Danger's Teeth

They enjoyed their powers. "Alright"said Donald, coming back to form, "We've got next round to dral with."

They headed down the mountain. Daisy reached the bottom so easily with her power. Meanwhile, Donald yet again went invisible. John was alone, climbing down cautiously. "What am I gonna do with this fire?"he asked himself.

"Our next would be based on our power."said Daisy. John was breathing heavily as he reached them. "John,"said Daisy, "you're so hot...literally."

They found a short stretch of tall trees around them. "Even in dream, I feel hungry."said Donald.

"Hey, Daisy. Pick that fruit" Daisy nodded as she plucked three fruits from a tree beside them.

"It is weird but tasty."she said as she ate it. Before, John took it close to his mouth, they heard a big groaning sound, from a lady.

"Who's that supposed to be?"asked John as they went past the trees. They found a river.

"What the..." said Donald as they found a lady drowning in the river. But, that seemed odd. She was being pulled in by someone. "HELP!"she yelled.

"Daisy"saif John, "use your power."

But when John turned back, Daisy went unconscious as she was tripping down. Donald went for her rescue. What happened to her?John thought. There was this strange lady being pulled underwater and there was Daisy. Who would John save?

"Donald," he said, "take care of Daisy. I shall save the other." Then he jumped into the river.

"Oh God, how am I supposed to use fire here?"he asked himself as he dived in. He was amused as there was no sign of a monster as he imagined. He found the legs of the lady, completely normal. Then, why does she... "Oh no." John said, "It's a trap."

He came to the land and found the absence of both Donald and Daisy. "What did you do?"he yelled.

The lady, in her purple outfit, emerged from the water, floating in the air. "You are so weak. Like your parents."she said.

She knew about John's parents. John stood there dumbstruck. His blood was rushing with anger. He became to glow. His hands made balls of fire and he threw at her.

"Pity."she said as she defended them.

"You can't defeat me."she said with a crooked smile.

"I know." John said, "But, he can."

Donald emerged suddenly from the air as he kicked the lady down to the land. "I could float as well." he said.

"You are weak at land."said John. "Go to hell." He burned her alive.

"Where is Daisy?" John asked. Donald's face got saddened as he said, "That fruit. It killed her."

That's it. One player eliminated.

The entire arena changed in a second. "What's happening..."they looked amused.

They found a boy and a girl standing opposite to them.


announced the voice.