Chapter 147 - Tought choice

"Thank you, Monty."

"Don't worry Leon, just stay put and wait for us. We'll be there shortly. Monty out."

Listen to him, stay put? As if we could leave this place. Sarcasm asides, I was glad that Monty was willing to risk everything for us, making me realize how many good friends I've made this past year.

Suddenly Murphy's shout made everyone look at him, but before anyone could react, Emori starts violently coughing making her lover even more scared for her. Even though I was the one that was the farthest away from her, I still managed to see for a split second some redness on her skin just as Clarke rushes over to her and Murphy. Once she takes a closer look at Emori, Clarke froze for a second before she looks at Murphy with an apologetic look on her face.

"She's been exposed. It's not fatal yet, but at this rate, she will not survive for too long."

When he heard her words, Murphy went into panic, looking frantically between Clarke and his girlfriend. "How's that possible? She's wearing a suit!"

Clarke didn't think about that until now and as soon as she realized what Murphy had just said, she quickly checks Emori over, trying to find a point of exposure, and after a few seconds she finds a tear in the fabric near her helmet.

"There's a tear in her seal, right at the helmet."

"You can fix it, right, Clarke?"

Still panicked, Murphy turns towards Clarke and grabs her shoulders.

"Clarke, don't you have something in that backpack of yours?"

Hearing his words, I quickly grabbed the backpack and rummaged through it, findings nothing that could help Emori. Everyone was waiting for me to find something but as soon as I shook my head, their hope plummeted.

"I'm sorry. There's nothing here! Just the first aid kit that we packed, and frankly that won't help at all!"

"We give her the extra suit, then."

"We don't have another suit, Murphy."

"Yes, we do!"

Despite not wanting to be the bad guy, Bellamy still managed to upset John. Even though he was angry at what Bellamy just said, Murphy knew better than to argue, instead, he turns his sights on Echo. "Take it off now."

"I saved your life and this is how you thank me?"

"What were you gonna do if we didn't get attacked, huh? I mean, do you guys seriously think she was following us out of the kindness of her own heart? No. She was gonna attack us the second that we stopped. So give me that damned suit!"

Before the whole situation could escalate to a point of no return, Bellamy jumps in between them, defending Echo, just as Clarke tried to calm Murphy down.

"Murphy if you cut that suit, that would only get you a broken suit, and would save no one."

"I'm not letting her die either, even if that means going through Clarke and Bellamy to get the suit."

This was the second time I'd seen him so different from what he was when we landed and, to be honest, he was right. I did promise him a place in Mount Weather as well as my word that neither one of them would be killed by the radiations or Abby back in the lab. Just as he was about to jump at Bellamy, I removed my helmet shocking everyone present.

"For fucks sake people. The death wave is upon us and we are still arguing?"

"What are you doing? Put your helmet on!"

"I'm making one thought decision here, princess. Besides, I'm a Nightblood, don't you remember?"

"We have untested Nightblood!"

Clarke tried to push my helmet back towards me, but alas to no effort, as I simply kept the helmet in my hand, not budging even an inch. I know that this was one of the most dangerous things I ever did, but at the same time, I couldn't watch Emori die, especially when there was a chance I could save her.

"Calm down, Clarke. Your mother didn't let us test it back at the lab, but look at the bright side of this whole thing, we're testing the Nightblood now."

She looked at me as if I was crazy and tried once again to take the helmet from my hand, only for me to stop her.

"Clarke, this is the right thing to do."

Not giving her any time to argue, I turned towards Murphy.

"Take off her helmet."

Without hesitation, Murphy pulls off Emori's helmet and switches it with mine as fast as he could, before securing it, saving his girlfriend from a horrible death. The couple then looked at me thankful for what I have done for both of them, even more so now that I lowered my chances of surviving the death wave for them. Everyone else looked at me in disbelief, especially Echo, who didn't think I would go to such lengths to save someone.

Out of nowhere, we heard Monty's voice coming from the radio, calling for us.

"Guys, you still there? Please come in."

Bellamy quickly snapped out of his state and ran to the radio before quickly picking it up and answering Monty's question.

"Monty, we're here. Head northeast from Polis, and, Monty… "Bellamy pauses before looking in my direction before he continues his sentence "… and drive fast."

As soon as Bellamy finishes talking with Monty, he alongside Clarke and even Emori and Murphy drags me towards the truck fearing that the radiation would kill me. I didn't even argue with them since it was kind of nice to know that someone was actually worried about my well-being. Once inside the truck, those four idiots put me in a containment room, not letting me leave the truck for a few hours until the wonder duo knocks on the window, prompting me out of my thoughts. As soon as I opened the door, Clarke shows me her watch and how much time we had left until the Praimfaya reaches us.

"It's about Raven. We have to talk about it."

"As Clarke said, it's related to both Raven and the island. We missed the window, and if continue going to the island, we won't make it back to Mount Weather in time."

"What about John and Emori? If we go back, I doubt they would let the two of them inside the mountain, especially with how little room is left."

