Chapter 62 - The welcoming committee

As much as I would love to keep the thin metal sheet armor on me, and even though it wasn't that thick it was still metal thus restricting my movement to some extent, I had to throw it away before I plan the explosive on the pipe. And thankfully Mt. Weather gave me a Kevlar vest underneath the makeshift metal armor, so I wasn't exactly at a loss here.

Right after I armed the explosive on the pipe, I run until I was back on top of the stairway, before I aimed at one of the bombs. As soon as my bullet hit the bomb, the whole room was engulfed in flame before everything collapsed. When I fired, I didn't stand behind to watch my masterpiece, since I didn't want to be caught in the explosion, nor did I want to be buried alive.

It didn't take me long to catch up with Bellamy and the prisoners, who until now were surprisingly calm despite the situation they were in.

"That's it, huh?"

"Not really, we still need to free our friends. As well as open the door to the reaper tunnel."

"Raven's or Clarke's orders?"

"Raven's…Sadly I don't have any news regarding Clarke, other than that she, Octavia, and Finn survived the missile strike."

I would lie if I'd say that I wasn't grateful to hear that all three of them survived, but then it hit me.

"What about Zoe and Sterling?"

"Monroe is together with the army, she wasn't in TonDC when the missile hit, as for Sterling, he remains with his friend back at Camp Jaha, especially now after Jaha fled together with a few people, taking quite a few guns with them."

"Don't tell me that John left with him?"

"Not initially, but I don't know what made him change his mind. He left the camp, two hours after Jaha and his group."

By the time, we reached the level where the reaper tunnel, the team led by Octavia was already waiting for us.

Octavia led the mixed group of guards and warriors down the tunnel and into the Reaper tunnel. The guardsmen were right behind her while the Grounders were the rearguard, at least until we advanced further into the tunnels. After a while, half of the guards moved to the rear, while the same number of warriors took their place in the front. Sergeant Miller walked next to Finn and Lincoln, who pulled out a map. Thanks to his expeditions as well as his time as a reaper, Lincoln had many of the tunnels mapped out which helped the group advance without walking into dead ends, and together with Clarke's map, the group had an easy job reaching their destination.

While the group met some reapers, the tone generators that the grounders stole from the mountain men worked like a charmed against the reapers, thus making them vulnerable to our attack. Because the grounders wanted to save them, Octavia's group was forced to capture them, but sadly, they didn't have the manpower to spare, so they tied the reapers on the cave walls before continuing to walk further into the tunnels.

After a good while, we reached a dead end with a door, probably the only door in the whole system of tunnels.

"There is a door just up ahead. Get ready people! "

"I guess that's my signal."

While Byrne made the strategy for the guardsmen, Octavia walked towards Indra, who was leading the grounders. Even though the two sides were at peace that still didn't mean that the grounders trust the ski people or the other way around. Trust isn't something easily earn, but it's something easily lost.

"Indra, we will start our attack soon, and Major Byrne would like to blow the tunnel behind us, just in case the mountain men may have another exit that we aren't aware of. Are you ok with our plan or do you want to seal the tunnel in another way?"

"We are in this together, Octavia of the Sky people. We fight with you."

"Thank you."

"Once we take down the door, they'll realize that we are inside. The Grounders say that they will fight with us, so make sure that none of you kills them. "

"Don't worry, Blake. My men aren't kids playing with those guns. Tell those grounders to be ready. As soon as we blow the tunnel, we storm that door."

Just as one of the guards was about to plant some explosives on the walls, the door that they were about to blow up opened. Almost all of them aimed their weapons or prepared their sword for a fight, but instead of people wearing hazmat suits, two familiar faces walked through the door.

"Are we at war with the grounders again? Or do you guys not recognize me and Bellamy?"

The first one to snap out of their shock was Octavia, who literally rocket her way into her brother, followed by both Finn and Raven, who walked in front of me.

"I thought that I lost you."

"When Bellamy said that they took you away, we knew that they would make you are reaper. Thank whatever god is up there that didn't happen."

"Here you are wrong, Finn. They made me into one, though, and it backfired. Their devices don't work on me and neither does the drug so I'm still the old me, albeit a little bit famish."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present you our own weapon of mass destruction."

Finn's bad attempt at making a joke made me smile before I led the whole group into the decontamination chamber. We walked through the whole thing as if we owned the place, and when they saw the guys wearing their suits, being tied up and obediently waiting on the other side of the containment room, Octavia almost charge forward to kill them. Thankfully, both Lincoln and Bellamy grabbed her before she did something stupid. Byrne looked at me with her eyebrows raised, clearly waiting for a response regarding these prisoners.

"They choose to live, we tied their hands. That's it."

"Are you sure that's all?"

"Mam, with all due respect, I'm not under you so there's no way in hell you are going to get anything from me right now."

I know that my words sound harsh and most likely disrespectful, but right now where weren't back in our camp where we can joke around, besides, I told her what was important.

"Leon, won't the mountain men detect us if we walk into the bunker?"

"They already know, Octavia. And since we all know how quiet Leon and Bellamy are, I'm more than sure that these five gentlemen were part of a bigger group that was sent to take care of the intruders."

"Sharp as always, Raven."

Before we could continue forward, the power went out, courtesy of Zoe and Kane, who went to the dam and took care of our biggest obstacle.