Chapter 90 - Massacre

I left Bellamy alone with Pike for what, at most ten minutes, and what happened? Bloody Pike and his men, alongside Bellamy attacked the peacekeepers sent by Lexa to help us in case the Azgeda attacked again. Three hundred warriors died last night, everything just so that Pike could prove himself as a true leader for Arkadia.

If that wasn't bad enough, the fact that he won the election was even worse. I had no problem fighting another war, but not like this. Attacking the whole coalition would put us into the worse possible place we could have asked for.

Killing so many warriors would definitely force Lexa to take action against Arkadia and whether I like it or not, my people had chosen Pike as the leader, a man that brought them into another war that we could have evaded, then again, the secret war against Azgeda was also a thing…

As for why I say this? Let's just say that I witness Pike winning the election while he was still locked.

Pike, Bellamy, and ten survivors from Farm Station were waiting for their punishment to come when Kane walked into the room, before he reluctantly unlock the cell, letting everyone free. Bellamy was the first one to get onto his feet, before the rest followed, as Marcus walked into the room diplomatically and put his hands behind his back, trying to act as friendly and harmless as he could

"Congratulations, Mr. Chancellor."

Even though he was his friend, Kane feared the future that would befall his people, not that his friend has been elected as the new Chancellor, after his stunt from last night.

"Where's Abby, Marcus?"

"She didn't return from Polis. Regardless of her presence, you won, and not by a small margin at all. The vote wasn't close, not at all. Few people voted for Abby or me after what you did, nevertheless, our people are now your responsibility, Charles. I hope you take that responsibility seriously and don't abuse your position for a personal vendetta against the Azgeda."

"Thank you, Marcus. I will take care of my people, after all, they are the only people who need my help. For my first official decree as the Chancellor of Arkadia, I pardon myself and the people that followed me last night. For my second official decree, I reject the brand that made us the thirteenth clan, neither I nor my people had been informed about this before it happened and now that I have the ability to revoke it, I will enforce my authority. For my third decree, I want everyone in this base to prepare themselves, we are going to finish what we have started."

Everyone walked out of the cell in high spirits now that Pike had the power and authority to make things right after they were wronged so many times.

Just as Bellamy was about to walk past Marcus, the ex-chancellor stopped him before the boy would make a mistake take could cost him his life.

"It's not too late to choose the right side."

"I already have."

A sudden voice brought me back from my thoughts. I quickly turned around, only to see Zoe walking towards me with a gun in her hand.

"Still feeling bad for the choices of our friend?"

"What's with the gun?"

"C'mon chief, haven't you heard? I thought everyone has heard about it by now."

"Pike getting the seat of power? I heard about it and I don't like it."

"I swear to god, you and Sergey share one single brain when it comes to things like this."

I could only roll my eyes at her remark, and while it was true that both Sergey and I sometimes have the same thoughts regarding the decisions our leaders make, even then, we argue with each other more than we settle down on the common ground.

"Anyway, you still hadn't answered me about what's with the gun."

"Pike put everyone on high alert, besides, I'd rather have a gun close by than find myself surrounded by grounders or worse, by Pike's loyalists and needing one."

"We should find our friends before they got dragged into this madness."

"Already on it. I sent Sergey to warn them before I came to look for you. We may need to leave this place if Pike continues to attack the grounders, forcing the whole coalition to come after our heads."

"That my dear, maybe already too late to do. I believe you know what he and Bellamy did last night."

"Three hundred warriors killed by guns and since we killed the mountain men, the sky people are the only ones…shit."

"Exactly, we are in deep shit. More than ever and believe me, the coalition would get rid of Lexa if she stands in the way, after all, she is just a vessel for the flame."

"We better move fast then. Otherwise, Pike would undoubtedly put us on the frontline thanks to our rather excellent record against Azgeda."

Meanwhile, Lexa and Clarke, alongside a rather significant group of honor guards were making their way toward Mount Weather, to check on one of the future commander's health.

"Excited to go back home ?"

"I don't know Lexa. The last time I was there, the place had another name, and I had another purpose. Now, I don't even know what I want to do. My friend is lying in a coma thanks to Azgeda, but I can't exactly make sense of my feelings. I once thought I loved him, but now? I don't know anymore. Yes I'm sad and it hurts me, but it's not like I would wait by his side forever and ever."

"Would you look at that, my Wanheda choose the best one between the boy and the commander. I'm so proud of you. Nothing can compare with me, right?"

"I didn't try that better thing, but from what a friend of mine told me, there's definitely something better in Arkadia that would make me forget everything that I experienced in the past."

"Strange that you mention that. If I remember clearly, Anya said the same thing to me after she took your champion away from his cell. You don't…"

"Kind of. Niylah made me curious to tell you the truth, and now that Anya also had a taste…"

"No way, Clarke. I forbid you."

Suddenly one of the warriors that were in the vanguard called out, causing Lexa to immediately turn her attention and stall her horse on the hilltop to look out to where the warrior pointed. Clarke quickly followed behind her only to freeze next to her lover. As soon as she stopped, a sudden urge to throw up washed over her as she looked at the hundreds of dead bodies lying in the valley. Despite what she had witnessed, Clarke still felt sick just watching the massacre, and as this memory sink into her mind, she barely hold herself from throwing up on the spot. Thankfully, for her, she managed to make it up to the bushes before she threw up the breakfast she and Lexa had just eaten a few hours ago.

Not long after she recover, Clarke walked beside Lexa before the commander ordered her warriors to protect the two of them as they all made their way toward the massacred, hoping to find signs of who may have committed the massacre.

If the wounds were made by swords, then Azgeda was the culprit, but if the wounds are made by bullets… then, the Sky people broke their promise.

"All bullet wounds. What the hell happened!"

Clarke muttered to her friend and lover, still in shock by what she was looking at. Arkadia had guns, and no one other than them used guns around here. However, how could this happen? Why would her mother and Marcus let this massacre happen? Something wasn't adding up.

Before she could find those answers, Clarke run towards one of the warriors who called for a healer, because he found a survivor. Both Lexa and Clarke run toward the warrior, while the rest of the guards were spreading out to search for more survivors.


As soon as she saw the wounded person, Lexa shouted in surprise before she quickly kneeled beside the wounded woman. Indra groaned out in pain as she tried to get on her feet, alas to no success. Clarke didn't waste any more precious time and lifted the armor to see how badly wounded the woman was. It didn't take a genius or even a doctor to realize that if the wound isn't treated soon, then the woman would die of blood loss before the infection kills her.

"I something to disinfect, some bandages, thread, needle...bring my bag, it's on my horse! "

"You heard Wanheda, move!"

After they got the order from Lexa, Clarke put the right amount of pressure on Indra's shoulder, preventing the blood from flowing out of the wound as much as she could do until the guards bring the medical supplies from her horse.

"G-get your hands o-of me! You're one of them."

Despite the woman's protests, Clarke paid no attention to her as she ripped a piece of her shirt to use as a bandage for the time being.

"Indra, what happened here? Who did this to our people?"

"They attacked us while we slept. Our sentries were mostly on the northern side of our camp, watching the forest for any sign that Azgeda may be near. Those monsters killed our archers so that we couldn't retaliate from distance. Because of that, we were forced to use our infantry, my men couldn't get close no matter how many of them died. In the end, they executed the wounded in cold blood."

"The summit was two days ago. How could Kane do this?"

"It wasn't Kane, Wanheda. It was Pike, he led the attack."

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