Chapter 122 - None shall pass

As we were making our way towards the commanders' room, checking all of the rooms along our way, Miller and Bryan walk around the corner, one looking worse than before while the other was sweating as if he had just had a ten hours hike. It didn't take a genius to realize that Bryan's wound got worse than before, and the only explanation for that was an infection nasty one I might say considering how pale and how he was covered in sweat, not to mention that he could barely even stand still for a second. However, if that wasn't bad enough, I just realize that these two had left Pike alone with Sergey, Indra, and Octavia, and while Sergey could keep one of them at bay from killing the man, he was in the end just one person.

"You left Octavia and Indra with Pike?"

"Sergey is with them."

"He's just one man, Nate!"


Right after he heard my words, Miller become as pale as his boyfriend, realizing that he might have just doomed Pike. Even though the man deserves to die for sparking a war between us and the grounders, he still had his use, then again I doubt Octavia would keep him alive until his no longer useful. Right now, given the low numbers on our side, we need every uncontrolled person and sadly for us, Pike was one of those.

"What is done is done, there's no point arguing about it. You two go to the throne room and get ready."

Both of them nodded at us, before we run towards the commander's room, as fast as we could hoping that we could salvage the situation from turning from bad to worse. As soon as we made it there, the first thing that we saw was Pike being held down on the ground by some grounders and Sergey fighting a controlled Gustus. Indra was nowhere to be seen while Octavia was just a few meters away, simply watching Pike, not even attempting to help either one of them.

"O! What the fuck are you doing?"

As soon as she heard her brother's voice, she turns around in surprise, just in time to see both of us running into the room, towards the grounders, Bellamy towards Pike while I went after Gustus. Being closer to her than I was, Octavia managed to reach out for her brother as he nears Pike, desperately crying and trying to hold him in place.

"Please, Bellamy, don't help him! "

"Luckily for Pike. Bellamy managed to get free from her grip and aimed his gun at the grounders, shooting one of the men immediately. Not even a second after the man falls to the ground, Bellamy turns to shoot the other, missing the shoot, but still injuring the grounder in the leg. Even though it missed, that gave Pike more than enough time to get the upper hand, as he grabbed the man's neck, before twisting it, killing the grounder of good.

"Can you stand?"

"She cut me!"

Hearing Pike's words, Bellamy looked at his sister in shock. Yes, Octavia had every right to hold a grudge against him, but killing one of their best shooters and fighters right now, was akin to losing a hand in a melee. However, now wasn't the right time to argue about what was right and what wasn't. As soon as Pike was on his feet both of them turned towards Sergey and me, only to see Gustus hitting the floor, not moving even a muscle. With Gustus down and Sergey saved from him, I turned towards them only to see all of them looking at us and the best thing I could do was to nod at them, before rushing towards the balcony only to see even more controlled people climbing the tower.

"Guys, we got some guests coming right up!"

Bellamy and Sergey quickly made their way to the balcony as well, only to realize that this room was as good as lost.

"We won't resist if we continue to fight here."

"Come on, we got to go!

"We can't give up the room!"

"Pike, we already have! There's no way for us to hold A.L.I.E"

Just as we closed the door, a few grounders climbed into the room, with Kane and Wells in the lead,. A.L.I.E, oh A.L.I.E you really want that first chip so bad that you are willing to risk killing our friend for it…

While there was no way in hell we could keep the door shut without welding metal sheets, Sergey and I still dragged a wardrobe in front of the door, while Bellamy and Pike did the same, hopping that this makeshift barricade would keep the door shut for a few minutes. For a second Octavia almost lost control again, only for her brother to interfere before it would be too late.

"O, listen to me, I know how you feel. I let the need for revenge put me on the wrong side. I don't want that for you. You don't deserve that, so please, just for a few more minutes, forget about killing Pike."

Octavia did everything in her power to fight back tears, however, someone hit the door, letting us know that they had made it inside the room. The chipped people continue to hit the door in a steady manner, one after another, making us tense, yet at the same kind of forcing us to be ready for anything.

