Chapter 106 - Caught like a fish

Surprisingly enough, Kane and his group reached the dropship quite fast and above all uneventful for whatever reason, but despite the lack of grounders or guards shooting at them, neither Sergey nor Miller lowered their guard. Even Octavia, who didn't take no for an answer was on high alert hoping that Pike would pop out of some bush at any second. Unusually, everything was quiet, even when they passed through the gate that kept the dropship safe. The closer they walked to the dropship, the more it looked as if an ambush was awaiting them.

"Monty are you here?"

Even though Kane had his gun trained at Bellamy, he wouldn't shoot the boy, no matter what he had done, however, that didn't mean that he couldn't use him as a valuable hostage. Luckily for the older Blake, his sister was being kept slightly away from Sergey, fearing that she might just kill her brother in revenge. While Miller was in the back of the group watching their surroundings for any potential sniper or even guards, after all, from what they know, this might just be Pike's way of capturing them.

"Well, it seems that we got here before him. Let's head inside and wait for Monty."

"No, we didn't!"

"Why do you say that Serg…?"

Before Kane could finish his sentence, a couple of red dots appeared on all of them. As soon as she saw those dots, Octavia place her sword against her brother's throat, while lowering his head, ready to cut his head off his shoulder if needed. Despite not knowing exactly from what part of the dropship these dots came, the rest of the team aimed their guns at the ship, especially close to the door made of makeshift blankets. Not long after those dots were aimed at them, Monty walked out from inside the drop ship slowly, followed closely from behind by none other than Pike, who had his pistol aimed at the boy's head.

"Sorry guys, they followed me."

"Let him go, Pike!"

"I'm sorry, Kane, but, I can't do that."

As soon as he answered Kane's order, Pike took his walkie-talkie and in the next second, a bullet graze Sergey's leg before hitting the grounder behind him. If not for Kane telling them to hold their fire, both of the boys would have unloaded their ammunition at Pike and the drop ship.

"It's over, Kane. Put down your weapons and surrender yourselves. No one needs to die today."

"Shoot him! We have a chance to end him!"

"We can't Octavia. Monty's in the way."

"Our rifles will go through Monty if we need to take Pike out, just saying."

Maybe they didn't want Kane and his team to find a way of taking them and Pike out as another warning shot graze Miller's arm making the boy drop his gun in surprise and pain. Bellamy glanced at Pike not expecting his leader to actually shot at Kane and his accomplices, especially when the chancellor said that he doesn't plan to kill them the last time he and Bellamy spoke.

"Come on, Marcus, don't make me do it. I promised Monty's mother that I would bring her son back to Arkadia alive. Please think about your people and for the love of god, don't make me a liar."

Octavia glanced up at Kane, gritting her teeth in frustration as her eyes were telling the ex-chancellor not to back down or else everything would go south. Sadly, for her, when he saw that Pike was willing to kill them to get Bellamy, Kane realized that there was nothing they could do other than surrounding if they want to live of course. Not wanting to risk the lives of all of those kids, Kane lowered his pistol before throwing it to the ground and raising his hands above his head in defeat, watching Pike smiling as if he had just won the war.

"You too kids or the next shot go through you. Starting with the younger Blake."

While he knows that the girl hates him for killing her grounder lover, not even in his wildest dream would have Pike thought that Octavia would cut her own brother's throat just so that she could reach him. Just as she was about to cut Bellamy's head he hit her in the stomach with his head forcing his sister to drop her sword, thus freeing Bellamy from her grasp before grabbing the sword in his hands.

As soon he untied himself, Bellamy pinned his sister to the ground and held the sword aimed at her back, praying to all gods that she wouldn't suicide in the next moment or he wouldn't forgive himself. Without having Bellamy as a hostage, Pike quickly called his men and before everyone could react, they all been thrown to the ground, caught in some kind of net used to capture animals.

"I take you this ain't your best day."

"I'm fine, Pike."

"You got about five seconds to make me believe you're still with me or else you will join your friends."

Maybe if his late girlfriend was here, his choice would have been different, but not even when his sister and Kane looked at him, hoping that he would join them, Bellamy looked at them before quickly turning to Pike.

"Harper, Sinclair, and Bryan are in a cave not far from here. I can lead you there, still cuffed if you want sir. They are hardly a threat, but it's better to capture them as well."

"You traitor! I swear Bellamy, I will kill you!" Upon hearing her brother's words, Octavia managed to slip past the guards long enough for her to lunge at him, ready to tear her brother apart for betraying them. Sadly for her, the net was still on her and before she could even reach Bellamy, she was dragged to the ground before getting herself shocked by the guards. Pike watched her struggle for a second or two before he turned to face Bellamy.

"As much as I want to believe you, son, you will have to give me the coordinates."

"I don't have the coordi…"

Out of nowhere, everyone heard distant cries of pain and in the next second, a grounder on horseback collapsed into the wall.