Hot Tub Time Machine

There was a loud slam as Leo's back hit the mat and he groaned out.

''What will everyone thing, seeing you get thrown around by a girl?'' Barbara taunted, standing as she had her hands on her hips trying to catch her breath.

''Depends on who you ask.'' Leo chuckled out, laying on the mat for awhile.

''Some? Would call me weak, others? Call me a man, especially after that flying leg lock move you pulled on me. You know how many people would pay to get thrown around by a hot red head?''

Barbara laughed, walking over to help him up. ''Actually I do, when Only Fans first came out, my public profile was FLOODED with requests, most of them feet related.''

Leo barked out a laugh at that, and so did Tim, who had woken up shortly after they started sparing and came to watch T.V. with a bowl of cereal.

Others were awake, but no one showed their face yet.

''I never understood feet stuff.'' Barbara stated while she brushed her hands off going to grab a towel, tossing one to Leo.

''I'm not into it, but I understand it to a point.'' Leo spoke up while he was whipping the sweat off his neck and chest.

''Explain then, oh wise guru.'' Tim asked from the couch.

''Well think about it, if you really loved someone, like truly, deeply, wholly loved them, you'd be willing to kiss their feet. Then, further pushing that with the mental psyche and how it adapts. Let's say your kicked a lot, or bullied. Made to smell feet or something, the mind will adapt that feeling into you possibly enjoying it.''

''Like how Physical stimulation, no matter what will still cause erections?'' Tim spoke up.

''Bingo, so in theory, if we were to combine a few extra factors, foot fetishes are easily obtainable, explainable, however. Some people make it 'weirder' then it already is.''

''Like toe sucking?'' Barbara asked which got a gag from Tim, which caused her and Leo to laugh.

''Yes, like toe sucking, but as a man who eats ass? Some weird things you just put up with.''

That caused Tim to start choking on his cereal and Barbara to look over at him funny.

''You eat ass?'' Barbara asked hesitantly.

''Yeah, granted it was before I died, and only after preparation and a lot of before care work, but you want to know something funny?''

Both of them looked at him, hopes raised.

''Did you know, Viagra is counted as a buff?''

Tim's face went blank and Barbara started giggle snorting.

Off in the distance, they heard something heavy hit the ground then Viktor bust ass laughing, he must have overheard them.

Suddenly Beast Boys door thundered open. ''HOLD ON! I have a question Leo!''

''Shoot my green friend.''

''If Viagra is considered a buff to your system, would something like lactose intolerance be considered a debuff? And IN TURN, if you were to find something that could clear that Debuff, you could just take someone's lactose away?''

Leo stared at Beast Boy, dumbfounded.

Actually, everyone was, before Tim slowly spoke up.

''Well... IF it's anything he would be smart at... I guess it would be something like a video game question?''

''HEY! I'm Smart!''

''I CALL BULL!'' They all heard Rachel scream out, her door opening.

''Garfield, just two days ago, you started crying because when you tried flipping a pancake, it got stuck on the ceiling.''

Garfield sniffled, being reminded of the hurtful memory.

''Ah, she just, aims where it hurts, doesn't she?'' Leo chuckled as he finished whipping himself off.

''Y'all are an absolute blast to be around, this is why I didn't come to the mansion first.''

''Despite, being ordered to.'' Said a stern voice that caused Garfield to scream like a girl, automatically turning into a goat and going stiff as he fell to the floor.

Leo slapped a hand over his mouth, trying not to bust out into laughter as Barbara turned to look at Batman, sticking out her tongue. ''I still put in my report! That big mansion is lonely, and old! It's not like it would take you long to get here anyway.''

Bruce sighed before moving to go hand Leo a black card.

''Lucius has cleared the 48th floor for you, and provided you with some basic equipment to get you started like you asked me, I've also provided you with some toxins, and enhancing drugs to take a look at to practice, careful with the toxins. The lab comes with vents so if you ever need to, activate them. The vents will dispose of the toxins automatically after some time.''

''48th floor?'' Barbara asked, everyone, showing an interest in the information.

''Oh, is this about what you got last night?'' Rachel asked, dressed for the day already as she went to go make herself breakfast, which was technically lunch.

''Yeah, our patrol last night awarded me basic Medical Science knowledge, over ALL fields of it, so I asked him if I could have a lab or something to practice, maybe try and make safe enhancement serums for us if we ever needed it, since if anyone could make a perfectly safe serum, with no side effects it would be me and my system.''

