Everyone was back at the hideout, getting out of their costumes and relaxing, thankfully they didn't have school today so they were free.
Bruce didn't care if they missed a few days, since they all could test out if they wanted to, it was primarily so they had the chance to still interact with kids their age, to have a chance to be a 'normal teenager.' that he wanted them to go to school.
Changing into a black shirt and black striped pajama pants and socks he went over to the computer they had. Pouring the shavings he got into the scanning software before closing it, setting it to deep scan he returned back to the others, only to find Alfrid with snacks for everyone, setting the tray onto the table.
''Alfrid, how did you get here so fast?'' Leo asked, watching him.
The Butler laughed merrily as he poured some herbal tea for Leo. ''Old I might be Young Master Leo, but I've still got a spring in my step!''
''Fine, keep your secrets old man.'' He muttered as he sipped at his tea, turning to look at the T.V. that Garfield had turned on.
It looked like Saturday morning cartoons so it mildly held his interest, but now that he had switched to casual clothing and set himself 'off' battle mode, he felt the vibration in his 'soul.'
Reaching into his inventory he took out his phone, noticing he got a message from Raven who was across the room curled up in her chair with a blanket over her legs, relaxed back and reading a thick book. No phone in sight.
Leo looked up from his phone and tea, seeing Rachel's phone floating from under the blanket, his eyes focused as he noticed the slight shimmer of the hand before it disappeared beneath the blanket again.
Rachel stood up, marching over to him she took his hand and began to drag him off.
''Where you two going?'' Robin asked out of interest, giving Leo the chance he needed to take a few sandwiches for himself and Raven.
''Going to go see if giving a blow job is as fun as they say it is.'' Rachel fired off with a dead panned face.
Tim's face overheated and he froze all movement as Garfield and Victor both broke into laughter, Garfield going far enough to turn into a hyena.
Kora had no idea why everyone was laughing, but she joined in with them.
''In all seriousness, Leo can see traces of magic, which means he's got a pretty good chance to grasp the basics of magic pretty quickly, going to see if I can't give him some help to learn some basics of it.''
''You to, can see the sparkly?!'' Kora called out, eyes beaming.
Rachel rolled her eyes. ''Don't bother, I've tried to teach her magic, and it's like trying to toss water balloons at a wall.''
Leo chuckled as he was dragged away, coming into her 'office'.
They all had separate places for themselves, such as an apartment near the school, and a place in the Wayne Manor, but at the hideout, everyone had a room dedicated to themselves as well, it was more so a 'suit up' room, but it was large enough to have a small section for personal things, most of them had beds of some sort there.
Pulling him around and pushing him onto her couch before she raised a hand, calling one of the books off the shelf and pulling it towards her, once she had the book she flipped through it for a moment in silence before handing it off to him.
''How to Sense Magic? I'm assuming this isn't the same as seeing it.'' Leo asked as he started reading.
''No, but being able to see it helps tremendously, it's harder to 'sense' something you don't know is there. All of the team have a varying ability to sense magic, Starfire purely out of being around me often enough. Beast boy sucks the most out of it, but instead, he's really good at being able to 'sniff' out magic so to speak.''
''So, once you're ready I'm going to cast a powerful mage hand, then move it around the room, sometimes behind the door in the hallway. I want you to watch it, memorize the pattern then close your eyes and try to do what's in that book.''
Leo nodded as he focused back onto the book.
It spoke of magic being something 'everyone' could use, but required different level of preparation, and training. But the first step to anything was being able to 'sense' the magic in the air.
You would need to be able to sense it first before being able to draw it in to you to store it.
So Leo watched as the hand moved across the room until it repeated it's pattern then he closed his eyes and focused.
Entering a meditative state was incredibly easy, especially since he's been training with Batman and preparing the mind was one of his biggest methods.
Emptying his find he tried to move his 'sense' around the room, following the path the hand was taking.
Leo felt Rachel sit onto the couch and get comfortable.
After about ten minutes he opened his eyes again, confirming the path once more before submerging himself into his sense.
He... He felt fuzzy, that's when he heard the notification and like remembering how to ride a bike, it suddenly became a lot easier to sense it.
''Can you move it randomly and then hide it somewhere?''
He didn't heard anything of a confirmation, but he felt the hand suddenly started moving around rapidly before coming to stop behind one of the mannequins holding her suit.
''Behind the mannequin.''
''Pretty impressive you got it that fast.'' Rachel commented as his eyes opened, turning to look at her as she was curled up with a blanket and book again.
''It's how my system works, once I 'unlock' a skill, it's less learning it and remembering it. So when I felt 'fuzzy' like a sense of deja vu, I just pushed a little harder.''
''Do you have like, a mana bar or something?'' She asked, flipping the page she was reading.
''Not, exactly? I do have a Health and Stamina bar, and greyed out ba... No, wait it's colored now, blue so I guess it's mana.''
He reached forward to click on it, to expand information about it. It showed his mana in percentage but then he heard another ding sound.
Looking up he noticed he completed a hidden mission.
[Learn Magic Sensing without purchasing it!]
-Mana Unlock
-Unlock Mana Gathering skill
[Would you like to automatically gather Mana at half-efficiency?]
''Oh, I've unlocked Mana Gathering, and there is an option to do it automatically at half efficiency.''
''Automatically? Let's see it.'' Rached said while closing her book.
Activating it, he got prompted with a 'Strength of Automation' bar, currently, it was at 50% and could go no higher.
''That's to much, you'd be pulling at the magic of people around you.''
He started to slowly lower it, waiting until she gave him the okay. ''That's perfect, that will only draw the ambient mana around you towards you.''
He was at 10%, he nodded as he dismissed the notifications before pulling up the mission from the Patrol that had been completed.
