Chapter 85 - The Mad Queen (1)

As soon as they were outside, Pike and Bellamy walked next to us, gripping the guns in their hands. Just as I was about to ask Pike what happened, Bellamy share some light with us.

"The leaders of the coalition will be killed today, by the same assassins. We believe that they would strike right after the meeting starts."

All of us were surprised to hear that, but something seemed too on point. Not to mention the timing of this information, right after the wounded boy reached Mount Weather. Nevertheless, the likelihood of something like this happening was quite high if you take into account the last attempt, but still, rather than all of us going to Polis, maybe it would be for the best for Pike and Bellamy to take a small team than the whole force.

"Commander Pike, if what Bellamy said is true, then you have to prevent that horror from happening at all costs."

"I know that, and that's why I'll take with me only the best of the best. Even though I have my doubts, the risk is too great for me to wait and see what's going to happen. I'll this place in your and Byrne's hands."

They didn't waste any more time after Pike said those words. I briefly looked at Wells and Finn noticing that both guys were boiling to follow our teacher, but in a rare instance where their head made the choice, both of them decided to remain behind than screw things up when they meet Clarke again.

Seeing the kill team leaving to protect the most important people in the whole coalition, I could only shake my head trying to elucidate the mystery that was right in front of my eyes. I said it once and I would say it again, those Azgeda are the best assassins and spies the entire continent has. There was no doubt that this was a plot to weaken the defense around the boy, but what I don't understand is why would they risk an attack when more than one hundred warriors were defending the entrance while almost fifty more guards were inside the mountain armed with the best firearms we had in our stock.

"What's keeping you so deep in your thoughts?"

"We are going to be attacked tonight."

Finn and Wells didn't expect that response from me, but Anya, on the other hand simply smiled.

"The Ice Nation may have fooled your people, but my people have fought them for generations. We know how dirty they fight and how much they love spreading lies and confusion in our ranks. Sadly, your worries are step by step proven true. The Ice Queen had wanted to rule over Polis for many years already and if feels that she has a chance, that wrench of a woman, would do anything to accomplish that, no matter the cost or the means."

"What's already done can never be undone. Whatever may happen, we will protect the kid."

I didn't expect Finn to be so determined to fight for a grounder, then again after Clarke left him, he had more than enough time to understand and accept what he had done in the name of love. As for Wells…he was still hurt by his father's choice of leaving him behind, abandoning his only son for a dream that came out of the blue.

"If you can fight even half as good as Leon, then maybe we would have a chance. As for you, your highness. I hope you can at least hold one of your rifles."

To be fair, Wells wasn't exactly the definition of a soldier by any means, but even though he was a believer in peace before war, he would still pick up a gun and fight to protect what was dear to him.

"Leave them alone, Anya, we don't want to scare them, yet."

My rather bad attempt at making a joke earned me a chuckle from Wells why Finn and Anya rolled their eyes at me, not even hiding their disappointment in my lack of joke-making skills.

"Forget about it, Leon. Let's go eat something before shit starts getting real."

At the same time, Prince Roan of the Ice Nation asked for a meeting with Lexa, the commander that led the coalition.

The commander stared down at the prince of Azgeda with a calculating stare trying to judge if the man spoke true but her intuition seemed to agree that he had not lied to her. Besides, he also brought her back the most beloved person in her life.

Which brought the question up as to why the man had asked for an audience as she doubted he would have gone to all the trouble to tell her that he had somehow tried learning more about any possible weakness of her.

Roan had watched the honor guards patiently standing around the room and unsurprisingly to him, all of them were loyal to Trikru, meaning that they would live and die for The Commander, so he decided to forget whatever he wanted to do before he spoke again

"I have asked for this audience to strike a deal with you."

Lexa raised her eyebrow prompting the prince to continue his explanation before she makes a decision. Roan hoped to at least see a tiny bit of willingness in making a deal with him but he could not read a single thing from the commander's face and the Wanheda wasn't exactly keen to see him after what he did to her.

"I have information that you will find most useful and urgent."

"Of what nature?"

Lexa questioned her tone nonchalant as if she already knew what the price of Azgeda was about to convey to her.

"Of something my mother keeps hidden from you, something that may end your legacy if the right circumstances are to happen."

Lexa's face remained blank as she processed the words although her mind was in turmoil. What could Nia be hiding that would threaten her legacy? Then a sudden realization appeared in her mind. The assassin, the dead night bloods, and the fact that maybe just maybe Ice Nation may have hoarded a Nightblood for themselves.

"And what do you desire in return?"

"I need to return to Azgeda. I want to stop my mother from leading my people on a path of no return." His statement was only met with a raised eyebrow from the commander clearly not impressed with his demand. His exile from Azgeda had been part of Nia's surrender to the coalition and she would not lift it without good reason. Even Clarke had her doubts now that the prince asked for this and even though he had mentioned it to her before, Clarke would rather not take his words for granted.

"And why would you want that, Roan, exiled prince of Azgeda?"

"I cannot challenge my mother from Polis. I need to be recognized by you as the rightful prince of Azgeda and not as an exiled son if we want to stop my mother. The assassination attempt may have just been the begging of something even bigger than just killing the night bloods."

Roan finally elaborated and when no reaction came from the commander he added through clenched teeth, swearing in his heart that he would anything to never stand in front of this woman ever again. Then out of nowhere, Clarke put forth a third option before Roan could even say it.

"Why don't we have here in Polis so that Roan could challenge her here, where I presume she doesn't have anything that could grant her an advantage?"

Lexa smiled and nodded when she heard Clarke's question, anticipating the response of the prince.

It was obvious that Roan was battling against his own person rather than against Lexa, sadly for him striking a deal with the commander wasn't an easy bargain. Everything he prepared was already used against him without any chance of countering those parts. Nevertheless, what he wants to achieve will benefit both sides to some extent.

"It doesn't matter where I'll fight. What I want is for my people to live a better life inside the coalition rather than fighting against it, losing warriors for nothing more than the dream of a mad queen."

"And you don't think Azgeda will do so under your mother?"

"We both know that my mother waits for anything be it small or big to happen so that she could reject the coalition and maybe even start a civil war where she would be elevated as a savior."

"And you would support the coalition? It's hard for me to believe your words when you people had fought against everything that defines the very same coalition that helped them survive the harsh winters and cold nights."

"No, I would not. I want what's best for my people and I believe that this coalition is the best thing that would happen to them if we have the chance to join."

"Very well then, Roan prince of Azgeda. If I find your information even a little bit helps as you claim, then you will be the next King of Azgeda as well as one of the leaders of the coalition if you so desire. You may now leave."

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