Opening the store

Wang Cai returned to the game after lunch. He was on the third floor of his shop, the training room. Because that's where he left the character before disconnecting the game.

Looking at the store's function screen, he saw many things to be done. Like updates, improvements and other things.

What he intended to do was put an NPC to work in the shop instead of a player, as it was so much better. But it was necessary to treat the NPC very well so that there were no problems.

The system had many types of characters to be rented, he just had to choose one and he would either show up, or the player could find a reliable NPC.

Looking at the list, he saw some familiar figures as they were shop workers he had visited.

The cheapest cost around one hundred gold coins and the most expensive cost more than fifty thousand gold coins.

The difference was because of their negotiation skills. So, it was normal to be more expensive.

Wang Cai chose a certain NPC he knew in the previous life.

A pretty middle-aged woman. She was mature and sensual, something that appealed to players, especially male ones. Her tight, revealing clothes were very attractive and sexy.

But that was just the outward appearance, deep down she was a great negotiator.

Her clothes were just to catch the customer off guard and get as much money out of them as possible.

For the workers, he chose two beautiful and elegant young women. They also had negotiation skills.

When clicking on hire, they disappear from the system and appear inside the store as if they were teleportation. The gold coins were discounted, about five thousand.

Each month, this amount would be discounted.

"Sir, thank you for hiring us." They bow before him.

"Madame Essos, you will be the store manager and you will be in charge of taking care of general affairs and everything. Miss Nallo and Miss Perkt, you two will be the salesgirls and will take care of the basic things of the store" Wang Cai distributed the duties.

"We will do our best to meet your expectations" The trio spoke at the same time.

"As for the items to be sold, I left it in the warehouse back there. The price will be set by you according to demand and demand. But you can sell for up to twenty percent less, that's the limit."

"Sir, I know what to do. As one of the greatest traders in the kingdom, I will do my best to make money from the items. Allow me to look at the items you have before putting an appropriate price"

"You can see"

A few minutes later…

"Sir, I estimate that each of these Anti-Poison Potions can be sold for up to five hundred gold coins or even more . I've heard rumors that Ancient God's Tomb Ruins are for adventurers above level 400 or 500. These potions are very useful for them as they are better than normal antidotes. Currently, it has been recorded that the most powerful adventurer is only at level 380, but he can't even enter the ruins yet because of the lack of companions. So when the day comes, everyone on the continent will want to buy this. We can save it and leave it for sale in the future."

"Good words. And about the clothes, what do you think about them?"

"Sir, clothes with the most basic and simple effects can be sold for a gold coin. Uncommon effects can be sold for five gold coins. And the rarest effects can be sold for around fifty, a hundred, or even a thousand gold coins. This will depend on the adventurers' demand for these clothes"

"Very good. I'll leave matters to you. My wife will show up shortly to continue making the clothes. If there's anything she needs, just give it to her."

"Yes sir. We understand."

After delegating roles to the NPCs, he needed to increase their loyalty by improving their pay, better working conditions, and other things.

It was expensive, but it was worth it.

When these three NPCs get more loyal, he could expand things further. And their management skills would improve too.

Wang Cai kept looking at the system functions and improved a few more things like the internal appearance of the place as it looked very empty and with nothing.

The three women began to arrange things in the windows and display more products.

After the decorations, the store was very beautiful to look at, inside and out.

The only thing missing was a customer. Just one customer was enough for many more to show up.

So he began to spread rumors about the Anti-Poison Potions being sold in a shop far from the center of town.

It didn't take long for a lot of players to go there to see if it was true or not.

When the rumors were confirmed, players caused quite a stir because it was indeed true.

Someone else besides the auction was selling the potions, but the price was about four or five times what they sold at the auction house.

But that didn't matter, the item was already covered even before it had many uses.

The item was for the above 400 grind places, but no one was at that level yet. So they would stock up for future adventures.

The potion's recipe was still unknown, so they were forced to buy the potion.

Besides potions, many special effects outfits were sold.

Some even had very rare effects that can help players in many ways.

Before long, news about a player-run shop spread throughout Agoria Kingdom, but it wasn't hard to understand who owned the shop.

There was only one player who managed to own a property in the city so far. But his identity was still a mystery.

In less than an hour, the shop has raised over five hundred thousand gold coins by selling potions and clothes.

"Wang Cai, this is amazing!!!! The store already has so many gold coins in such a short time!!! My clothes are selling out really fast!!!!" Yue Xi excitedly shouted in the whisper. She never thought she would see so much money in her life.

Just the money received from selling her clothes was enough to buy a house and a new car. That was a lot.

"This is just the beginning. When your clothes get better and prettier, the value will be several dozen or even hundreds of times more"

"Really??!!!!" She didn't even dare believe it.

"Yea. The current value is laughable compared to what you can earn when your Tailoring skill evolves after reaching level 10."

"What comes after level 10?"

"Intermediate rank. After that comes the Tailoring Advanced. At this level, just one outfit can be worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins"

"…" Yue Xi didn't even dare think about it because it was so insane.

Could just one outfit be worth so much? It was hard to believe.

"Miss Yue, just keep working hard making the clothes. But if you want, you can learn other crafts like leatherwork, craftsman, cooking and other things like that that don't need a lot of points in the STR attribute."

"Wang Cai, if I level up, can I get things done faster?"

"Yea. But it will be necessary to get used to your new powers when creating the items"

"So I preferred to stay at level 0. I already got some extra stats for the STR and VIT attribute, and Perseverance, Two Hands Mastery, and a title called the Tailor's Blessing"

"What does that title do?"

"Increases the chances of creating an outfit with one or two extra attributes. So my clothes can have up to three attributes. I received it just now. Only those who tirelessly make beautiful and good clothes can achieve the title"

"Miss Yue, you are really capable."

"Thanks for the compliment"