Post Praimfaya Chapter 5 - A little problem

A few days passed since that night. At first, I thought that maybe our relationship would somehow become strange considering what he did, but surprisingly, Clarke found my reaction funny, before she told me that she doesn't have any problems sharing.

To be honest, it was a nice change, after all, in the last couple of months, the two of us relied on each other to survive, especially in my case since I was pretty beaten up by the death wave. We spent most of our days fooling around and working in the village, making a small fence around the village, just in case some of the wildlife that roams the forest decides to attack us.

Yeah, I know, wildlife what a foreign concept, no? Well, I found out the hard way that some of the dinosaurs survived the Praimfaya and right now in the whole forest, Clarke and I met a few packs of raptors, some small and medium size herbivores, and surprisingly enough some flying dinosaurs that we haven't seen until now.

Remembering those past days made me smile, only for Clarke to roll her eyes at me as she prepared herself for another long day of hard work. Like she does every other day, Clarke went into the forest to pick berries, leaving me in the village to plow the ground for our farm. While we don't have anything other than some wild plants, it was still better than nothing, besides might be able to create a ranch in the future and tame some of the dinosaurs, like the dodos.

Two hours later and quite a few rows done, I saw Clarke returning with quite a few bowls filled to the brim with berries. She smiled at me before heading towards one of the tables that were built in the center, before the berries on the table. Not long after she finished sorting the berries into portions, I sit beside her, looking at how serious she looked while trying to make equal portions for us.

"I take it we are having berry salad again?"

"No, my stupid handyman. We've been working hard for the past couple of days. Today, we feast."

It was about time to eat that stupid bird that we caught last night and as the soup was being cooked, Clarke and I took our time eating berry after berry, as she start painting in her book, a reminder of better times as I call it. Since I had nothing else to do, I decided to try my luck with the radio, and maybe I would manage to contact someone, though the odds are that nothing would happen, just like it did in the last months.

"I know that this is a pointless attempt of ours to reach you guys, but how are you doing up there? Did you guys get used to Monty's algae farm?"

No response, nothing out of the ordinary since that damned death wave destroyed everything, then again it would have been nice to hear a response.

"Anyways, our village is coming along great. If you can believe it, our princess made me into a farmer while she became a berry picker. Like always, please do send a sign to us if you guys got our messages."

As soon as I put the radio back, I saw some movement in the forest. Whatever it was run away as soon as it noticed my eyes following, but for some reason after a few seconds, it came back. Soon that shadow become visible making me wonder if I somehow consumed some jobi nuts because there was no way in hell a little kid could have survived the death wave.

"Clarke, don't get alarmed but I think I'm seeing a kid in the woods."

I don't think she even heard my warning since she turned in a hurry scaring away the little kid as it turn and run off deeper into the woods. Without missing a bit, Clarke and I took after it, not wanting to get the little kid killed by some aggressive dinosaurs.

"Wait, don't run!"

Seeing that the kid didn't know English or at least didn't respond to it, Clarke tried to talk using the grounder's language.

[Don't run! We just want to talk to you! ]

This time though the little kid stopped for a second before running once more, at least we now know that the kid could understand Trigedasleng, which might be a good thing.

We continue running for a few minutes until the little kid hides behind some bushes, seemly trying to make herself one with the forest. Sadly for the kid, we were right behind her.

Once we saw that the kid stop running and hide behind some bushes, Clarke nodded at me before deciding to take another approach. She raise her hands showing the kid that she was unarmed, leaving me to act as the backup.

[You're a Nightblood, right?]

Slowly, the little girl gets up from behind the bushes and walks until she stood just a few meters away from us, her eyes still fixed on Clarke as if she was trying to judge if Clarke was a threat or not. Seeing that the little girl stopped, Clarke sees this as an opportunity and with her hands still lifted in surrender start walking towards the little girl. For some reason, the little girl seemed all too calm out of nowhere, almost as if…

Before I could even warn Clarke that this was a trap, she let out a pained scream as she fell to the ground. A bear trap caught her foot injuring her just enough for the little girl to charge at Clarke.

[Die, Flamekeepers!]

Rather than attacking Clarke who was on the ground, the little girl changed her attack as soon as she saw that Clarke was in no position to threaten her any more. She raised her knife in the air and with a battle scream, she charges at me. I'm not exactly someone that regrets killing enemies, but I for one find hurting or even killing a child something inhumane and because of that, I stepped back, enough for the girl to miss, before I grabbed her hand, knocking the knife out. When she saw that her only weapon dropped to the ground, panic start to settle in her mind as her eyes were frantically trying to find a way out of this situation. After a few seconds of struggling with no result, the little girl stops, finally accepting her fate.

"Now, I'll let you go, but don't run, because you won't like what I will do to you then."

I let go of her hand before rushing towards Clarke. Her leg was injured quite badly and that bear trap wasn't doing her any good. Without wasting any more precious time, I grabbed both ends of the trap and rip them apart earning me a wow from the little girl as she sit on the ground watching me intensely. Blood starts flowing out of the wound making me grab Clarke's backpack and rummage through it until I find the medkit. Thankfully, Clarke and Harper were nice enough to teach me how to stitch wounds back when we still lived at the dropship.

Once I was sure that Clarke has her wound stitched up and she wasn't in any mortal danger, I turned my attention back to the little girl, who was looking at me as if I was an alien.

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