Chapter 58 - POW

(A/N : Good news ! There aren't many chapters till the end of Season 2 and the start of pre Season 3 which will be an AU until Clarke get found by Roan)

Two days…two days since my stupid brother took Lincoln and Leon to infiltrate the mountain. Sometimes, I wonder how the two of us are even related. After all, I'm not as reckless as him, or am I?"

Shaking my head to forget about this thought, I then look at the woman that somehow ended up being my mentor.

These two days have been the most nerve-racking as well as the most intense ones, I ever had to go through. Not even the years I spent under the floor was so tiresome. Now that I think about it, if I really put everything Indra put me through, I could write at least two pages full to the brim with tasks and missions that I had never done.

As horrific as it may seem, I'm not complaining about what I had to go through in the past few weeks, after all, I found Lincoln and learned how to survive in this new world. On top of learning how to use a bow and how to shoot an arrow that would actually hit something for the first time, Indra taught me the way her people use the forests to their advantage as well as their hiding in the trees. Despite how difficult is to grasp this particular technique, after countless tries, I managed to scale one of the trees that were beside me. I had to stop about halfway as it was more than enough for me to spot anything alive that may wander through these woods.


What I was seeing was absolutely stunning. The forest wasn't just a simple place where animals live and where paths are made by us, instead, it now resembles one of Clarke's paintings, something pure and untouched by the horrors of the nuclear war. And for the first in my life, I understand what we are going to miss once we destroy whatever was left of our planet.

"Everyone would've loved to see this."

Before I could wonder even deeper in my happy thoughts, Indra's voice broke my trance.

"Be careful of what you shoot. My warriors patrol these woods and I'd rather have all of them at full strength when we assault that damned place."

Hearing Indra's warning, I turned my head and looked around hoping to see the patrols, but rather than seeing the patrol, I saw Abby and Clarke helping one of their guards, who was on the ground.

"Indra! Clarke and Abby are in danger. I also saw one of your warriors on the ground."

I quickly got down and went after Indra, who run towards the mother and daughter duo, most likely worried about her warriors than the duo.

"What...what is that?" While I was running after Indra, I briefly saw something that made me stop and focus my attention on something that was oddly out of place, especially when the whole forest is green and that thing was the only grey thing around. At first, I thought that my mind was just playing a prank on me and that it could be a small puddle, but as if someone whispered in my ear, I realized what I was looking at. Scouts from Mount Weather, a group of two laying down hidden in the bushes, and when I walked a little bit close I saw what they were exactly: snipers. There was no point alerting them, especially when I was close enough to use my bow on them, besides, Indra and Clarke's group were nearby in case they want to run away. I carefully pulled back my bow the way Indra taught me and sent the arrow flying towards the enemy. Sadly, I was too careless and forgot to take into consideration the time it took for the arrow to hit my target before they shoot at Clarke's group. Before my arrow could hit one of them, the sniper managed to fire his gun a second before the arrow penetrated his suit earning him a painful death.

Luckily the one that was hit by the bullet was one of the warriors and not Clarke, but at the same time, the partner of the now dead sniper realized that his friend was dead and sprinted away, hopping to get away from us.

Seeing the other enemy running away, I had to charge him and force him into hand-to-hand combat. Thankfully I quickly caught up to him, but what I didn't expect was how good he was at fighting against an opponent that isn't using a rifle. The bastard managed to hit me a few times, but I just took it like a pro before I got my revenge on him. As soon as an opening was made, I slashed across his suit, forcing the air tank that processed the clean and filtered air that kept him alive to disperse outside of his grey suit. The man was slowly dying, but I wasn't the type of person, who would let a man die in such agonizing pain if I can give him a less painful way of going to hell.

Just as I was about to slash his neck, Clarke dragged me away, while her mother quickly went to stop the air from leaving his suit any further.

"Wait, Octavia! He's from Mount Weather. We need to keep him alive. Mom, check his suit for a field repair kit!"

I could only grit my teeth in frustration before I went over to his bag to see what they were doing here while Abby was looking through the kit for an emergency patch. The more I look through his stuff, the more I understand what they were sent to do.

"Clarke look, you and Lexa had a kill on sight order while Leon had a capture order on him. We need to warm them"

"We can't! Damn it, I hope they are safe wherever they may be."

The moment Indra heard the conversation between me and Clarke, she realized the danger her Commander was in.

"We have to warn the Commander! Send our fastest rider back to TonDC and inform our commander of the danger hidden in the woods. She can't act carelessly anymore.

While the rider, left for TonDC we quickly made our way back to Camp Jaha, hoping to save the soldier from radiation poisoning, a painful way of dying, Abby's words not mine. The soldier was taken by the guards to a secure place, while the wounded grounder was taken to the medical bay.

Right when the grounder who was shot was brought to the infirmary, the vital signs of the grounder were so bad that it seemed the man was going to perish at any moment.

"Damn it! He has lost way too much blood. Clarke put pressure here, we need to keep the man alive at any costs."

Clarke didn't even hesitate before she walked forward and placed her hands where her mother told her wanted them. As soon as her hands were in place, Abby curse out loud when she saw how fast they were losing the grounder. Even though Clarke kept her hands tight and firm on the wound, the blood kept flowing out of the wound, no matter how much pressure she exerted on the wound.

"We need the blood now!" Abby yelled and moved her blood-coated hands over to the Grounder's sticky face. "Okay. Come on, stay with me. Come on, fight! Don't you dare die on me!"

Unfortunately, the man didn't have the willpower to continue fighting and a few seconds later, Abby stopped what she was doing. The grounder took a bullet for her and in the end, he died doing his duty.

"Go wash your hands, Clarke. And someone tells Marcus to meet me where our prisoner is. We need to talk !"