
I have a...what?

Cincinnati, Ohio State, USA

10:00 PM


Two meteors tore past the sky, they parted and blazed when they hit the earth's climate.

The fire burned off the surface of the rocks.

The sky lit up when the first hit an unknown location. Before the second half.


Stephen Curry here, age 12, blond hair, dreamy blue eyes, cute kid with the fake moustache.

He was just taking the trash out after he was finished playing his violent video games.

His father Jason Curry was on a late-night shift and he could not be happier...until something crash-landed into his backyard.


Dust flew everywhere.


The wreck sent him flying across the lawn into the mailbox.

The fire blazed in the background and lingered for a while. He rolled over on his stomach coughing up dirt.

He felt hot and uneasy at the temperature alteration. He quivered slowly recovering on his feet and he groaned the pains in his joints.

'What was that?'

There was smoke coming up from behind his house.

'Ah!' He found a garden hose in a trough and ran around the house to hose it down.


He dusted his pyjama pants, he stood upright gasping at the burning trench under the lights.

Tracing to his backyard and he followed it to the huge chunk of rock in his backyard. At the tomato garden.

He gazed at the liquid like gasoline pouring from under the crater and his jaw dropped.

'What the fuc...?"


"What was that!?" Ernestine Sanders, his next-door neighbour stepped out of her door.

She had blonde hair, grey eyes, and a pointed nose, she was slim and she wore a ratty sky blue star-print robe.

"STEPHEN ALEXANDER CURRY!! I hope you haven't been setting up fireworks around these parts again?!"

He snorted at her bitterly. "Me? You think I did this? Sorry to disappoint you but it wasn't!" He roared back.

She gave him a square look and she stood akimbo. "Are you sure?" She continued, mocking him and clicking her tongue.

Stephen Curry scrambled up despite being dazed.


He followed the trench past his dad's garden and he walked over it to the trees where there was a trail of fire.

"Stupid godforsaken meteorite." He poured water on it. Smoke went up.


The smoke made his eyes tear up. It gave off a golden ambience that he almost found irresistible.

"What is this?" He thought, slowly reaching for it.

Ernestine joined him. "Stephen no!"

His body grew brighter from the slightest contact and his aura exploded.

Stephen gasped when he recovered and he found Ernestine laying on her stomach.

"Oh my God. Is she dead?"

'I hope so' A snider voice in his mind told him.

He scrambled over to help her. "Ernie!"

She coughed and rolled over. "You moron..." She said with a hoarse voice. She paled.

[ Host accepted ]


Something was taking shape in front of his eyes. The words formed.

[ System downloading...5%....6%...100% ]

"What is this?"

[ Stephen Curry. You have activated your system. Choose your superpower ]

He gulped. 'Superpower? Wait hold on.'

[ Flight, heat vision, shadow manipulation, Geomancy, telekinesis, speed ]

'Speed? Hell yes!' He howled and tapped [ Yes, I accept ] on the yellow panel.


"This is gonna be lit." His eyes glazed over with hope as his stats appeared.

Name: Stephen Curry

Age: 12

Class: Speedster


Level: 1

Dexterity: 4

Mana points: 20

Power: #Super speed

Skills: None.

"Awesome." He was bubbling up. "Oh my God!"

[ Congratulations. You are now a full-fledged meteorite speedster. ]


Ernestine Sanders wrapped her ratty robe around herself mumbling. "Just great...none of this shenanigans would have happened if you had just listened to me! We nearly died..."

He recovered from what may have been the best moment of his life, in the nick of time.

'I've got superpowers!' He yelled excitedly and Ernestine wiped her soot-covered face.

Despite the daze, she looked at Stephen shortly and grimaced.

"He's finally lost it." She confessed staring blankly at him to see if he had any more symptoms.

Stephen was jumpy. 'No! I honestly don't know what you mean...Ernestine. But I have superpowers. Watch'

Stephen posed at a runner's stance, his knee buckled on the floor, his hands in front of him.

He huffed and his eyes narrowed.

Ernestine's hair wavered when he sped off.


The streetlights in front of her house sparked after he stopped clumsily at the roadside hitting the streetlamp.

Ernestine braced her hands on her head when the lamp groaned and fell over the road.


The lights in their neighbourhood sparked till there was a blackout.

She gasped. "You idiot! Even with superpowers, you manage to mess everything up!" She paled at the rocks on the floor glowing yellow.

Stephen stood up from the side of the street. He blinked at her. "Uh...Ernie?"

"What?" Ernestine's chest heaved in fear at the fragments of rocks stirring at her feet. She stumbled after they floated.

[ Ernestine. You have the power of Terrakinesis. ]

Her eyes watered stepping back. "Ah!"

"Don't scream!"

"What's going on?" She heard people talking.

A few people came outside of their homes holding up torchlights in the darkness after they were certain that there was no serious attack.

Stephen heard their murmurs and zoomed to her side and she winced. "Ernie, relax. Shake it off!"

She punched him and he staggered touching his face. "Okay."

"This is all your fault!" She cried.

"Ernestine? Is that you?" A woman called in front of his house.

"Get rid of the trench." Stephen hissed.

She looked around frantically. "The meteorite...it_it's gone!" She wailed and her heartbeat went up.

They faced the crowd stiffly when they arrived, smiling nervously. While they were flashing their torch lights.

The rocks were inanimate. The trench was closed.

"Mrs Fritz!"

"You heard that?" Another said.

"Ah, the streetlight's ruined."

Mrs Fritz was their language teacher. Stephen knew how awkward that was.

"You kids all right? Ernie." The woman addressed her after she heard her scream previously.

She was white as a ghost and she pressed her lips together and nodded. "Mmm hmm?"

"We were just...checking out this cool sod and then the lights blew up. Damn."

"Stephen!" Someone cried in alarm.

"What!?" He said and paled at his dad coming.

The neighbours parted when he ran in and hugged him.

"Ugh!" Stephen groaned.

Jason Curry had blonde hair and blue eyes, his features were weathered, and his blue shirt was buttoned the wrong way. He wore khakis and sneakers. Meaning that he had a change from work.

"I heard the explosion when I was on my way home." He said abruptly to them and then he stepped aside.

He scoffed at the loamy, flat terrain. "What happened to my backyard?"