Chapter 103 - Demons from the past

Quite a few things happened since Mount Weather was attacked by an army of grounders, however, the most urgent and sad event that happened was the collapse of the tunnel's force. A day after one of the scout camps was annihilated by what Pike presumed to be Leon's hand, the leader of this army of grounders unleashed some of the worst creatures in that tunnel effectively pushing the defender back to square one. The grounders let one of the most dangerous creatures known to man, wasps attack the defenders and as a result, more than fifteen people were killed by these damned insects. Sadly, more of the remaining survivors were in no state to fight or even stand by themselves thanks to whatever poison these insects were bred to have or even mutate.

The only redeeming quality related to the collapse of the frontline that Pike and his aides found was Leon's stubborn refusal to retreat from the tunnels. Despite what happened, together with Wells and a few others guards managed to hold off the never-ending swarm of wasps, until now. Thankfully for whatever reason, the grounders didn't continue their mindless wave assault, instead, they continued to use the wasps at random intervals.

However, because of that reason alone, the chancellor sent their only two electric cars to gather every non-combatant person living in the bunker for them to be transported back to Arkadia alongside whatever medical equipment they could get their hands on. While some of them argued about this decision, in the end, everyone, including Jackson, Raven, and Sinclair was forced to go back to Arkadia leaving the injured and all combatants behind to fend off the grounders by themselves under Leon's leadership.

Unfortunately, for Pike, this wasn't the only bad news he got. On the same day he sent the cars, Bellamy disappeared seemly without a sign.

"You killed him! And for that, I won't forgive you!"

If Bellamy learned one thing since he came down to Earth was that words spoken by friends and family hurt more than bullets and wounds do. Especially when his baby sister detests him, more than anything since her lover was killed partially because of him and the new chancellor.

Even now, after he was captured and presumably taken away from Arkadia by his sister and her accomplices, he still can't bring himself to be angry at her.

He kept replaying every memory he had in his head, from the day he stepped foot on the ground to when his sister drugged him and chained him in this cave. It didn't matter how he got here or why exactly, but the most important thing for him was what his sister was going to do now that she got her hands on him.

Fortunately or maybe unfortunately depending on how one would react hearing the footsteps of what Bellamy guessed were his captors. In the worst-case scenario, he was handed to the grounders where only death awaits him, a slow and painful death, while if he's lucky maybe his sister and her friends were coming to check on him. When he managed to turn his whole body towards the source of those footsteps he saw Miller and his boyfriend walking towards him. Not far behind the two boys was Sergey, Leon's best friend and undoubtedly his right-hand man while beside him were Kane, Sinclair, Harper, and Octavia. Bellamy would lie if he didn't feel relieved when he saw all of them together and alive, especially after what he heard Pike was planning to do with these supposed traitors.

"O…I know it's late, but I'm sorry for what happened to Lincoln. Never would have I imagined that Pike would have killed one of our friends just because he was a grounder. Moreover, Leon's the one who told Pike that you are in the camp!"

Despite having a slightly hoarse voice, all of them could hear the fear and regret in his voice, however that didn't matter for his sister. Maybe the others forgave him for what he had done, but not Octavia.

"Pike put a bullet in his brain. You dare to say that you are sorry. You stood there and didn't even try to save him! "

She tried hard to keep her emotions from showing, but it was clear that she had cried for the past couple of days whenever she was alone, and even now when she heard her brother's words, she almost let her tears show up, but she fought back the tears she had expelled all while they walked from Arkadia to the cave.

"Don't put the blame on others! Leon wasn't the one who helped Pike, he didn't kill the peacekeepers sent by Lexa to help us in case of an enemy attack. You and Pike killed them, just like Pike killed Lincoln for no reason !"

"O...O, I am so sorry...if I only…"

He tried to move closer to her, but his bindings didn't allow him to move more than a few centimeters away from where he lay Out of nowhere, the younger girl punched her brother in the face. The moment he looked up at his sister in shock, all he could see was the rage in her eyes before she punch him again and again until Kane and Miller dragged her back fearing that she would kill the older Blake.

"Octavia, that's enough, you are killing him."

Kane…stay out of this. M-my…mistake…my respons…"

Just as he wanted to argue with the older Blake, Octavia punched her brother again, more savagely than before. After no more than a minute of continuous beating, both Miller and Sergey dragged the girl albeit with quite a few punches thrown at them as well. Thankfully, for them, neither Sergey nor Miller had anything against hitting girls and before Octavia could become a bigger pain in the ass, the taller boy knocked her out cold shocking everyone but Miller.

"What? She beat him enough, and while I definitely dislike him, he's no good to us if his sister kills him."

"You didn't have to knock the daylight out of her!"

"Then what should have I done Kane? Let her beat him until he succumbs to his wounds? Or maybe I should have simply joined her?"

However, contrary to what Sergey thought he did, Octavia was as awake as one could be and before anyone could react, she screamed before punching her brother once more, until the older Blake fell to the floor, motionless and defeated.

Just when Octavia was about to him again, she realized that her hands were shaking and instead of hitting her brother, a slender hand caught her fist before it could connect to his face. Harper gently brought the girl to her side, hugging Octavia as her tears streamed steadily down her flushed cheeks.

"Shhh, it's not worth the effort, Octavia. Let him suffer alone, don't waste your effort on him."

Through her sobs, she turned to look at Bellamy just in time to see him looking at her, hoping that she would forgive him for what he had done to her.

"You're dead to me."