Since he took out three criminals, and completed the hidden objective which was helping multiple wounded. He got a bonus to his rewards.
-5,000 in Store Credit
-Basics of Medical Science
[Warning! Basics of Medical Science is a broad subject, and will require time to assimilate, it is recommended to sleep after activating the skill!]
''Oh, neat.''
''What?'' Rachel looked up from her book once more.
''After the patrol tonight, I got some money for the store, and the knowledge of Basic Medical science, but since it's a lot of information, I'll need to wait until I'm about to sleep before it activates.''
Rachel checked the watch on her wrist, noting it was already almost 8 AM now.
''Best a time if any, want me to portal you home?''
''Nah, just going to crash here, I'll see you later.'' Leo stood up, stretching a bit before setting the book on the table and walking out.
''Turn the light off on your way out!'' Rachel called from behind him and he waved over his shoulder before turning the light off and shutting the door.
Walking down the hall he went into his own office, closing the door behind him he left the light off as he walked across the basic space and made his shirt disappear but kept his pajama pants on as he collapsed onto the bed, activating the skill to basically hit an off switch in his head and pass out immediately.
He woke up four hours later on the dot, suddenly waking up with a lot more knowledge in his head, like background knowledge he remembered.
Thinking over last night there were multiple moments he could've done something better to assist in the healing process of the wounded, but it was only fine because of his system working like it did.
One thing that felt off, was the metal that he left last night. It should be finished scanning by now so he headed out of his room, not caring about not having a shirt on as he walked to the main area, everyone were either in their room, or not within his range to detect but since they were still a party they were all fine.
Typing away at the computer in the silence of the afternoon did he sense someone, they were out of the range of his minimap, but his senses new someone was there, there was no hostile intent coming off them.
That didn't stop him from drawing his Rifle suddenly and moving to turn around only to have the beautiful red head in the kitchen freeze on the spot from taking a bite out of her sandwich.
She stared at him, a moment of tension passing between them before his rifle vanished and he turned back to the computer, typing away.
Barbara stared at the back of the kid that just drew a gun on her.
She stared for a few moments before finishing her bite and walking over, noting how he didn't tense up despite her walking right up behind him to see what he was doing.
''You just draw a gun on everyone you don't know?''
''Only when their in a secret hideout for the Teen Titans that a select few people know, which some of select people weren't around recently.''
Barbara nodded, taking another bite out of her sandwich before she continued. ''But now you trust me?''
''Yeap.'' Leo quipped without hesitation, he stopped typing as he began to examine the information pulled up.
''Can I, ask why?''
''You make your sandwiches exactly like the brooder does.'' Leo's little comment got Barbara to snort hard out of her nose, turning away to finish her bite and swallow before she turned back around.
''The way I make Sandwiches? Oh my god, are you actually his kid?''
''What? No, adopted. Like the rest of the misfits.''
''Bull, you have his hair, make those same weird cryptic explanations, refuse to elaborate, you were even brooding over the computer, just like he does.'' She bubbled off behind him
''I never said I refused to elaborate.''
''Then explain your sandwich theory!''
''Batman makes sandwiches perfectly suited for him, by not just taste, but also nutrition. He also makes sure to put everything away before taking the first bite, which is actually a lot of self control, most people see the effort of their hard work, and immediately take a bite without thinking. You're also incredibly quiet, suppressing your presence because you find it annoying when someone interrupts your 'Sandwich' ritual, all things that you mimicked from him, that could only be because you've naturally started to do what he did after spending so long with him.''
She stared at him for a moment before taking another bite of her sandwich, speaking despite having a full mouth.
''So you're the new kid?''
''Yeap, the fresh meat.''
''You know, back when I joined, fresh meat meant getting dragged everywhere by Bruce, and being pushed to a physical and mental limit over and over.'' She peered at him, taking another bite of her sandwich, almost finished with it.
''As much as I wouldn't mind getting pushed to my physical and mental limit with you of all people, I already got that my first three months, but I did something that no one else Batman's taught did.'' Leo chuckled as he pulled up a few more things onto the screen.
''Oh god, you even flirt naturally like him, what if I'm dating someone already?''
''Just because there's a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score.'' Leo answered without missing a beat, getting a snicker out of Barbara as she finished her sandwich, chewing and swallowing before she continued.
''So what is it that you did different?''
''Shut up and followed orders, didn't try and get in trouble, or pretend I knew what I was doing, and I only pushed myself when it would net me gain, and not get me in trouble, I also have not ONCE gone on multiple joy rides, taken the Batwing out to bar hop, or taken the Bat-Mobile to get to a college party quickly.''
''Oh, you got from flirting with me to attacking me? Selina would LOVE you nooby.''
''I'd LOVE her too.'' Leo snickered, thinking about Catwoman in her signature suit.
''That's it, on the mat. I'm sick of you always having a comeback.'' She brushed off her hands as she went to set her plate back into the sink, heading towards the mat.
Leo made the computer run an automated search with the new parameters he set before he headed over to the mat, joining her in a few stretches before they started.
''Why cant you be as easy to tease as Tim is?'' She spoke as she leaned back, stretching out her back.
''Because, unlike Tim, I'm not a virgin, well. At least this body is the only thing a virgin. I also understand that for some reason, most supervillains that are female are incredibly hot, and I might very well be put between two soft places and need to fight off seduction. I also know a clear mind is the first step to being able to fight against aphrodisiacs. Something that Ivy uses quite frequently.''
''He's already got you learning to fight off chemicals? Damn, that took me almost a year to get to.''
''Benefits of having powers, even if I'm 'Technically' only a human, I have the potential to be more, quicker than most.''
They suddenly moved, starting to engage in a 'friendly' case of sparing.
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