Chapter 51 - Choices to be made and people to be saved

Thanks to Clarke's efforts, Lincoln was saved, but unfortunately for all of us, we still have to stop the war as well as inform Abby about what Clarke had just found. Rather than going back with Clarke, Murphy, and Finn so that we could inform Abby about her daughter's plan, I decided to remain behind and keep an eye on Lincoln together with Bellamy, Octavia, Monroe, and Sterling.

After Clarke, John, and Finn left the dropship, the rest of us remain in silence since no one wanted to talk, especially after what happened between Nyko and us, and because of that, I decided to go out and take some fresh air, as well as patrolling the area a little. It was still dark outside, but it was beginning to show some signs that in a few hours it would be the dawn of the next day.

As I was sitting on the wall looking at the forest for what had to be at least two hours, wondering why couldn't we enjoy this kind of peace, I heard some steps coming closer to me.

"You know, Monroe, if I was just a bit jumpy, I may have aimed my rifle at you."

I heard a giggle coming from behind me before Monroe walked next to me "Yeah, sure, and I would have shot you back. Be serious, Leon, we both know that you aren't Bellamy or Finn. Until you weren't sure of whom it was, you wouldn't have shot blindly, instigating another conflict or putting even more fire on one that's already happening."

"If I didn't know, I'd say that you have learned the way I would act in such a situation."

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

We both laugh at her comment when suddenly someone or something stepped on a branch close to where we were standing. I quickly pecked over the fence only to see a rabbit happily jumping. Seeing the "enemy" that made both of us hide, I could only shake my head.


"A rabbit…we got scared by a rabbit…"

"Better safe than sorry, I guess. At least it wasn't a grounder."

"But still, fighting for so long kind of built some kind of muscle memory for us."

"As I said, better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it."

"You may be right, but it would be nice to just enjoy the peace and quiet than to have to worry about when the next grounder attack may come."

"Come on, it's this way." We didn't even realize that we were being interrupted until Finn opened the door before he looked at us, confused as to why would Monroe and I stay outside in the cold when we could have kept an eye on our surroundings from inside the dropship. Finn walked in while looking at us followed shortly by Abby and two guards as they looked at me and Monroe because we didn't even realize that they have walked into our camp, even after Finn opened the rather loud door. "Ahem, sorry guys, were we interrupting something? Should we come a bit later?"

"Welcome back Spacewalker. So you have brought the best doctor to treat Lincoln?"

Just as Finn was about to respond, Abby tapped his shoulder, before she stepped forward. "My daughter asked me to treat her friend and because of that reason alone I'm here."

"Mam, with all due respect, but that's not the reason you have come here, isn't it? After all if Lincoln dies before the commander can see that we can save the reapers, then whatever Clarke's doing right now will be for nothing, am I right?"

It came to me as a surprise when Abby simply walked away together with guards as soon as I finish talking which to be fair was quite rude, but then again, I don't recall being on her good side, especially after what I did.

Looking at the doctor as she and her entourage entered the dropship, Finn said his goodbye before he dashed after Dr. Griffin, leaving the two of us alone once more, and to be honest it was for the best since I wasn't going to deal with whatever drama was between Dr. Griffin and my friend.

Just as Finn's figure disappeared inside the dropship, we heard Octavia shouting for help. Monroe and I run towards the dropship, only to be stopped by the guards when we climbed onto the first floor.

"There's nothing you two can do to help Dr. Griffin. Besides, there are already more than enough people up there and if you two climb, you will only be a burden to her."

I turned and looked at Monroe, who only shrugged her shoulders at me. There was no point arguing with the guard since he was right and while the dropship was fairly big, neither I nor Monroe had the medical knowledge necessary to help Abby in this situation.

Since we didn't have anything to do, we decided to return to the wall and talk until the whole Lincoln situation gets resolved by the acting Chancellor.

Meanwhile, Abby wasn't having a great time in her life, since she had to save the life of a man by herself, not because she was arrogant, but because no one in the room knew what do to without having her waste precious time explaining to them what to do, she had to do everything alone.

Dr. Griffin took a syringe from her bag, before asking the boys to prepare themselves to hold Lincoln in case he reacts violently when she injects the needle. As soon as she ordered the three boys, she injected the needle into Lincoln's arm, but as the needle pierced his skin, Lincoln, for the third time since he was captured, start screaming and convulsing due to the lack of drugs in his system.

Not even a minute later, he stopped abruptly, which made Abby check his pulse as well as his heartbeat.

"What's happening to him? Why isn't it working?"