''Lucius was more then happy to help, and it was Barry who recommended giving you some samples to work with. Also.''

Taking Leo's hand, and turning his hand so he could see Leo's watch, a piece of high tech used for their 'night life' that did quite a bit, but it's man thing was a communicator incase of emergencies, it was also able to update contacts, then update them in Leo's gear later.

''I'm sending your frequency to Barry, he asked to meet you, and with his speed he can be in two places at once if he tries so whenever you're free, contact him. Not sure why he want's to meet you.''

''Oh great, soon I'll be meeting Superman.'' Leo joked, only to get a long moment of silence, a different silence.

''Why?'' A lot of people echoed.

Batman smiled a bit, since they all were able to get an answer out of him without hearing him say anything.

''Because Both he and I are curious how your... Power will effect him, I also have a few other of the Justice League that will be participating in tests. However, as you can imagine we're busy. Superman is off-world currently, but he should be back within the week or so to talk to you.''

Batman released his wrist as he finished, not telling that he infact did more then just send his frequency to Barry, but almost the entirety of the League.

All of them had interest in his knew 'Trainee', much like they did with the others.

''Man, I haven't got to meet Superman yet.'' Garfield sighed, going to go make himself a sandwich.

''Yeah, but you have met Power Girl, lucky dog.'' Viktor sighed out, the kind of sigh a boy in love would have.

Leo's brain malfunctioned. ''Wait, but doesn't Super Girl exist?''

Batman suddenly locked eyes with him, Batman knew of Leo's knowledge, he had a certain, all be it vague knowledge of the world, as if he knew of it, but not to much about it.

But this is the first time Leo's ever showed confusion about something, at least this openly.

''Yes, why?''

''Well, I'll admit, I had a crush on Power Girl like most, so I knew a bit more about her. One things was that she was the... Mmm.. 'Alternate' version of Super Girl? Both were cousins of Superman though.''

Batman watched a moment, later he would need to sit down with Leo and compared his knowledge to what he knew, but at the same time that meant sharing knowledge with Leo even if he tried not to...

''Well, we know Alternate places exist, right? An older, much more powerful version of Rachel appeared once to help the League out with a magical disturbance that originally came from her version of earth.'' Viktor spoke, his eye glowing as he looked up the information from past records.

''Maybe we just so happen to exist in one with two cousins of Superman?'' Tim spoke, tabbing his spoon against his lips in thought.

''So Leo, I understand you're... A reincarnation?'' Barbara asked.

Some might fault Leo for being so opened about his secrets, but honestly. He was unsure if his mind was 'safe' from being intruded on. Since there were some who could EASILY read his thoughts, not just surface thoughts, but could dance through his memories.

He kept few things secret, and most of that was just how much his powers gave him access to.

If he so wanted, he could purchase 'Profiles' of people in this world, including Batman that contained every SINGLE detail of his life to this point.

Of course such a thing was incredibly expensive, especially Batman's, but it still existed.

'' Reincarnation might be a fuzzy term, I do remember living my life as 'Leo', but even then Leo never existed here until I appeared, but he still lived in a universe similar to this one. But, since I was just a normal person before, I didn't have the kind of clearance and insight I do now on the 'workings' of the world. But, at the same time I have memories of another life, dying and the knowledge of that life, that included information about this world, but it seems detached, like a story I read or something.''

''So, we're just characters?'' Garfield asked, it taking a lot of brain power at him to do so.

''No, you're real, as real as me. As we get glimpses of other worlds, other realities, people where I was originally from, also got them, and you know how well hero merchandise sells here, how about in a world that 'doesn't' have heroes?'' Leo said, pulling his towel around his shoulders, everyone was doing their own thing, but only Leo and Batman where still standing, but everyone was listening in.

''So you could tell us our futures?'' Barbara asked, Batman, shaking his head.

''No, there are already differences in the knowledge he has. When we met originally, he knew my identity but had no idea about Robin's. As shows how he was confused about Power Girl and Super Girl. Even if he has a 'good' guess about our futures, the knowledge is too questionable to be able to trust.''

Barbara pouted, only because she was hoping that she could get some information out of Leo, like what clothing trends would come so she could get ahead of the curve, be the boss bitch at her college.

''Damn, I was hoping to ask him if they ever make another Hot Tub Time Machine movie.'' Viktor muttered as he went to go play some games.

''What the hell is Hot Tub Time Machine?'' Came Leo's response, only for Viktor to slam the brakes. ''WELP, I know how we're spending the afternoon!''


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