Chapter 115 - Reunion

Three days on the run, that's how long I spent running away from this A.L.I.E that took over everyone I knew. Polis was the first one to fall after Arkadia and with it my only safe haven. I don't know if there was anyone unchanged at this point, at least that's what I thought until I went to Polis hoping for the best. While the city had fallen under her control, that didn't mean A.L.I.E forgot her obsession and because of that very reason, I managed to learn from her back when I tried to enter Polis that Clarke and our friends escaped from her grasp.

Before she could surround me with her puppets, I run away once more, knowing that she would do anything in her power to stop me from escaping. And just like that, I spent almost every day since then running from her and the puppets, being them humans or drones.

Meanwhile, Clarke and her group barely made it out alive from a now-destroyed place.

"We're not running away, Clarke. We need to regroup with the others and find another way to defeat that thing."

"There is no other way, Bellamy! We need to find a Nightblood. We need to unlock the Flame. It's the only way to stop A.L.I.E."

Bellamy looked at her in shock, not expecting this kind of outburst from her. While the older Blake looked at his friend in shock, Jasper, the only useless person in the whole group decided to attack Clarke, verbally of course.

"What do you expect us to do, Clarke? Walk into random villages asking for their Nightbloods? Or do you want us to find a store and buy one from there?"

"If that's what it takes. Then yes, we will go from village to village and hope they have a hidden Nightblood!"

"No, Clarke. If A.L.I.E can find us on Luna's oil rig, then she can find us anywhere. I won't help you destroy another innocent Grounder village. We Must Find Another Way!"

"If we don't find a Nightblood, there won't be any Grounder villages. Or a home for us to go back to, Octavia!"

Seeing how agitated Clarke was getting and how desperate to save everyone she becomes, Bellamy had to interfere before everything goes to hell.

"That's all the more reason we go there and make sure our friends are okay. From what we all know, A.L.I.E could be using our friends and family as means of getting us under her control. Heck, maybe she even got Leon, Monroe, and Wells, alongside whoever was still in Mount Weather."

Clarke glanced at Bellamy, and then at his sister, then at Jasper, realizing that what she had just said would only create even more distrust amongst them. Seeing that one was going to accept her desperate attempt of saving everyone, she nodded at them, looking betrayed, before pushing past Jasper and walking into the woods.

"She'll be fine. We just have to let her cool off before we can think about a solution."

While Clarke went into the woods to calm herself down, while the rest of her group start preparing the river for the journey back to Arkadia.

Out of nowhere, everyone heard a Yelp before they heard something heavy hitting the ground, similar to how a human body would have sounded.

"I'm going to check on Clark. You two please stay here."

Jasper wasn't bothered at all by what Bellamy was doing, however, his sister, on the other hand, was a different story. Thankfully, for Bellamy, his sister only sighed before returning to her things. As soon as he saw that neither one of them was going to argue with him about checking out the woods, Bellamy sprinted towards where he heard the shout.

The closer he got to Clarke, the more his fears increased, and before he knew he start hearing the voice of his friend talking with a man. Even though he wanted to stay hidden just in case, Bellamy still sneaked a few meters forward just enough to hear the conversation that Clarke had.

"I need to find a Nightblood to put the flame in."

"I already have a Nightblood to put it in. Why don't you accept that we can help each other?"

"You know that Azgeda can't become the leader of the coalition. No one would listen to another tyrant!"

"So be it, Clarke. I'm sorry that it has to end this way!"

Before she could react, Roan lunged at her, dagger in hand, ready to kill her if necessary. By some miracle, Clarke managed to dodge just in time for the dagger to miss her before she looked at him in shock.

"Roan, please just stop!"

"Because of you, Ontari never ascended. So, no, I won't stop. Not until the Ice Nation has its Commander. I won't stop even if that means I would have to die, not until my people get what they deserve!"

Seeing that Clarke was in danger, Bellamy charge at Roan hoping to catch him by surprise. However, unlike Bellamy, Roan was way more familiar with such sneak attacks than the older Blake would ever be. Just as Bellamy was about to grab Roan and put him to the ground, the prince twisted the dagger in his hand and stabbed Bellamy in the shoulder, before pinning him to the ground with his knee.

"What's going to be now Clarke? Would you give me the flame in exchange for your friend's life, or will you sacrifice him for a few minutes? The choice is yours."

As soon as she heard his words, Clarke had a mental breakdown. On one hand, she promises Titus that she would take care of the flame and that she would not give it to Azgeda, but on the other hand, her friend was held hostage by the man that caught her, albeit after she begs Leon, one of the few people she could trust no matter what happened. In the end, the promise she had made won over the life of her friend. Taking one last look at Bellamy, she was about to run towards the rover, when out of nowhere a gunshot echoed in the forest, missing Roan by just a few centimeters

"That was a warning shot, the next one would hit you."


"Good to see you guys. Now, Roan, it seems we are in quite a standoff, won't you say that prince? How is going to be?"

There was no way for him to win, even if he kills Bellamy. If, and that was a big if, he manages to take the flame from Clarke, what would stop me from killing him? Seeing that he had no other choice, Roan lifts his hands in surrender, dropping the dagger to the ground before slowly getting away from Bellamy. As soon as he surrendered himself, I walked forward until I stood beside Bellamy, with my gun still aimed at the prince, not trusting his surrounding at all.

"You guys okay?"

"You don't know how good it is to see you, Leon."

"Well, what can I say, it's good to see unchanged people for a change."


"Let's go, tough guy. We need to get your wound checked."

"He's coming with us."

"Like hell, he is, Clarke! He tried to kill you two and he would have won if not for me, so why in the fucking hell should we bring him with us?"

"Because we both want the same thing, to put the Flame in Ontari."

Right as I was about to argue with her, Bellamy shouted at her.

"How do you know he's not chipped? What makes you think that he could go in Polis and give the flame to Ontari? From what we know he could be a free agent for A.L.I.E."

"If he were, do you think he would've saved me?"

"Still, we need to be sure. We need to find a way to prove that he's normal."

Rolling my eyes, I turn to face the prince and aimed at his shoulder with my sidearm, before pulling the trigger. When the bullet penetrates his should, Roan let out a cry of pain. Sadly for him, that wasn't all, a second after we heard his cry, Bellamy grabbed my rifle and use the butt of the gun to knock the prince out. Both Clarke and I glanced at him as if he was crazy, not expecting this kind of reaction from our friend.

"What? We had to double-check."

Clarke rolls her eyes at him before she smiled at us. "Fine, but now you both have to carry him. I'm too weak to carry him anyways."

She turns and walks back towards the rover before either of us could protest. Looking at Bellamy we both ground before we grabbed the man, I grabbed him by the legs while Bellamy from the back. By the time we reach the rover, the duo was more surprised to see me than they were to see the unconscious prince.

"Leon! What are you doing here?"

"The usual, fighting enemies and finding myself into a lot more trouble than I would have loved. What about you?"

"Being left to babysit Jasper by my own idiotic brother. So what's up with him?"

"Well, Clarke's secret lover kissed the back of my gun, courtesy of your brother."

"Tough luck…so are we going to take him with us or what?"

"That's what Clarke said."

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