Chapter 40 - How we change

(A/N: The next few chapters will be more focused on the others rather than on Leon, but he will appear in some chapters. As for why this happens, well I'm trying to develop the characters in a way they aren't depended on the MC, not to mention that I want to make them somewhat similar to how they reacted in the show without forcing the plot in that way.)

As soon as I sit down, Monroe turned her head towards me.

"So what's the plan?"

At first, I didn't know what she was talking about, but when I looked at all of their faces, I knew that they felt the same way I do and that they would do everything they can to save our friends.

"For now, we wait and play nicely. As much as I would like to go out and search for them, we can't go unarmed. Besides, Kane's keeping an eye on me. Compared to you, I have my hands tied and even the slightest misconduct would earn me a ticket to a five stars cell."

No one said anything for a while, but they know I was right. Maybe not Kane, but someone was definitely going to make things difficult for me thanks to my impeccable record, but at least I would become a good distraction. Even if I would be unable to leave the camp with them, I could still help them from back here.

After a few minutes where we just eating in silence, Finn decided to break this depressing silence.

"I've talked with Clark's mother and she wants to help us."

"She knows Kane and she would rather help us get our friends back which will also mean bringing her daughter back than to wait for a miracle or for Kane's guards to find them. This is my opinion but if she's willing to bet her life for Clarke, I say we listen to her."

"Leon's right. We can't just wait for them to simply appear."

"Well then, I and Finn will meet Abby while Murphy, Monroe, and Sterling find us a way of getting out of this camp without alerting the guards."

"Don't worry about the guards, Bellamy. I'll take care of them so that you guys can leave this place."

At night, I managed to gather almost all of the guards to the right side of the camp, thanks to the grounder outfit that I've managed to improvise. While no one fired at me yet, I wouldn't risk my chances, especially when I saw Kane using a binocular to look at me, and even though the whole incident lasted for only a few minutes that gave more than enough time to my friends to escape from this camp and search for our friends.

After they left the camp with Abby and Miller's father's help, Bellamy's group didn't stop to rest at all, fearing that Kane and the guards would catch up to them. Finn led the group as they made their way through the woods while trying as much as they can to remain hidden in the shades of the forest. Bellamy followed closely behind Finn, listening to Murphy's directions as they made their way towards the camp where Murphy was brought when the grounders captured him.

Meanwhile, Monroe looked around the forest, her gun tightly held in her hand as she looked around for any grounder that may sneak behind them. They didn't talk that much along the way, but nonetheless, they continue to make their way in silence.

Along the way, they didn't run into any grounders, but as they keep walking further into the forest, they finally reach the place where Murphy was taken by the grounders. Unfortunately for them, as soon as they reached that place, they saw a few grounders walking around in the bushes, mostly doing their patrol duty. Just as they were about to be seen, Murphy, who had been the first one to spot the patrol, whispered to them to get down.

"Everybody down! Get down!"

Even though he didn't talk that loudly, Murphy still feared that the grounders could hear them so he gripped Bellamy's shoulders dragging him behind a fallen tree log.

"This is it, the place. I've told you I can find it."

"Good job, Murphy. Look, there aren't that many of them. We can take them down."

Bellamy didn't respond to Sterling's words. Instead, he raised his gun and looked down the sight at the grounders that were far behind the guards, as they were looking through some stuff.

"I see nothing but Grounders."

"Same here, only grounders. Finn takes a look as well."

"Wait a minute," Finn almost yelled when he saw what some of the grounders were taking away. "They've got stuff from our drop ship. Look to the right, that's our stuff."

All of them took turns to look at where Finn pointed and he was right, the grounders were hoarding some things from the dropship that they were forced to leave behind.

Bellamy, who until now wasn't sure about this grounder team, saw a familiar watch on one of the grounder's hands.

"Hey, Finn, isn't that watch familiar to you?"

"He's got Clarke's watch. She got it from her late father."

"She wouldn't give that up without a fight."