Rather than answering my question, Clarke turns to look at me, watching my body carefully, looking for any signs of radiation poisoning.

"If the blood works, we need to get you and Clarke to Mount Weather. We already did everything we could to save as many people as possible. If Abby can make us all Nightbloods, then we only need to stay inside the mountain until the death wave passes."

"But not my girlfriend, no? We won't be able to save Raven if we return to the mountain."

Before either, one of them could say anything, the rover pulls up, finally arriving to take us back to the mountain. Monty and Harper jump out and walk toward us almost as soon as the rover stops. While Jasper and I weren't exactly friends, I would have thought that he would be one of the few that would survive, then again the death of his girlfriend did break him completely, almost making him insane.

"We got here as fast as we could."

At first, neither he nor Harper realized that I was wearing a helmet, but as soon as they does, both of them reach out for me, trying to drag me to the rover.

"You're exposed, Leon. Come on, let's get you into the rover."

"Don't worry, you two. I'm perfectly fine."

"I'll grab the extra helmet."

Right after Harper runs towards the rover to get the spare helmet, Murphy walks past us, helping a really confused Emori to the back of the rover. "Guys, come on. This planet ain't getting any less irradiated."

Even though she didn't say anything, Echo who was feeling worse than Emori, followed closely from behind, when she almost fell to the ground. Thankfully, for her, Bellamy was close by to catch her as she nearly falls. Just as I thought that these two would either make out or start a fight, Harper grabs my attention.

"Sorry Leon! The helmets don't match, so I had to bring the whole suit."

Before she could hand me the suit, Monty takes the case from her hands and nods over to Bellamy. "I got this, help the others into the Rover."

I was about to tell him that there was no need for a suit when I started to cough violently. If that wasn't already a bad sign, the fact that the harder I cough the more black liquid I spit out staining the ground in black blood. When I finally stopped, I glanced at Clarke and Monty in complete confusion after all, the radiation shouldn't have damaged me to such an extent, but it seems that I was wrong. Ha, such a dumb way of dying.

Just as I was about to walk towards the rover, Clarke appears on my left side, and grabs my hand in comfort, while Monty shoves the suit out towards me.

"You need to put on the suit now, Leon. It was for Jasper, at least now it'll do some good. Jasper would want you to. If we're still gonna make it to the island, we better-"

"We're not going to the island."

"You better be sure we are, Blake. Don't anger me now or I swear I'll kick you out."

"For the love of god, Leon. Think about the rest of us!"

"I'm fucking doing that!"

"Then do the right thing! The Nightblood doesn't work."

Surprisingly enough, Clarke took my side rather than helping Bellamy.

"We don't know that yet. Luna got sick before she got better. So maybe the Nightblood does work"

"Even if you're right, they won't let us all into the mountain if you are sick. It took days for Luna's natural resistance to kick in, by that time, the death wave will already be here, and all our friends will be dead. Are you okay with that, Leon?"

"You know I'm not, Bellamy. However, unless I am missing something, there is no other way for all of us to survive and that means someone has to die. That someone is my girlfriend."

"What if there is?"

"What are you talking about, princess?"


Of course, there's that place still standing. That could work after all.

As soon as she says it, we run towards the rover, jumping inside before leaving in a hurry. Once the rover was on the move, Clarke turned toward the others and explain the plan she had just made. Surprisingly enough all of them seem more than okay with it, given the unlikely fact that Emori, John, and even Echo would be even allowed inside the mountain, not to mention me and Raven if we ever reach the mountain before the death wave which was a fool's dream.

It doesn't take long before we reach the boat, and ride it over to the island, albeit with some difficulty that to the clunky suits but in the end we made it work. As she promised, Emori leads all of us through the woods, in the dark, straight to the lab without any problems whatsoever.

With me in the lead, we all stopped on the platform at the top of the stairs, looking down at the only girl that still worked in the lab. When she hears movement behind her, she turns around, looking up at all of us in shock, before for the first time since we got together she cried.

Seeing her like this made my heart hurt, but there was no way I would watch my friends die even if that means that I would have to be left behind. While Raven was wiping her tears, we all pull our helmets off in unison, looking down at her, as she shakes her head and starts to question us

"What are you doing here?"

I tried my best to smile at her, but the coughing was getting on my nerves. "I've told you that I won't leave you ever behind."

Without giving her any time to argue back, I lead the way down the stairs, with Clarke and Harper right behind me, followed by Bellamy, then the others. When I reaches the bottom where she was, Raven hugs me, still in shock but slightly happy that she won't be alone.

Once we break our hug, she looks at me in fear, remembering something.

"But there's no time to get back."

"We're not going back, Tinky."

"Leon's, right. We are not going back, we're going up."

Her confusion turns to shock and Murphy jokes when he saw her expression.

"Oh, don't look so surprised. It was all your crazy idea, to begin with. We just got contaminated by it."

"Space? But, we don't have enough fuel to get down."

At her words, Harper simply shrugs before joking.

"Sounds like a 5-year problem to me."

"You're talking about the ring."

"That we are, Raven. So you reckon we can reach it?"

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