Chapter 16- Ark, we have another problem.

Standing in a tree, the same blonde woman that I saw leading the grounders was observing my rather strange way of taming the creature that charged our position.

"Seya (Chief/Leader)! The sky people are taking the war beast with them. Do we attack them now?"

"No! Let them leave."

"But Seya…"

"I said no! Their leader is dangerous. His throws would kill us before we could even realize it. For now, we'll just watch them from afar. Under no circumstances should anyone approach their camp. I don't want any more pointless deaths until Heda (Commander) summons the clans for war."

"As you wish Seya."

Meanwhile, the team led by Finn and Bellamy reached the halfway mark where the art bunker was located. Since Finn and Clarke found this place, they were the ones that were deciding if any teams of ours could use it as a resting place or in case anyone of our people may find themselves outside of our walls and would need a place to rest for the night.

While no one pressures them, Finn and Clarke were willing to share this place with everyone despite what this place meant for both of them. As for why the four of them stopped here? The answer to that is that this is where we were meant to gather if something happen.

Unfortunately for the two lovebirds, Finn's ex-girlfriend was also there looking at them with some doubt in her eyes, while Bellamy was regretting abandoning his friends.

"Bellamy, don't worry, they would be fine. Have some faith in them."

"You don't understand Finn. I was going to shoot Leon just so that I could destroy this damned radio. I was willing to kill my friend just so that I could prevent anyone from contacting the Ark. Leon may not hate me for that, but I won't be able to forgive myself. He saved my sister, he trusted me, and he even saved our people when no one stood there for them. He kept them united when the grounders sent their pets to attack and yet I still choose to betray his trust."

"You did it for your sister. Leon knows that and will never turn his back on you. You don't know him as I do, but that guy chooses to change himself after we found him in the woods. He's friendlier, livelier and above all, he seemed to have accepted his past mistakes."

Before Bellamy or Clarke could say anything, Raven shouted at Finn.

"What do you know, Finn? Just because Leon befriended you on the Ark, do you think you have the right to say whatever you want? We both know how much he regrets the day his father was floated and yet you speak as if you understand his pain."

"This isn't about us, Raven. "

"Of course, it isn't! There's nothing between us any more thanks to you. I was devastated for a time, but thanks to you, I've learned something important. I hope you are happy with whoever you are now together, maybe she will understand you better than I did."

After saying those things to Finn, Raven returned to her seat, working on something, while the other three people just stood there in silence waiting for me and my team to return. Time passed slowly as no one said anything, even when Raven was looking around the bunker for parts to start the radio from down there. Soon another hour passed just like that and just as all four of them thought that the worst may have happened to us, I series of knocks were heard on the hatch of the bunker. The knocking was heard two more times, having the same pattern as the first series, before Bellamy slowly opened the hatch, with his pistol aimed that whoever's face was he going to see. Thankfully for Bellamy, the person that greeted him wasn't a grounder, or else he wouldn't have even known how he could have died.

"What's with that face, Bellamy? First time seeing such a handsome guy?"

Bellamy didn't say anything, but he quickly climbed and patted me on my shoulder. I could see that he wasn't feeling well, but I wasn't going to ask him what was wrong.

"I'm sorry Leon. I shouldn't have pointed my gun at you."

"Don't worry about this. No one was hurt so everything is fine, though, I'd appreciate it if the next time you don't flash your gun in my face. I may not fear death, but it's not nice seeing the bullet through the barrel. Anyways, where are Raven, Clarke, and Finn?"

"Down there…but it's not a happy reunion."

"What a surprise. By the way, meet Betsy, our new friend. She is such a good girl."

When he saw Betsy, the achelosaurus, Bellamy draw his gun and aimed at Betsy. Before he could even think about shooting, I put my hand on his shoulder, telling him that it was all right. To be fair, I kind of expected that reaction from Bellamy, after all, this achelosaurus did attack us. Now that they met, I quickly went down into the bunker to see if Raven gutted Finn or not. Thankfully she didn't, but if I would have left these two alone any longer, then our camp would have remained without one of the best trackers we had.

As soon as they saw me, their faces changed faster than you can count to three, making it obvious how relieved all three of them were to find me alive and well.

"That's the fourth time, I saw this face today. Can someone act like they weren't even worried about me for a change, please?"

"What happened back there? We saw the creature charging you guys."

"Nothing really. Betsy was just angry that the grounders chase her out of her home, at least that's what we believe happened."


"The achelosaurus, we named it Betsy."

"You took it back?!"

"Of course, Clarke. She even brought the drop pod with us, making our job easier. It will also mean that we won't have to risk our lives just to bring everything from the pod back home."

"We should leave. The sooner we get back to the dropship, the sooner we can contact the Ark again."

"As much as I hate to admit it, Finn's right. We can't let those people die."

We quickly climbed back up, closing the bunker behind us and hiding the hatch with some leaves so that the grounders won't find it before we start walking towards our camp once again. By the time we arrived back home, everyone was on the walls as soon as they saw Betsy, thinking that the grounders may attack them, but as soon as they saw us, all of the people that weren't on guard duty relaxed.

Unsurprisingly, all of them were curious about Betsy, especially after we had to kill the velociraptor that we had captured since he was being too aggressive and would try to bite us on every occasion. Though he did help us find more about the fauna around our camp, even saving a few lives at the same time.

As soon as all of us were inside the safety of our walls, everybody surrounded us as if we were some kind of beacon, especially Raven and Betsy. Before anyone could say or do something, Raven took the radio and ran towards the dropship to contact the Ark, confirming that we can definitely live down here without any problem …related to radiation.

As Roma and Miller took Betsy to unload the drop pod, one of the guys that were on guard duty ran to me.

"Leon! Murphy, he escaped!"

Another day, another problem on Earth.