Chapter Twenty-Three: Scarlet taking control over Ava and greeting Drake

(Ava's Pov) Scarlet was trying to take control, but I was fighting her on control. I stuck my nose up in the air sniffing for the "reason." I took a deep breath to calm down to maintain control over Scarlet.


There was an alpha wolf nearby and it was coming closer. Scarlet kept trying to take control for safety reasons I assume. Once I caught a glance of the alpha I took a few steps towards the border. I stood tall to stand my grounds in case I needed to. The alpha started getting closer to the border. He stopped a few feet away from it. I glanced at the alpha examining him from head to toe. He was a bit bigger than Zach is, has golden brown eyes, and his fur is a dark chestnut brown. I noticed he was also checking me out and looked mesmerized by my looks. He growled saying, "Mate", I was confused as to what was going on. I let my guard down just a little bit and Scarlet took control immediately. I realized Scarlet started crossing over to greet the alpha. The alpha shifted and so did Scarlet. I fought Scarlet for control and I started making out with him. Scarlet was demanding for Uriel to take control of Isabella and come running here.


It wasn't long before I had to pull away from the kiss. I asked what his name was and he said, "Drake." He started sniffing the air when Isabella was walking towards us. I saw Uriel in control and she started charging at us. Isabella was back in control and I started kissing her. Drake wrapped his arms around her waist and started licking her neck. I stopped kissing her when I felt the presence of Ace and turned towards his direction. I noticed his wolf was in control because his eyes were crimson. He was growl furiously and snarling at Drake.