"It's bad, his heart stopped! Give me some space boys." Abby answered as she started doing chest compressions on him, hoping to bring Lincoln back to life once again. She noticed the worried look on Nyko's face when his friend died again and then she remembered that Clarke had mentioned a healer that was already there.

"You're their Healer? Help me bring your friend back. Tilt his head back. Pull his chin down to open his airway."

Nyko didn't even bother to say anything and just did as he was told. After all his friend's life was at risk and above all this was a chance to learn something new from Abby, who whatever his people may say, was many times more prepared and knowledgeable than him in his area of expertise.

Even after Nyko jumped to help, nothing changed and after a few more seconds, Octavia couldn't bear it any longer.

"Why are slowing down!? "

"I'm sorry, Octavia… there's nothing I can do for him."

"No, it's not possible. You have to be kidding! Please…Abby…do something…I beg you!"

Bellamy gritted his teeth in frustration and reached out to comfort his sister when the hatch opened and Clarke climbed onto the level. When she heard the hatch, Octavia stopped doing the compressions, before she hurriedly wipe out her tears.

Suddenly a couple of grounders climbed after her, but as soon as they saw the dead body, they all draw their swords out, ready to slaughter all of the people that were inside the dropship. Before anyone could react, from Bellamy's walkie-talkie a voice was heard, scaring everyone in the room.

"Good day to everyone. I hope my sudden intrusion didn't give anyone a scare and if it did… I'm not sorry. From how everyone has their weapons out, I have to guess that Lincoln died and Abby's efforts of bringing him back failed to achieve that purpose. Now, I don't want to be that guy, but Clarke, can you use that electric baton and give Lincoln a dose of electricity? "

Just as Clarke seemed to realize what I just said, one of the warriors raised his sword in the air to cut Clarke. Sadly for him, a bullet blew two fingers as well as the sword from his hand, sending him to his knees crying out in pain.

"I forgot to mention that I'm not alone and if any grounder tries to do that again, your commander will be next."

While I wasn't sure who the commander was exactly, Niylah did say that the commander was a woman, but rather than aiming at the only woman beside Indra, I had Monroe aim at the biggest grounder in the room just to fool the grounders, while I kept my gun aimed at the commander without a laser on.

As soon as a red dot appeared on the biggest guy, I briefly saw a smile appearing on the commander's face before it was replaced by the same stoic expression.

"I'll kill them all!" One of the warriors yelled. Everyone aimed their weapons at him, but the guy I had Monroe aim at pulled him back.

"Please, just let me try," Clarke begged, walking towards Lincoln with the baton in her hand as her mother tried to pull her to her side. When she was above Lincoln, Clarke put the shock baton on his chest and ignited sending the electricity into his body. Nothing happen, but Clarke didn't despair as she ignited again, this time forcing Lincoln to bend his back before he gasp for air.


"Octavia..." Lincoln breathed out softly, causing her to let out a sigh of relief before she embraced him. At last, he was alive and more importantly not a reaper.

The grounders couldn't believe what they had just witnessed, but regardless of what they had witnessed, the commander walked forward until she was standing in front of Clarke.

"Clarke Griffin of the sky people you told the truth and you show me how your people can save mine, but your people still have to pay for what one of yours did. We demand his life for the life of the villager that was unjustly killed."

That was unexpected, to say the least, but logically speaking, I should have known that their culture wouldn't forgive such a crime, not that ours would do, but still, I believe it would have been better for them to just find a middle ground thanks to what Clarke had just shown to them.

"I'm sorry Lexa, but that's not going to happen under any circumstance. I believe that it would be beneficial for both of us if we work together to save our people rather than killing each other to extinction."

"A pity."

Unknowingly to the grounders or anyone other than Bellamy, his walkie-talkie was transmitting everything that was said in the room to me and Monroe and when I heard what Lexa had just said, I decided to interfere before we walk a path with no return.

"Lexa right? I don't doubt your prowess, but after you kill my friends, what are you going to do? There's only one way you can exit that metal coffin and believe, we have more ammo than you men to throw at us, so rather than killing Clarke, would it be better to settle this matter in a fight to the death?"

Lexa didn't respond immediately which, for me, was a good thing since she was weighing her choices.

"Seeing as I've didn't saw you anywhere in this place, I presume you are that Leon. You are right, we can only leave through the front door, but we have hostages beside the ones in the same room as I am right now. So, what do you propose? Should we kill each other or would you sacrifice the life of one of your friends for the benefit of the rest?"