Chapter 142 - The final Enclave

"You here to give me a pep talk? Did my brother send you here after he failed miserably to change my mind?"

"No exactly, Octavia. While Bellamy did ask me to talk you out of this, I know better than to argue with Blake and their stubbornness. Besides, I've come here to ask you why you want to risk your life for the grounders, especially when we have Mount Weather."

"If I die, I die. At least I go down fighting. I know how much you did for all of us keeping the bunker safe for weeks against an entire army of grounders, but right now, I want to help them, it's the least I own them."


Before I could even complete my sentence, she cuts me off, angry that I, out of all of her friends would try to control her.

"Don't. This is my decision, Leon. I know what the odds are, I don't need you or anyone to point out that I might die out there."

"God dammit, Octavia, let me finish before you lash out at me like that. When did I force you to do something you didn't want? I said it before and I will say it again, I'm not here to stop you, I am here to make sure that you are prepared for what is going to happen down there."


"I could have left with Byrne, but no! I choose to stay behind with Clarke and Bellamy and see you succeed. Even after I've found out that Raven is dying, I still choose to stay here and make sure that you survive one way or another, so for the love of god, please listen to me."

Octavia nodded at me, this time though she finally understood her mistake, after all not everyone was as overprotective of her as her brother was.

"Once you are down there, you will be on your own. And let's be honest, you are no match for some of the grounders." As soon as she heard my words, a sad look appeared on her face. "Then again, you don't need to fight every single one of them. As long as you can stay alive until the end, you will have to face just the survivors, but sadly, that's the hard part. Roan is quite a hard opponent for you so do try to avoid him at all costs, especially now that Echo is back on his side courtesy of our princess and her mother."

Before Octavia could say anything, we both heard footsteps hurriedly coming toward us. Once we saw who it was, I for one was surprised to see Clarke out of all of the people coming after Octavia. Even more so when she had a grim expression, not optimistic at all about this whole ordeal.

"It's time, Octavia."

As soon as Clarke told us that Octavia needs to go, the girl in question left in a hurry, fearing that Clarke or I would try to change her mind. Clarke and I follow her path until we meet up with Bellamy, who together with Indra led us in the crow just in time for Indra's daughter, Gaia to announce Octavia's presence as well as her participation in the fight.

Octavia steps up onto the stage and ducks her head, allowing Gaia to attach a necklace around her neck before the flamekeeper spoke to her. "Accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their new champion."

She walks across the stage and comes to a stop beside Roan before Gaia continues with her final words before the battle for the bunker begins.

"Soon will begin the Final Conclave, a battle to the death within the walls of Polis. These warriors will fight until only one remains. When that warrior collects all of the sigils from the fallen and delivers them to me, they will be declared the victor. This final champion alone will tell us which clan is meant to survive in the crypt of Bekka Pramheda, and which clans are meant to perish in Praimfaya. We honor those who fall by the sword, but follow the One who wields it best.""

"That would be me!"

I expected this to happen ever since she left the island, contrary to what the rest of the crowd did, I simply look at the participants ignoring Luna who walk through the crowd, shoving people out of her way to get to the front.

"Well, this would be interesting and bloody."

While Bellamy and Kane looked at me confused, not understanding what I meant by that, Clarke on the other hand knew exactly how bad things got for Luna on Becca's Island, especially after he mother forcefully drugged her and extracted her bone marrow. She stalks onto the stage and comes to a stop in front of Gaia. "I'm Luna kom Floukru, and I'm the last of my clan."

"We know who you are…The Nightblood who ran from her conclave."

"A coward!"

"I'm not running from this one."

Gaia turns and grabs the last necklace from the bowl, turning to face the angry Nightblood, and without any sign of fear she put the necklace on the Nightblood.

"Accept this sigil, Luna kom Floukru. But with your clan gone, who will you fight for?"

"I fight for no one. I fight for death."

She snatches the necklace from Gaia's hands and turns and holds it up for the crowd. "When I win, no one will be saved other than Skykru."

If we aren't already enemies with all of the clans before, now we are literally fucked… damn girl, I know that you have some beef with Abby and Clarke, but do you really have to put the rest of us in the same boat as them?

Nevertheless, Luna's words immediately send a wave of murmurs through the crowd, and Gaia quickly avoids a bloodbath by dispersing the crowd and sending the warriors down into the weapons room to arm up and prepare for the battle before anyone could react to the words Luna had just spoke. Maybe I shouldn't have sent Byrne back to the mountain considering that this was after all a battlefield.

Despite feeling the eyes of the grounders on us, I together with Kane, Bellamy, Clarke, and Jaha walk towards the safe area as the grounders call it when Gaia calls for us.

"Skaikru! Three of you will go to the weapons room, while the rest of you, report to your designated safe zone."

Just as I was about to walk there, Gaia calls my name making me stop and roll my eyes at her.

"Not you, Osleya. I'm sorry, but I can't let you anywhere near the other warriors."

Since I couldn't go there, Kane gestures to Clarke and Bellamy to follow him, leaving me with Jaha.

"Come on. We have to get her ready."

Jaha reaches out and grabs Kane's arm, stopping him from leaving. "This conversation isn't over. The death wave will be here within three days, and here we are, risking our lives on a blood sport?"

"The fate of all grounders, Jaha. We all heard Luna."

"She's just one of 13."

"You're wrong Bellamy. She's a Nightblood novitiate, which means she trained in combat exactly like this."

"Then what Leon? You want us to cheat?"

"No. I only say that because Luna is the walking definition of a killer trained from a young age, and that makes her a dangerous foe."

"Besides, you know the rules. If we break them, we lose, and if we lose, we die."

"The rules are not the problem, Kane. The game is. Even if we stop Luna, even if Octavia finds a way to win, does anyone truly believe that the Grounders will accept Skaikru as the ones that would say who lives and who dies?"

"Yes. The conclave is sacred, they'll honor the winner. Like it or not, we're all Grounders now."

"Leon, I want you to get our guards ready just in case. We will have Octavia ready for the fight. The rest is up to her."

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