Chapter 112 - Betrayal

"We'll open the door."

"Even though my dad is on the other side of the door, I will ask you again, are you sure that's a good idea, Leon?"

"I am. Open the door, Wells. Despite everything that some of them did to us, in the end, they are still our people."

Wells choose to stay silent before the door keeping us safe from whatever was outside other than the people from Arkadia slowly opening. As soon as it was enough space for a person to walk through, Thelonious walked inside with a smile plastered all over his annoying face. The man stopped in front of me before hugging me as if I was his son.

"Leon, my boy, it's so good to see you in one piece and not in some hospital bed."

"Sir, it's good to see you too, but I'm sorry if I might sound rude. Since we fought for the last couple of weeks every day from morning to dawn, I kind of become skeptical of some people."

"I understand that, Leon. I truly do, so please do tell me what's on your mind."

"If I might ask, why are you here together with Dr. Griffin, Byrne, and those people?"

Jaha let out a tired sigh, before putting a sad expression on his face.

"Last night, Clarke did something horrible to our camp, Leon. She blow the gate open before escaping with the only vehicle left. Thankfully no one was hurt and no grounders were close, otherwise, god knows how many people would have died without the gate keeping the grounders at bay."

In all honesty, I was slightly shocked by what I was hearing, then again maybe this wasn't exactly out of character for Clarke. However, knowing her, there must have been something forcing her to leave Arkadia in such a grandiose manner, and I'm willing to bet that either Jaha or Abby, heck maybe even both are the reason behind Clarke's betrayal. Even then, that still doesn't answer me why would Jaha come here, because there was no reason for him to bring Byrne and probably a group of guards just to see if we are still alive.

"That's Clarke for you, sir. However, that still doesn't answer me why would you bring Byrne and the guards here, especially when Arkadia needs all defenses they can get. We might have won this battle, but let's all be honest, the war is far from over."

"Here you are wrong Leon. Clarke might have betrayed us once more, but the war is over. Pike is missing, presumably captured by Kane and sent to the grounders. Even if they don't stop this war, there's always a way to end peacefully. We have developed a way of healing people faster and even bringing patients from deep comas back to life. It's also a great way of keeping you, the people that gave their lives for the rest of us to live peacefully alive for longer."

"With all due respect, sir. Do you want me to believe that there's a thing that could keep a man from bleeding out and that we just discovered it?"

"Yes, Leon is a great thing that could help everyone. SO what do you say, are you willing to accept this gift?"

Hold down a second. Whatever Jaha is trying to sell is definitely a double edge sword, maybe even worse, but if there's even a small chance of waking Finn, I was inclined to believe the madman that abandoned his camp for a dream about some mythical heaven on earth.

"If what you say is true, then I want you to use it on Finn first before the rest of us decide if we also receive this gift of yours. Of course, only if you want, otherwise, I'm sorry, but there's no way I would accept empty words."

"No problem. Please lead me to where Collins is resting. After we wake him up, you will see how great this creation is and how much we can achieve with it."

Meanwhile, back at the cave where Bellamy and his group were hiding, a flash appeared through the trees, followed shortly afterward by lights illuminating the forest just in time for Bellamy, Octavia, Sergey, and five guards to reach the edge of the cave and aim their rifles at the forest.

The guards that were captured, realized how wrong they were to follow Pike after they listen to Sinclair's explanation about what their leader had done in the dark and how Pike abandoned everyone in Mount Weather just because he was unable to get the missiles working. As soon as the rover stopped, Bellamy and Octavia saw Clarke getting off the Rover. Just as they were about to ask Clarke what happened, Jasper's voice caught their attention.

"Guys! We need your help! We have to get her inside before she wakes up, otherwise, we are screwed!"

While two guards helped Jasper take Raven inside the cave, Bellamy and Sergey walked toward Clarke.

"Were you two followed by Pike's men?"

"I don't know Sergey. Jasper and I barely made it out of there unchanged. They got Raven thought."

"Jaha's doing I presume?"

"Yes, Bellamy and because of that, we have to keep her away from outside. More than ever since A.L.I.E sees everything the people that took the chip to see."

"We have to have someone stay outside. Any volunteers?"

"I'll do it. Give me the walkie-talkie just in case I spot someone."

"Thank you, Miller. If you see someone, no matter whom, call us. Thanks to Jaha, we can't know who's an enemy and who's a friend anymore."

Inside, the rest of the survivors were looking at Bellamy as he carried the unconscious Raven into the cave before she could wake up. Clarke ordered them to clear space, and so everyone ran over before Bellamy reached them so that he could set Raven down promptly.

"What the hell happened to her?"

"I told you on the radio, Raven is not Raven anymore. No one from Arkadia is themselves anymore. I don't know how, but apparently, Jaha's chips are turning everyone into living adepts of this A. I that calls herself A.L.I.E."

While Sinclair was getting a rundown from Jasper, Bellamy noticed his sister walking into the cave wearing a solemn look on her face, as if she made her decision.

"Jaha's been chipping everyone. Clarke and I are the only ones that escaped."

"'Chipping everyone?"

"Jasper's right, Monty. I've seen it with my own eyes."

"I don't need your help, all right?"

Jasper snapped, pointing a finger at Clarke and angrily stepping forward, although he looked a bit out of sorts. Almost everyone stood up to witness Sergey dragging Jasper back a few steps, while Clarke stared at him. Sadly for the whole group, Jasper was still angry at Clarke for radiating everyone in Mount Weather.

"Calm down Jasper. Whatever is between you and Clarke can wait for god's sake. Please explain what you mean by that A.I."

"Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are and then you see this thing, A.L.I.E. However, the catch is that she's not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists. She was trying to get her out of her head. I was trying to help her, but..."

"Okay, so let's help her now. Did she say how?"

"She was working on building something. She needed one of her old wristbands, but Jaha destroyed all of them."

"Wait for a second, here."

Hearing Jasper's explanation, Clarke quickly stop him, remembering something that she was carrying on her. She reached into her pocket and grabbed a metal box, reaching inside and pulling out a small chip-like item, pinching it between her thumb and forefinger for everyone to see.

"Does it look like this?"

"It's similar yet completely dif…"

Suddenly, Raven, or better said A.L.I.E that was controlling her body, sprinted out of the cave, punching Jasper in the face since the poor boy was standing in her path. This Raven was faster than she had ever been and before anyone could react she almost got out of the cave. Clarke shouted to alert the guards that were at the entrance, who was confused by the commotion only to find Raven sprinting outside in an attempt to escape. They quickly caught up to her as Raven came to a halt, yelling nonsense to herself.

"Let me go!"

"If Raven finds out where we are, so will A.L.I.E. She'll come for her."

The next thing anyone knew, Jasper pulled out a vile inside his jacket and thrust it into Raven's skin. As soon as the serum went into her bloodstream, Raven's body went limp and she finally calmed down. Everyone turned their heads to Jasper, not knowing what he had just done to Raven.

"Reaper stick. It was our last dose."

"We have to go guys."

"Why? A.L.I.E. doesn't know where we are."

"Because I know where I can get a wristband to get our friend back."

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