Chapter 38 - The ones that lived

"Hey, where's my friend?!"

Miller talked to the guard who was tasked to observe the delinquents while they were being taken around the bunker by one of the kind citizens that wanted to be their tour guide. The guards, Miller was trying to get the attention of, weren't even looking at him, as if he didn't exist in the first place.

Even though these people took them from the dropship, other than Jasper, who slowly brainwashed everyone, Miller was the only one who tried to figure out what the catch was, after all, no one gives you free stuff not expecting something in return.

"I was told that my friend, Clarke Griffin, would be released from quarantine soon. It's been a whole day for god's sake. Where is she?"

Unsurprisingly the guards didn't talk, but this time he did look at Miller, clearly pissed that a kid was disturbing his peace.

"Do you guys have a problem with me? Or does your leader force you to ignore me?"

Before he could continue talking any further, someone shouted Clarke's name. The sudden shout made everyone turn their head and look at who had just come, Miller was no exception as he turned his head around to see Monty rushing out of the crowd to grab Clarke's arms as she approached everyone from the back.

Unlike what Jasper would have liked to happen, Clarke didn't join them on their tour, instead, she went near Miller, who was probably the only one who wasn't following their rules.

"It seems that Leon has been a bigger influence than I thought."

"Almost all of us were planning to escape, at least until that idiot came and start lying. Jasper had made everyone into brainwashed idiots. These people aren't what they say they are."

"I know that, Miller. I tried to escape my room, but they quickly shoot me with tranquilizers like I was some kind of animal."

"And here I thought that I was the only one that tried that."

"How many survived the battle?"

"I counted fifty-nine with another two being kept in the medical ward as they were way too injured."

"Do you know who's there?"

"One of them is Sergey, that lucky bastard survives eight arrow wounds, the other one is Wells. He is in pretty bad shape as well. They say that he would survive, but until now, they didn't let us visit him or Sergey."

Just when Clarke was about to inquire more about what happened to the rest of the delinquents, the tour guide that was leading the crowd, stepped forward with a package in her hand extended towards Clarke with a smile.

"Welcome, Clarke Griffin. If you have any questions regarding your stay in Mount Weather, I'm pleased to help. My name is Keenan, I hope we can get to know each other since I've heard a lot about you and your friends."

Neither Miller nor Clarke said anything to the guide as she backed away and left the delinquents to catch up with their friend, who had been in quarantine since she got saved. While he didn't want to give them even more reasons to monitor him, Miller couldn't help himself from staring after the Mt. Weather guide in disgust as the woman talked about all of the nonsense Jasper had stated since he has fallen in love with one of the residents of this bunker. After he was sure that the guide won't come back, he turned back at Clarke, who opened the booklet Keenan had given her and looked over a map. Clarke's face showed obvious discomfort and distrust, to which Miller made her fears to be true.

"We won't make it past the corridor even if we try and believe me, Clarke. I tried to wander off by myself, only to accidentally stumble across a pair of guards on more than a few occasions. They are watching every single thing we do."

"We won't do anything until we know for sure we can leave, besides it's not going to hurt anyone to be prepared, now does it?"

"Fair point, I guess. So, did you learn anything while you were in the quarantine room?"

"Not really, they didn't give me time to even breathe properly."

"Well, when they took me away, I kind of heard that there could be some grounders here, but I didn't manage to hear the rest of the story as they took me away."

"Do they know that you overheard them talking?"

"I was tranquilized, so no, I think they believed I was out, at least I hope they do."

"It seems that I'm not the only one who doesn't rust them. You don't trust them, either, do you?"

Miller looked at her with a smile on his face, there was no need for either a verbal confirmation or a nod to confirm what Clarke already suspected. More so ever after what they had faced back in the forest and if they learned one thing, that was to never trust other people, especially the people that seem to want to help you.

The crowd around Clarke stood around her and talked to her trying to see if the only person that was recognized as a leader by them has a plan until they all went away when Keenan called them mentioning that they are waited in the cafeteria to eat.

As always, both Miller and Clarke were the only two to hang back as their suspicion only grew stronger when the people that lived in the bunker offered them food out of nowhere.

"Clarke, wait." Miller stopped her right before the two of them were about to enter the crowded dining room in which all the delinquents were eating provided by Mt. Weather. Clarke looked around nervously, but Miller was sure they weren't suspected any more than they already were. He grabbed Clarke's arm reassuringly.

"Trust me, I get it. But we're prisoners in here, okay? No matter how much that old guy smiles, he's lying. They took us from our camp using force nonetheless, and then they locked us in white rooms for God knows how long and won't let us leave this place saying all kinds of bullshit. We need to act as if we are playing in their palms or else who knows what they would do to us, to all of us?"

Clarke looked at Miller, who nodded at her and both of them start eating the food that they got, hoping that whoever was watching them would think that they had finally succumbed to their goodwill.

As they were eating, Clarke suddenly saw something that made her brain formulate a plan.

"We need access to the elevators so we can find an exit route, or even get our hands on one of their keycards that could open all doors."

Just as she said the last words of her spoken thought, a few guards native to Mt. Weather walked by them just as Clarke spoke her thoughts, making both Miller and Clarke freeze in their seats. Once they were gone, Clarke let out a breath she was unaware she'd been holding in.

"That was close as hell, Clarke. We can't talk about these things like that."

"My bad, I'm still shaken by all of these."

"Don't worry, Clarke, we will get out of here soon enough. Maybe Leon and Bellamy are looking for us right now, and even if they are looking for us, we need to use our heads if we want to get out of here alive."

"Let's just finish eating.We'll talk about our situation when we aren't surrounded by these people."