she wants to make a good impression towards her in laws.

They both came down from the car without hesitation, Grey holds her hand to reduce her nervousness but it isn't working. Vera breath becomes heavier, she doesn't understands her sweaty palm, her nervousness gave her no chance to admire the aesthetics and creativeness in the building.

Vera attention gets diverted to where the sound of the footstep came from, "ooh Vera" she heard her name, looking back to see who called, she sees a beautiful elegant woman, ' this must be Grey's mother' she thought, Grey's mother hurriedly hugs Vera without sparing a look at her son.

"you look pretty just like your mother" Joann says this without thinking, after realizing what her statement could lead to, she prays that Vera wouldn't ask a question regarding to this, she will let Vera know at the right time but not now.

Vera heard and understood what Grey mom just said, but she decides to act stupid, she believes this is not the right time to ask, moreover, she's just getting to know her, therefore, her best answer towards this is a smile.

Grey isn't surprise at his mom's attitude, she has been waiting for this. "hey come over, let's have dinner before it gets cold" Simon says, Simon differs from Grey, Simon is always Jovial and funny but still a fuck boy, but Grey ain't jovial and doesn't plan to be, always straight forward with what he wants and extra careful but Simon very clumsy, he can lie to get to your pants and can fuck any girl but Grey he tells you, he wants just sex, make it contracted, give rules, you mustn't go against, if you do, he moves you out without giving a fuck and he doesn't fuck any girl, can definitely resist you especially when you seduces him, always in control of his own desire that's definitely not Simon, seduce him and he will get laid with you without having a second thought.

Two things they have in common is their hotness and their manipulative ways.

Vera and Joanna walks towards the dinning table with happiness, Vera never expected to be welcomed this way by Grey's mom, Vera nervousness reduced due to Grey's mom warm welcome but who knows Bradley, Grey's father, might no be so nice.

Vera notices Grey indicating she sits with him, but hell no Vera always decides on the opposite, she uses the opportunity to hold onto Joann, Grey's mom, who is bound to abandon her.

Joann at her husband right side and Grey at his father's left hand, for Vera to properly avoid Grey, she decides to sit close to Joann but her plan became futile when Simon sat close to his aunt, she had no choice but to sit close to Grey.

The dinner was served as they ate peacefully, until, Simon's voice was heard, "mom do you believe that Vera grew up in same resident as mine" Simon says carelessly as he chews his food nonchalantly, Joann knows about this but decides to act stupid, "you can't be serious right" Joann replies him.

"I am mom" Simon says turning his face towards Vera, he touches her hand making their look good intense and visible to the everyone, "I know my brother isn't nice, but I am here for you" Simon says still holding Vera's hand firmly without breaking the eye contact, Vera kinda feels comforted and uneasy, she feels comfortable because she believes that she has Simon, who is willing to drag her out of Grey's toxicity but she feels uneasy because she doesn't understand the reason he is doing this, Grey is his brother or more so his cousin, so why should create a drama in front of his parents and Grey.

"thank you" was all Vera replied with a smile, she tries to withdraw her hand but Simon hold her even more firmly, "any time, any day, I will always be around, do not hesitate, anything" Simon says, Simon on the other hand feels like joking around but he is really serious about not letting Vera be a victim of Grey's dominance, he kinda took interest in her, the moment she said, she grew up in manila, when Simon says interest, he didn't take as an intimate one but more of a siblings, he has never been against Grey, infact, he is closer to Grey than anyone else.

Everyone notices Simon's attitude but didn't take it serious, especially Joann who believes that Simon loves joking around.

Grey looks at their hand which is still together, he places his hand on top of Simon's hand and takes it off gently, "she's my wife" was all that came out of Grey's mouth, it sounds more like a warning for Simon to back off but looking at Grey's face it says otherwise.

" Vera don't take Simon serious, he always joke around" Mrs Bradley Joann tells Vera, hoping she believes.

Mr. Bradley was quiet, while all this happened, he didn't say a word but continues to dine on his meal quietly and peacefully, he doesn't understand the likeness his wife has towards the Vera of a girl, it is extra, he can bet on that. He is yet to fancy anything in this girl and he hopes the girl is worth the stress, he knew what he went through to convince her father, if it were to be from the girls of his choice, there will be no problem, this six month condition won't even be there. If only Grey had accepted Diana or even Mia his childhood friend, it would have been much more better, if this girl decides to leave after the six month, a question about Grey's responsibility will be raised by the board members, thank goodness their marriage isn't out in public, moreover all they need is a legal marriage certificate which Grey will present to them, Grey caused it all for himself by making a decision to marry whosoever his mom picks for him.

"Happy married life Vera" Bradley says to Vera breaking the silence, Vera only replied with a thank you sir and a smile to top it.

"I hope you understand that marriage isn't a bed of roses" Bradley continues as he smiles, Vera smiles but her inner mind ain't smiling, "not with Grey, he is full of thorns and they isn't a rosy part" she thought.

"I also believe and hope you stay after the six months" Vera on hearing this from Mr. Bradley made her choke while eating, Joann pinches her husband laps indicating he stops, "you don't need to reply that okay" Joann tells Vera, "no ma, it is okay" Vera says to Joann, "nah" Joann says as she waves her hand off, "call me mum" Joann continues without caring if Vera is comfortable with it or not, Vera only smiles to that, she has never called any one mom not even Claudia nor her grandma.

"okay mom" sounds weird tho but she gats to say it, "our marriage aftermath depends on our compatibility" Vera says this hoping it sinks to everyone hearts but within her she knows she isn't staying in this contract marriage after the six month.