Chapter 74 - The girl inside the library

One would normally turn to see who was behind him, but in my current situation, I think that it would be for the best to stay still and wait to see what's going to happen. Worst come true, I'll just fight back.

"What should I do with you murderer?"

The woman seemed to care about these creatures, and while it is true that they resemble us to some extent, they aren't humans by any means, at least not in my book. Unfortunately, though, I'm now at sword point? And the woman that holds that sword seemed to be one of the people that helped the hefbis sneak past the dam and into the forest behind it.

"This is the last time I ask you, something murderer. If you don't answer then you'll die today. What are you doing here and who are you?"

Should I answer? On the other hand, should fight back, take control, and be the ones to ask the questions? Then again, I didn't even hear of this woman before she made herself known to me.

"Does it really matter, who I am?"

For a few seconds, the woman seemed shocked, or at least that's what I believe as I felt the sword trembling a little when she heard me speaking.

"You…you can speak?"

"Now that's rude. Of course, I can speak. After all, I'm a human being for god's sake."

For some reason the woman backed away when she heard me speaking for the second time, thus giving me a chance to turn around and face her. Now it was my time to be surprised. The woman, well, it wasn't exactly a woman. She seemed to be the same age as I was, yet for some reason she had her entire face covered.

Not giving her any time to react, I quickly grabbed my rifle and aimed at her, just in case she was one of those fanatics that would attack me just because I wasn't a ghoul lover like them. The girl was still in shock or maybe it was denial? However, when she saw me aiming something at her, she tenses, most likely having seen what this metal thing could do to a human.

"Let's start again, now on my terms. Who are you and what do you want from us?"

I didn't expect her to answer, but surprisingly enough she lowered her weapons before she sit on the floor.

"I'm …searching for my mother. A few years ago, I lost my mother when those things overran our home. Since then, I and a few of the people that survived the massacre had lived on the run. Another tribe, one that doesn't belong or live in the parts, is helping the hefbis and when one of those things is killed and found by them, hell falls on the area where they found the dead hefbis "

While she sat on the floor, the girl revealed her face to me and she does kind of look familiar, though I still can say whom she does resemble, at least not right now.

"Then why did you sneak behind me? Couldn't you just approach me normally?"

"My people and I watched who you and your people fought these people and monsters and even fend their waves, then you did a mad dash right through their ranks, scaring most of the humans and forcing the hefbis to chase after you, leaving the humans to fend for themselves against your strange weapons."

"Hold up a moment. Your people watched us as the hefbis as well as the grounders swarmed us, and yet, you choose to watch rather than help us? Talk about selfishness …Girl, we may have a common enemy, but there's no way in hell I'm going to believe you after what you have just said."

There the more time passed, the more strange I felt as if everything was real yet not the same. It was strange, now that I realized, until now, I didn't take my eyes away from her. Since the first second, I plunged my eyes into her gaze, I could no longer tear myself away from those beautiful blue eyes of hers as if there was nothing in this world more important than these eyes as if this girl was everything. Suddenly a lingering groan made me snap out of whatever trance caught me off guard. As soon as that groan woke me up, everything changed. In front of me was no longer that girl, instead, a few hefbis were patiently waiting while one of them got too impatient and decided to stand beside me, sniffing and groaning.

Without giving them a chance to attack me, I slashed the neck of the one that was next to me before I placed the tiny red dot of my sight directly on the foreheads of those things before switching the selector of my rifle to semi-automatic fire. Upon hearing the soft metallic click, the creatures spluttered angrily and charge at me. Since they had already found me, no doubt thanks to that girl, it didn't matter anymore if I hide now. Not even a minute after I killed the three hefbis that were in front of me, another two groups of five each rushed into the library through both the windows and the double door that led to the hallway. Throwing caution to the wind, I quickly switched my rifle back to automatic and, as I pulled the trigger, I let out a sigh, as the bullets ripped through the flesh of the hefbis. I have no doubt that the loud noise my assault rifle roared, tore the silence of this place apart. The unlucky hefbis that weren't killed by the first bullet let out shrills and growls of pain before falling to the ground, drowning in their own blood as I made my way back to the emergency staircase, hoping that these were the last of them.

As soon as I jumped into the stairwell and began to rush down the rusty steps, I remembered that I had no idea where I was and how to make my way back to my friends. Since I stopped, I check to see how many filled mags I had left, and sadly, there were only two if you include the one that I just put into my gun. There were two choices for me now: Go deeper into what remained of this town, or return inside the forest and hope for the best while preparing myself for the worst. After I weighed the cons and pros of both choices, I ended up choosing the first option. Just as I was about to reach the bottom floor, an arrow missed my head by a few centimeters impaling itself into the wall behind me. I quickly raised my gun and looked around when I saw it.

Right in the middle of the street, with their eyes locked onto me, tens of hefbis stood motionless beside the girl that fooled me as they all looked directly at me. I was petrified, anyone would be when more than twenty crazy creatures that were waiting to tear you apart were standing a few meters away from you in complete silence as that girl had a grin on her face.

Once again she played me into another trap, though this time, I wasn't going to be fooled by her a second time, so before she could use whatever gas she used on me inside the library, I put the gasmask on my face before jumping down, facing the hefbis and the girl alike.