Chapter 60 - My daughter, my responsibility !

As always the grounders loved, their guests so much that it became a pain in the ass, but nonetheless, Octavia was allowed to leave the meeting room, even though Kane, who was appointed diplomat choose to remain and talk with the commander. After getting away from that place, the first thing Octavia did was to try to contact her brother for the sixth time today, but alas to no avail. She was getting worried, especially when she didn't hear anything about him or Lincoln for the past two days.

Since her attempt failed again, she decided to stroll around the village when she saw an anxious Clarke running towards the meeting room, where Lexa was currently waiting for the rest of the tribe leaders to arrive. Seeing how unnatural Clarke seemed to be, Octavia followed closely after her, just in case something may have happened to her brother or Lincoln, after all, Clarke was supposed to be back in Camp Jaha and listen to the radio together with Raven.

Once Lexa saw Clarke, she showed a bitter smile, yet she still announces the presence of the sky princess.

"Clarke of the Sky People has honored us with her presence."

"I'm sorry, I arrived so late, Commander."

"You made good time. I assume the kids at Mount Weather are okay?"

"For now, Marcus." Clarke nodded to him and then turned to Lexa urgently. "Can we talk in private?"

It didn't take a genius to realize that something had happened from the way Clarke was talking and how agitated she seemed to be, so without wasting any more time, Lexa quickly signaled Clarke to follow her. "This way, Clarke."

Just as the two of them were about to leave the room, Octavia walked toward them and stopped her friend, but strangely enough, as soon as Clarke heard Octavia she turned and looked at her with a blank expression, fearing that something that shouldn't be said or found, well, be found. She knotted her eyebrows.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay? Has something happened to Bellamy?"

Clarke tried to say something but even when she opened her mouth, she couldn't find the strength to say it to Octavia, not now and unfortunately not anytime in this life. Clarke took a quick look around at all the people that were watching them and realized that if she said something about the incoming missile, that would make everyone panic. Not to mention that before she could inform everyone about the incoming warhead, she had to talk to Lexa first.

"Yeah, everything's fine, he's fine, we just talked with him."

After easing Octavia's worries, Clarke and Lexa left and as soon as the two of them were outside, Clarke let out a sigh, knowing that she had to use a lie to keep the imminent danger a secret, at least until Lexa learns about it.

Octavia waited for more than half an hour, listening to the boring political conversation between the various tribes, as well as Marcus' own idea of peace and further cooperation between our camp and the tribes. While her leave may be taken as an offense, Octavia would rather face the grounder in combat than listen to their borings talks, so she decided to do what Indra told him to do when she doesn't have anything better to do: Patrol the woods around your camp, or in this case, the woods around TonDC.

As she patrolled the woods, Octavia felt that someone or something was creeping behind her, yet every time she turned, she didn't find the culprit. She tried to look in the trees, but there was nothing there, not on the ground, nor in the bushes. But the annoying feeling of having a pair of eyes on your back only grew stronger, the longer she didn't stop and looked around, so betting everything on a last-ditch effort, Octavia disappeared behind a tree and waited for her target, presuming there was a hunter after her, to blindly walk into her ambush. Not even a few seconds later, she saw someone walking from where she had just come, looking lost and confused. The sword in her hand immediately moved into position, ready to slash.

But as soon as she appeared in front of her target, she was both shocked and angry at who was stalking her.

"What the fuck, Spacewalker? I could have killed you!"

"Sorry, Octavia, but I promise Bellamy that I would keep you save while his away."

"You? Keeping me safe? You wish that. " Yet for some reason Octavia remembered the anxious and agitated Clarke that she had just met almost an hour ago. "What does Clarke knows, that made you stalk me in the forest? And please don't say that you fall in love with me."

"I…I overheard Clarke's conversation with your brother. Look, Octavia, we don't have time to waste, we need to warn everyone before it's too late."

"About what ?"


Before Finn could finish his words, a massive explosion just happened where the village was located. The shock produced by the explosion sent both of them in the air and into the nearby tree knocking both of them out.

Meanwhile back in the village, Abby Griffin alongside a small group of guards just arrived at the edge of what was used to TonDC, kind in time to help the wounded, unaware of the danger that is still lurking in the forest.

As soon as she saw the destruction and what was left of some of the people, Abby had only one thought in her mind: Where was her daughter? Was she still alive? What if she was hurt? Why didn't she warn them? Did she abandon the grounders?

She shouldn't have let her leave the camp and now, her mistake had put the blood of tens of grounders on both her hands as well as on her daughter's. As those dark thoughts haunted her mind, she continued looking through the wreckage, passing over dead bodies that were provoked by Clarke's own hands. What happened to her daughter, who had been so innocent in the past. Who had seen the good in others, who tried to change people for the better? She did this, Raven told her that Clarke lied to Bellamy and that she then left the camp in a hurry but sadly, she was too late to change something… How could her sweet, innocent daughter cause all this bloodshed? For what did she let those poor people die? Pride? The freedom of the kids?

No, she couldn't think like this. She has to do this. She has to save them. This was her punishment. Clarke was her daughter, Clarke was her responsibility and Clarke killed those people, and now, she has to make things right, whatever the cost.