For some reason, Octavia decided to ask for my help, getting more furniture to use as a barricade than asking for her brother's help, then again, their relationship wasn't exactly all that good thanks to our chancellor. As we were making our way towards another room, she stopped for a second, making me also stop and wait for her.

"I wanted to see things like you. I needed that, to believe that they were bad and we were good. I don't know what I believe anymore, I just know that I have to live with what I've done."

"While I don't remember saying that, the truth is that there aren't any good or bad guys, Octavia. We are all humans and whether we like it or not, we will always fight, either against each other or against other threats, such as A.L.I.E right now. As for Pike…I said that I will kill him myself, if you won't able to do it after he stops being useful, Octavia. I know you're mad, that you hate working with him, but having him around right now is one more body between us and A.L.I.E's chipped army. We can sacrifice him before we have to give any of ourselves up. Worst case, he dies before he can be useful then again, I don't think can exactly be put in the worst case."

"I know, you are right, it's just..."

"Don't worry, I know what you want to say."

"I'm sorry, Leon. I'm truly are, but…"

"Don't be. Just, please, wait until this is finished. He tried to kill me, and I want him dead just as much as you do. However, right now, Clarke is more important than anything else. We have to keep her safe."

By the time we return with a huge table, Miller returned to the 'frontline' looking a little bit better now that he doesn't have to carry his boyfriend and guns.

"It's good to see you back Miller. Octavia and I found more furniture we can use, but we need almost everyone to carry it here, but that also means that someone would need to stay behind just in case the chipped guys somehow manage to get through the barricade before we manage to reinforce it."

No one said anything about my plan, after all, it was to our benefit we could stop A.L.I.E before she could even make her move, and thus we all starts to take turns resting or better said guarding the barricade, while the others were bringing furniture. When I made my back to the barricade, Sergey and Bryan, who wasn't supposed to be there, were talking while the grounders continue their assault on the door. As soon as they saw me, Bryan looked at the door for a second before turning his attention to me.

"This isn't gonna hold for long!"

"It doesn't need to hold for long, just enough for…"

As if A.L.I.E was listening to our conversation, something big hit the door, almost as if they had a battering ram. If my fears are to be proven right, then our barricade won't hold for more than a few minutes at best,

"Sounds like there's a lot of 'em! Maybe it's time to use the guns on them. "

"No need for guns just yet, since we've got something better than them."

Even though he had a clear plan, Pike still decided to first ask Bellamy and me what we are thinking about this before actually doing what he wants, something that earned him some brownie points in my opinion.

"The hallway around the corner drops down, making it perfect to hold water. We wait for them to stand in the water, and then we drop the shock batons in. There's not enough electricity in them to kill them, just knock them out."

"Can you do it, or should I and Bellamy go?"

"I'm injured and as much as I hate to admit I'm not the fastest one here. You two go, it's the fastest and safest bet we have."

"Good, you guys hold the barricade."

Leaving the team behind, Bellamy and I quickly found the place, but it lacked the water necessary for us to use as a weapon. A few minutes go by until I noticed an old and rusty pipe just out of sight. Using the butt end of the rifle, I hit the pipe until it bursts, spilling water all over the floor and filling the ground, just enough for us put Pike's plan into practice. You step back as it rushes over your shoes, soaking your socks, and you and Bellamy watch the water flow out of the wall until it stops, with nothing left inside.

As soon as the trap was ready, we returned to our people, informing them that everything was ready. Bryan and Miller were the first two to retreat, while the rest of us were left to choose one of us as bait.

"Someone needs to be the bait to stop them in the hall."

"I will."

We all turn to look at Octavia, and seeing the determination in her eyes I could only nod, accepting her decision.

"Well then, you three go next, Octavia and I will be the last two."

They run off, following Bryan and Miller's path, leaving Octavia and me leaning against the door, keeping the increasing strength of the chipped people at bay for as long as possible.

"We have to get as many of them as we can into the water before you signal us. There are boxes on our end of the hallway for you to jump on so you won't get shocked."

"Roger that."

"Are you ready?"

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