
'Can every human being act normally even if they are different?'

Amidst the quiet embrace of a busy city, where a symphony of footsteps and the distant sound of car horns echo through the air, fate orchestrates an extraordinary encounter. Denise, a tough but wheelchair-bound tomboy, navigates the uneven sidewalks with confidence and determination. Meanwhile, Erick, a blind student guided by his trusty white cane, relies on his keen sense of sight to see the world around him. Their paths converge at a fortuitous point, the universe gently intertwining their destinies. Little did they know, this initial encounter would become a profound journey of mutual understanding, divinity, and an unexpected bond that would defy the boundaries of their respective challenges.

As Denise walked down the busy street, her keen sense of empathy adjusted to the rhythm of the world around her. Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat as she saw an ominous scene unfolding nearby. A blind student, with a white cane in his hand, was being teased by a group of children.

Oh, no! I must save that person.

Without hesitation, Denise glided towards the disturbance, her determination showing through the wheels of her chair. With a calm yet strong voice, she faced the children, quickly intervening to protect the blind student from their taunts. Her presence alone, a testament to her toughness, changed the atmosphere. As she stood as a beacon of solidarity, Denise not only thwarted the taunts but also sowed seeds of compassion and understanding among the residents, leaving an indelible mark on the sidewalk that spoke stronger than words.

"Hello, are you okay? I couldn't help but notice what happened on the street earlier," Denise approached the blind student.

"Oh, hi! Thanks for helping me. It was just a normal teasing, you know." The student did not object.

"No one deserves to be treated like that. By the way, I'm Denise. Nice to meet you." Denise introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you too, Denise. I'm Erick. I appreciate your help earlier."

"Of course, Erick. I was really disturbed to see those kids teasing you. How can you handle a situation like that?"

"I try to ignore it most of the time. But it's not always easy," Erick told her how bitter his struggle was.

"I can imagine. People can be so careless sometimes. If you need someone to talk to or if it happens again, don't hesitate to fight back."

"Thank you, Denise. That means a lot to me. By the way, my cane senses that you use a wheelchair. Are you facing challenges too?"

Denise looked at her wheelchair, "Of course, but I have learned to face the world in my own way. We all have unique struggles, but together we can make a difference. If we support each other, maybe we can change some attitudes."

"That's a good angle. I'm glad we met today."




With her heart still warmed by the compassion she shared, Denise returns home energized after stepping in to save Erick from the distractions of children. As she stepped through the door, the bright smile on her face hinted at the quiet victory she had just experienced on the crowded streets. Her parents, seated in the cozy living room, looked on with curious expressions. Denise began to recount the incident, her voice trembling with concern for Erick and pride in her ability to make a positive impact. Her parents, glowing with admiration, listened attentively, recognizing the strength and empathy that defined their daughter's character.

Denise entered her room, feeling exhausted after a long day. Wanting to relax, she headed straight for the television remote. As the television screen flickered on, she was immediately captivated by the latest news about a training center for blind assistants. The report featured the incredible journey of blind people undergoing specialized training to become skilled assistants. Denise felt inspired by their passion and the innovative methods used at the center, which aims to support and encourage blind people to work in various professional fields.

The next day on campus, Denise told Sarah, her best friend, about what happened yesterday. Sarah was Denise's best friend from middle school, so when she found out that they were on the same campus, she was thrilled. Sarah, seeing the sparkle in Denise's eyes as she told the story of how she met Erick, was very meaningful.

"Sarah, yesterday's meeting with Erick was even more enlightening than I expected. He really is an inspiring person," Denise assessed Erick's persistence to Sarah.

"What stood out to you the most about him?" Sarah smiled at Denise's experience.

"Well, he shared some of the challenges he faces every day, and it made me realize how little I know about the daily experiences of the visually impaired. However, despite all the obstacles, Erick exudes tremendous spirit and determination."

"It seems like he left a deep impression on you. What did you discuss during your meeting with him?"

"We talked about his navigation techniques, the crutches he uses, and the importance of clear communication. He also shared some of his aspirations, and that made me even more excited about training for blind assistants."

"That was very interesting. It's great that you got an insight into their world. Do you feel more prepared for the training now?"

"I want to help, but I'm not sure if I can with everything that's going on, especially with him and the blind people."

Sarah nodded understandingly, knowing that balancing her disability with Denise's responsibilities could be challenging. "I understand. There's a lot to do, and you have a disability yourself. But you know, sometimes helping others can be fulfilling. What's holding you back from doing this?"

Denise hesitated, twirling a strand of her hair. "I'm worried about how I'll manage. I mean, I'm still figuring things out with Erick, and adding another layer of responsibility might overwhelm him. What if I can't meet Erick's expectations?"

Sarah sipped her Cappuccino coffee, and thought for a moment. "Denise, you are capable of more than you think. You've found your own rhythm in life, and you've been a great support to Erick. Maybe helping Erick could be an opportunity to grow, not only for him but for you as well."

Denise nodded, considering Sarah's point of view. "You're right. It's just a matter of finding a balance. I want to help Erick, and I know I can, but I have to make sure that I don't overextend myself."

Sarah smiled. "Exactly. Communication is key. Set clear boundaries, and let him know the dos and don'ts. It's all about finding a middle ground. And hey, if you need help, I'll always be by your side."

Denise chuckled, grateful for Sarah's understanding. "Thank you, Sarah. I think it's time to have an honest talk with Erick and see how we can work this out."

The sun was shining brightly as Denise approached the Blind Companion Training Center, a place she had heard so much about but had never visited. She had always been intrigued by the idea of guide dogs and their amazing ability to help those with visual impairments. Today, she decided to take a tour of the training center to learn more about the process and perhaps donate her time.

As Denise entered the training center, she was greeted by a friendly staff member. The staff explained the various programs offered, including guide dog training and orientation and mobility training for individuals with visual impairments. Denise was taken on a tour of the facility and introduced to some of the guide dogs in training. The dedication and skill of the trainers left a lasting impression on her.

After the tour, Denise decided to spend some time in the courtyard of the rehabilitation center, reflecting on the amazing work being done. As she sat on a bench, she heard a familiar voice nearby. It was Erick, a man she had met a few weeks earlier on the street. Back then, Denise had offered to help show him the way, not realizing that he was visually impaired.

"Hey, you're the one helped me on the road, right?" Erick said with a smile as he approached.

Surprised to see him again, Denise replied, "Yes, that was me! What a small world. What brings you to the Blind Companion Training Center?"

Erick explained that he was a regular visitor, attending orientation and mobility classes to increase his independence. He shared his journey adapting to life as a blind person and how the center played an important role in building his confidence.

As they chatted, Denise learned more about Erick's experiences and the challenges he faced. Although the initial encounter on the street was a chance meeting, Denise felt a connection with Erick and admired his determination. Inspired by their conversation, Denise decided to volunteer at the training center on a regular basis, offering her support and assistance to the staff and those undergoing training.

An unexpected encounter at the Blind Companion Training Center turned into a meaningful relationship for Denise and Erick. They discovered a shared passion for making a positive impact in the lives of visually impaired people, and their chance meeting blossomed into a friendship built on empathy and understanding. Since that day, Denise and Erick have continued to meet at the center, working together to contribute to the well-being and independence of those who explore the world with the help of guide dogs.

The End