Chapter 110 - He who returns

"Sorry Gustus, but the kids and the captured guards will not come with us. They have something important to do, while I will come along with you and talk with the new commander."

"Are you sure Kane? We know nothing about whoever has become their new commander. Wouldn't it would be better to get back to either mount Weather or Arkadia before sending a delegation to talk things with the coalition?"

"There's no time for that, Sergey. I have to make sure we can resolve this with the new Commander before any more blood gets spilled pointlessly for Pike's ambition. Right now this it's the only way we'll have peace with the Grounders again."

"Maybe we should think about, Kane. You don't have to risk your life."

"Monty and Sergey are right. We know nothing about the new Commander. What if he or she wants us dead at all costs? What good will your death do to us?"

"I'm sure that we can find a middle ground, even if the new commander has a grudge against us, There's always a way, remember that. You guys should go home. Tell our people what happened here. Tell Abby...I'll look out for Clarke until everything returns to how it should have been."

After giving the ex-chancellor a nod, Sergey and the rest of the delinquents, as well as the captured guards left, Bellamy and Kane remained alone with Pike and grounders. Seeing that this might just be his last chance to find the truth, Marcus stepped forward closer to Bellamy.

"Did you do this for your sister, or because it was the right thing to do?"

In all honesty, Bellamy wasn't sure why he betrayed Pike. Was this the right thing to do? Most likely yes, after all the man had started the war when he together with him killed the peacekeepers. Was Octavia one of the reasons? Undoubtedly, for him, his sister was the only thing that mattered even if she would hate him for doing everything in his power to keep her safe and sound.

"I don't know, Kane. However, that doesn't matter right?"

Not waiting to hear an answer from Kane, Bellamy turned away, hoping that the man would simply accept his answer. Nevertheless, Kane was not happy with what he had just heard. Before Bellamy could walk away, Kane grabbed his arm and pulled him back sternly.

"It matters, Bellamy. Until you see that, you'll still be lost."

As soon as he said that, Kane walked away, leaving the older Blake to question Kane's real objectives. Especially now that he realized that the man might even care about them. Did he do it for the good of Arkadia? Did he do it for Octavia? Did he do it for himself? He didn't know, but for now, that wasn't a priority.

Quickly catching up with the rest of the group, Bellamy walked towards the only person, who wouldn't

"How come you were a prisoner as well, Monty?"

"My mom turned me in. She said that it was for the greater good…"

"You are her only family. Sooner or later you two will work it out, believe me."

Surpassingly enough of Octavia, she wouldn't have ever dreamed of hearing those words from her brother, more so ever after what he had done to the grounders. At that moment, her anger slowly fades away, and while not completely, she was definitely no longer angry at him for what happened in Arkadia.

The whole journey back to the cave was uneventful, even with the ten guards that were now prisoners to the teenagers. More than them, this was a better outcome than becoming targets for aim practice or simply being killed by the grounders.

When they reached the cave, Sinclair, Bryan, and Harper were nothing short of shocked as soon as they saw the rather big group of people coming toward them. At first, they thought that Pike captured their friends, but thankfully for all of them, Harper saw her friends having weapons in their hands while the guards were unarmed.

Not seeing Kane anywhere, Sinclair walked towards Miller, hoping to find out where the older man has disappeared.

"Good to see you guys back."

"We should have been the ones saying that."


"Bellamy gambled everything on the grounders taking Pike away and thankfully he was right. They took Pike, leaving us alone. Kane went with them to see if he could somehow persuade the new commander for a new alliance between Arkadia and the coalition."

"For a second I thought that he was killed. He already has more than enough worrying news."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"Something happened in Arkadia. Thelonious returned after what he had done and somehow managed to control the whole camp. Almost everyone had become some sort of religious fanatic in a matter of hours after he came back."

"Did Jasper or Raven tell you anything about what happened? Or did we lose all contact with Arkadia?"

"Jasper has the one who contacted us. Apparently, Thelonious gave everyone some kind of chip that by some absurd logic gave everyone access to some kind of imaginary heaven."

All of them listen to the conversation and the first one to react was Sergey.

"That doesn't make any sense to me. How could a chip turn everyone into fanatics?"

"I don't understand it either. However, if I had to guess, those chips aren't as simple as they might seem. Sadly, I will need one to see what we are working against."

"We'll know soon enough. All of us need to be ready, that includes you guys. We don't know who or what we are facing and let's be honest, from what little we know, we could be very well fighting against aliens at this point."

Meanwhile, one particular girl listened to the whole conversation from way behind the rest of the group. As unbelievable as it seemed to her, Octavia knew that whatever Jaha did to brainwash everyone in Arkadia, including Abby and Raven, was not his final goal. Call it experience or whatever, but even Leon said that Jaha wasn't sane.

Because of that, she had to warn the grounders, especially when even they, the supposed advanced clan had almost no way of dealing with those chips. Whatever Jasper's warning meant to the grounders, she was determined to handle it. The thought of Lincoln's dead body lying on the cold, muddy ground with a gaping bullet hole in his brain made her insides lurch with guilt, but the thought of seeing everyone she considered a friend mindlessly being ordered by Jaha was even worse than remembering her late lover.

"O, wait! You can't just leave us."

"Watch me."

"You heard what Jasper said on the radio. Arkadia is not safe!"

"What Jasper said sounds insane. Pike's gone. I can handle myself. Besides, why do you even care? You betrayed me more than once, brother! Not to mention that I have to burn Lincoln's body, that's how it should be."

"I know that. And then what? Where are you gonna go?"

"It's not your goddamn place to ask that!"

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