Sunday morning

Grey wakes up only to see Vera sleep comfortably on his body, he can imagine how stubborn she is, she refused to sleep like a normal being last night only to insist on sleeping on top of his body.

He gently drop her on the bed as walks into the bathroom to brush, yah he is gonna do the bathing after his morning exercise, he walks out of the room with a pair of short and black polo, he didn't forget his face cap and bottle water.

Vera sleeps roughly as she throws her leg from my new corner of the bed to the other. she isn't enjoying her sleep anymore, she isn't as comfortable as last night, she wakes up touching her heavy head which is seriously pounding, "ooooh God why was last night sleep more comfortable than this morning, I don't mean the early morning tho, like this morning" Vera enjoys this part of herself that loves talking to herself and enjoys the company of herself.

"ooh God my hair is really messy" she says as she touches it, she looks at herself, the cloth she's wearing, no this is definitely not hers and she knows she didn't wear this yesterday, she didn't remember much from yesterday.

she hopes she didn't mess up last night, she can't remember much and her pounding head isn't helping, "ooooh fuck, if I had known getting drunk isn't fun, I wouldn't" she says regretting ever daring Simon.

She believes if Grey explains how she ended up here with a different cloth and who changed, she might recollect somethings.

Grey has a lot of explanation to do, just as she is about to get down from her bed, someone opens the door and lo and behold it is Grey.

He steps in looking energetic and as usual with his cold normal face, never smiling

He cleans his face as he walks majestically but Vera was so quick to obstructs him. "Grey I need a proper explanation of what happened last night" Vera says but Grey did not give her a proper reply, he only indicates that she makes way for him. "Grey I am not leaving, I need a proper explanation, how I got here, how I got changed and if I did mess up last night and I can't even remember much" she says as she holds her head, Grey didn't give her reply, since she isn't ready to make way for him, he did it himself, he carries her straight to the bed where he tucks her in without saying a word, he leaves the room.

Vera at this point is very furious with the way, he didn't respond to, ' perhaps you should check your breath first" Vera panicks after hearing what her inner mind told her, she puts her hand close to her mouth and nose as she breathes out "fuck it really stinks" she puts in an irritated face "I should have brushed my teeth" Vera says this but remembers she brought nothing but herself here.

Just as she was scolding herself, Grey enters inside but this time with glass full of milk, he walks straight to the bed, "have this" he says giving her the milk accompanied with a tablet.

Vera definitely didn't oppose or ask what it is, she respectfully takes it from his hand and did exactly what she is supposed to do.

Grey expected her to complain but she didn't "you really want to know what happens last night" he says bringing his face close to her and this time around he looks a little bit scary.

Vera draws her head back but Grey brings his face forward, she didn't want to say anything due to her bad breath, she only gave a negative nod.

Vera pushes Grey a little bit before crawling out of the bed, she walks straight to the bathroom but stops at the door, Grey looks at her as she gives him an indication that she needs a brush but Grey act like he didn't understand.

Vera did it again but he did same thing with his hand indicating he did not understand, at this point Vera frustration is at it peak, she had no option but to say it out " a toothbrush"

" use mine" was all that came out from Grey's mouth, "uuuuh, I don't understand, I can't use yours" she screams the last part.

"ooooh seems you forgot" he says this with a naughty facial expression

"forgot what?" Vera says putting in a scared face, Grey isn't satisfied yet, he is gonna make sure he teases her to the peak and yes her punishment, she isn't going to escape it.

"you used it last night" the sentence which just came out of Grey's mouth rings like a bell in Vera head.

no it's not possible, there is no fucking way she used his toothbrush, God what more have she had done, she hates herself this moment for getting drunk.

she didn't say a word after hearing Grey's statement, she obediently enter the bathroom without any complain, she had wish remembered everything but at this point she doesn't but what if he had tampered with her body," no he said he's not a womanizer" she says this to convince herself.

luckily, she sees a mouth wash within arm reach, she has no choice than to use it though she doesn't really likes it but it's better than using Grey's brush "I guess he is lying cause that's the last thing she would ever do " Vera assures herself.

Grey isn't going to escape this, she believes that Grey made whole story about her using his toothbrush just to shut her up. she looks at herself teeth one more time then her tongue, she really doesn't trust the mouthwash and for the last time she checks her breath before gracefully walking out of the bathroom.