Chapter Six: One night with them

(Spade's Pov) We walk into their house and they start attacking me. Twan went for my neck and Wayne went to kiss me. Wayne picked me up and carried me with Twan leading the way to a room. I start kissing Wayne and he bites my lip for permission which I granted. Meanwhile Twan started doing other things to me...


I wake up to both of my mates on either side. I realize it was morning and started freaking out. I accidentally woke up Twan and Wayne in the process. They asked what was wrong and I told them my family probably has guards looking for me. We walk to the border in the forest and I kissed them goodbye before leaving. As soon as I cross the borderline and start heading back to the house Jake comes running up to me. He started asking several questions and I look back to see Wayne and Twan are gone.


I was upset that I couldn't stay with them longer. I realized I spaced out and told Jake to stop asking so many questions. I assured him and the other guards that I was fine. I got to the house and I see my family looking mad/worried. Zach sniffed the air and asked who I was with. I told him that was none of his concern. He used his alpha voice and said "It Is My Concern Because I'm Your Older Brother And Your Alpha!" I ignored him and asked dad if I could go with him, Ava, and Matthew to the Chancellor pack today. He said "Yes, but don't leave again without telling someone." I told him ok and ran to my room to take a shower. After I was done I changed back into Twan and Wayne's' clothes.