Xavier's Watch


CHAPTER 96 – Xavier's Watch

His smile broadened but he never acted surprised by her wits. 

"Impressive, My Lady."

"I wouldn't say so."

"No. You should take the credit when such is given. However, when I said this was my first time baking, I took out the part where I always assisted my wife in the kitchen. This, however, is the first time to bake anything alone."

"I see."

"Yes. I did not lie to you. I am a tad bit offended that you would be suspicious of me. Nevertheless, I can guess why."

"Then enlighten me, Sir Garren. How so?"

"Because I am a stranger and not as handsome as His Majesty."

At the last part, Raven burst out into a round of uncontrollable laughter. 


Yes, he may not be half as handsome as Xavier but that was no reason why she would not believe him.