"Neither will we. We are taking it back one way or another."

"Okay, guys." Bellamy began just after Finn made his statement clear. He looked over at Finn and Murphy before he nodded at them.

"Murphy, Finn, you two are coming with me. Monroe, Sterling, you two stay here and cover our backs in case something happens. If we are found out by them, take out every grounder beside the one with the watch. "

"Don't worry, Bellamy, we'll be ready. You three better be safe out there since I'd rather not explain to Leon how you died."

After they caught the grounder that had Clarke's watch, they all went down into the underground bunker that we used as a resting place. Bellamy and Finn had wasted more than enough hours trying to get information out of the grounder and after so many pointless sessions, all of them were tired and full of the smug expression that the grounder keeps on his face.

"We're gonna do this the way they did it to Leon." Bellamy began as he walked forward towards the grounder.

"And this time, you either stop fucking around or you'll die and we catch another one of your people and so on! I'll ask you one last time, where did you find the watch and the journal?"

The grounder didn't say anything to Bellamy. Unfortunately for the grounder, they weren't going to play nicely anymore and as soon as they saw that he wasn't going to respond, both Murphy and Sterling stabbed the grounders with their knives, right in his legs. When the blade cut into his flesh, the grounder opened his eyes wide and gritted his teeth in pain.

Seeing that they managed to get a reaction from him, Bellamy was about to continue when the grounder broke out crying.

"I'm sorry! I don't know anything about your friends. We got these things from one of our hunts. I swear on my commander's honor that I didn't see or hurt any of your friends!"

Right after the grounder confessed, Murphy saw him averting his eyes from them, as if he was trying to hide something.

"We are wasting our time with him. He won't tell us anything important."

"Murphy's right. We're wasting our time with him!"

Bellamy looked over and watched as Finn whipped out the weapon from his waistband and rushed over to the prisoner. Surprisingly, Finn took the gun and struck it down, making the grounder yell out of pain as Finn keep screaming and asking where they took Clarke.

Bellamy, Murphy, and Sterling had to restrain him, as they dragged Finn away from the scared grounder.

"Finn! Stop this madness! This isn't you!" As soon he heard Monroe's words, Finn began to regain his composure, but he kept staring at the one-eyed grounder as if he was trying to kill the man with his gaze. Seeing him like that, Bellamy tried his hardest to talk him down.

"You don't want to do this! Trust me. There are some lines you can't uncross. You know better than everyone how that line affected Leon, our friend. You think he would want you to feel the same way he did back then?"

When things finally settled down and the tension that Finn had just created died down, they finally let Finn go and turn around, waiting for Bellamy to interrogate the grounder. No one thought that Finn would try it to kill the grounder again, but as always, something needs to happen. As if he was possessed, Finn turned around and unleashed his rage upon the tied grounder.

"Where's Clarke? Where is she?!" Finn yelled as he continues to punch the Grounder repetitively. At this point, the others rushed over to Finn and helped Bellamy calm Finn down, but sadly for them, Finn didn't take their interruption lightly. He shoved Bellamy and Sterling away, pointing the pistol in his hand at them as he yelled at them to back away from him.

"Finn, please, stop this!"

"No, Bellamy, I had enough of his bullshit. The more time we spend here achieving nothing, the fewer chances Clarke and the others have to be alive. I for one would rather go out and search for them than try and pry his mouth open."

Before anyone could react, Finn aimed his gun at the grounder and shoots him in the head.

As soon as they heard the gunshot and saw the grounder fall out on his back with a hole in his head, they couldn't believe that Finn was able to kill a defenseless man in cold blood.

On the other side, Finn simply walked towards the dead grounder and took the journal and watch from him, before he grabbed the body, trying to bring the body outside and get rid of it.

Even though they were shocked by what they had just witnessed, Bellamy and Murphy went and helped Finn carry the grounder outside while, Monroe and Sterling could only watch the three boys take the body away, before they too followed behind them.