Climbing Challenge


CHAPTER 148 - Climbing Challenge

King Jared shook his head. He did not want to believe in the words Aragorn had to say. 

Left to him, he did not wish for the throne to depart from his kindred in his time. 

To him, that was a failure on his part in not being able to protect the legacy left behind. 

"Whatever it may be, I do not plan on waiting and hiding like a mouse waiting to be snuffed out. If he is bold enough, he can show his face. Whatever may come, Drakenflare would be ready."

"And for once have you thought about your subjects – the good people of this kingdom? Do they wish to see their races going to war?"

"Has he done any good thing for them other than make us a hated race when he went on a killing spree?"

"I just hope you think like a king would and not because of your own selfish reasons."

'You will not insult me in my own home, Aragorn!" Jared bellowed slamming his palm on the table.