Chapter 128 - Boom Station

"I know that this would undoubtedly shrink the chances of us saving 'the good grounders' to the bottom, but at the same time, I for one can't just let these people, our people be killed or worse live what little Earth does have as the slaves of the Azgeda. "

"I want to save them as much as you do, but using the hydro generator as a bomb would be a bad move. With it, we could save 500 people, if we put only grounders inside Arkadia that would mean at least 50 from each clan. Look, I know that this isn't the best thing we should do, but at the same time, I don't say to abandon them, but we can't just destroy the only thing that could help the human race."

"That's one vote for saving them and one for not. I for one, I'm willing to use the generator as a bomb. In the end, we would still be able to save some grounders, albeit not as much as we could with the generator. However, if that means our people would get to live, then I'm all for it. What about you three?"

"Sorry, Sergey, Leon, but I'm with Bellamy on this. Arkadia does need the generator."

"You don't need to ask me, I'm already on Leon's team."

With Miller saying that he would save the people, all of us turned towards Harper, waiting for her to make her choice. After all, if she decides to help our people, that would mean that despite being against it, Bellamy and Monty would also help us. On the other hand, if choose to get out with the generator, that would mean that we would have to fight our way out, thanks to the stunt I and my friends pulled a few minutes ago.

"I agree with Monty and Bellamy about the generator is, probably the only chance the grounders would have, but at the same time I don't want to be the reason, our people will die, so I'll have to go with Leon's plan. Sorry guys."

Once we found our answer, I turned towards my friends, ready to explain to them how we would use the generator, when the general, who we tied alongside all of the grounders in the room to the wall, start shouting for help. Sadly for him, the room was made so that nothing could come in or out without direct control over the door, which means that the guards n the other side won't be able to hear him, no matter how hard he tries. Since we voted on what to do and in the end, we choose to save our people, we had no need for the general and his people, and so without wasting any more time, I alongside Sergey cut the necks of all of the seven grounders that were tied to the wall. While it was brutal and probably a war crime, maybe this was mercy compared to what the rest of their people would get once the bomb explodes or when the Praimfaya evaporates everything.

While it was clear that they weren't exactly comfortable with what Sergey and I just did to these grounders, no one said anything, most likely thinking that this was a mercy kill than anything else.

"So, how are we going to do this?"

"We get the bomb into the hallway and we set it off, afterwards, we see what's going to happen. Preferably, the bomb would take out most of the grounders nearby, and then we fight anyone else who survives, before we free everyone. After all, we don't want to get them killed before we even get them out of here, now do we?"

Surprisingly enough, The Ice Nation guards that were guarding the door didn't say anything about their leader, instead, they simply close the door behind us, sealing the room off from the rest of the station. As soon as the door closed, twice as many grounders as we have surrounded us, getting ready to escort us out of the station.

"What's wrong, Monty?"

"I think the generator would fall if we don't strengthen the restraints. Let's put it down for a second."

Everything went according to the plan, while Harper and I were the guards, the rest of the guys were caring the generator and when Monty gives the signal, all of them would lower the generator to the ground. As soon as the generator was on the ground, Monty leans down to fiddle with the controls, and after a few seconds, a quiet beeping sound began being heard. No one needed any other signal, since we all knew that this would happen and before the grounders could react, I turned towards the nearest grounder swinging my fist at her face and sending her backward, the poor woman didn't even know how she was knocked out. With my grounder guard down, I turned ready to help, but instead, Monty and Harper dragged me inside the room, just as the rest of my friends frantically close the door, apparently, these bastards used knives and guns while I like dumb idiot went for fists. A few seconds later, the explosion cuts through the ship, taking out all of the grounders on the other side of the door.

An hour after the explosion, everyone was back in the truck, ready for the trip home, back to Arkadia. This time though I would ride in the front alongside Bellamy and Miller while Monty, Harper, and Sergey would stay in the back with the people from far, station. Strangely enough, this doesn't feel as good as I thought it would, even though we saved twenty-five people from Farm Station today, at the same time, we potentially condemned the rest of the grounders to death. You squeeze his hand and whisper, "I stand by what I said. I support your decision, and I think you made the right call."

When we arrive back at Arkadia, we, minus Monty and Harper quickly jump out of the truck and immediately start helping the Farm Station survivors climb down the truck, while the new couple starts to figure out who needs to go where. As we were helping the people, Clarke comes outside to greet us, but before she can, her eyes land on Riley. "Riley?"


"I can't believe you're alive."

He turns to look at us, nodding in appreciation, before turning back to Clarke.

"I am now."

"Now, now, we have more than enough time to talk after we Get Riley and the others to the med bay."

Since no one offered to do that, Harper decided to take the lead before nodding at us and motioning for Riley and the others to follow her, while Clarke walks over to the four of us, as Raven comes around from the front of the truck, looking into the back in confusion. "Where is it?"

"We didn't get the machine."

"It didn't survive the landing?"

"The generators survived, but some complications happened."

"Like what, Leon?"

"I had to make a choice between bringing the machine home or using it to save them. In the end, we choose to use the generator as a bomb to save our people."

"Good job out there Leon, but you know that this means the grounders are so screwed."

"While that is true, we still have time to find something for them, however, we are not sacrificing any more innocent lives."

"You just did, Leon! You basically condemned all of the grounders to a painful death!"

"Despite what everyone says about being easy to make thoughtful choices, it isn't, princess! I made the call, and I'll live with it."

"Clarke, he didn't have a choice, from what they say it was between our people and the grounders and I'm with Leon on that, our people are more important than the grounders."

"I don't care anymore, anyways, it seems that whatever I say no one even cares at this point!"