Post Praimfaya Chapter 8 - At last

The rest of the week as well as the next one passed over quickly. Nothing much really happen, at least not regarding the hefbis, however, for some reason, Madi had started opening up to me, to a scary degree I could say. As for why that sudden change, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that's Clarke's hand or at least she was involved somehow.

While we didn't venture out of our village all that often, I still managed to teach Madi a few things here and there and because of that the little girl had improved quite a lot. Even though Madi was by no means a seasoned warrior, she was better than ever, besides her own experience of hiding and hunting had got better, making her as sneaky as one could get. As for Clarke, well she was slowly but surely healing. Her temperature had returned to normal and she can even put some force on that leg, but until I was sure that she was one hundred percent healed, I wasn't going to let her leave the hut.

Strangely enough, there had been no activity yet neither from the hefbis nor from our friends, and while we know that neither one of the bunkers could contain us, both Clarke and I were hoping to hear from them by now. To be fair if those creatures were to even attempt something, their movements in their cave would have surely been seen and felt by the wildlife, thus warning us, but as I said before, nothing happened, not even a single hefbis tried to come close to our village.

So with every passing day without any sign of an attack being planned, it looked more and more likely that whoever was leading those creatures was not as mindless a beast as I thought they were. At the same, I could not stop my mind from wondering what would happen to us once those creatures finally decide to become the big dogs and get rid of us. Would we have to die fighting, or by some struck of luck, would those creatures simply let us be, as long as we don't bother them?

Not wanting to think about that right now, I slowly get out of our bed, when I felt a hand reaching out for me. I turn around only to see Clarke staring at me, a little sad that her warm pillow left the bed.

"Sorry for waking you up."

"You didn't wake me up, Leon. So, where are you going?"

"Outside, I need to work out a little."

"Leon, I know that this is coming out of nowhere, but what are we going to do with Madi? I don't want her to suffer if those things attack us."

Hearing her words, I froze for a second before sitting back on the bed, hugging Clarke as she let her head rest on my chest. As I start to gently cares for her back,Clarke tightens her hug, showing just how concerned she was about this horrible possibility.

Marie woke after Lexa and Anya had both long left their bed and were lowly speaking with each other voices too soft for Marie to catch any words.

"I would have never thought that I would become a father or at least a step-father so soon, but despite Madi's fear, I did promise that I will protect both of you and you better believe that no creature would get their hands on you two as long as I'm still breathing. So don't worry about things that would not happen for a long time."

Unknowingly to us, Madi was awake and was listening to our conversation from the beginning. When she heard Clarke's first question, the little girl almost burst into tears but steeled herself for my words. Contrary to what she thought I would say, my words shocked her, and tears start falling down her face. She lost her friends and family a few months ago and with no one left to call as family, she was all alone, scared, and at the mercy of the wild. When she saw the two new humans stumbling over her home, Madi became scared of what might happen to her and to her home, but contrary to what she thought Clarke and I would do, we actually took care of the dead and even accepted her as our new family.

A heavy silence enveloped the area as Clarke and I hug each other while Madi was silently crying outside of our hut. A moment later, she runs inside before throwing herself at us. My first instinct was to drag Clarke away, but as soon as I realized who run inside our hut, I quickly caught her midair before bringing her into our hug. We stood there like that for a few minutes before I had to break the hug, mostly because there was a lot of work that needed to be done as fast as possible. Besides, I feel like Clarke and Madi would want to have a few moments alone, as stepmother and daughter.

Hours goes by with me chopping a few trees that were already downed, most likely by some dinosaurs, when I felt something coming in my direction. I barely managed to dodge a spear as it landed right where I stood a second ago. When I turned around my whole face went white in terror, before it was replaced by fear. For many, those are the same, but the truth is that fear and terror are not the same things at all. Fears spur a person to take action and find a way of getting rid of it, while terror on the other hand, paralyzes the body and blocks the flow of thought, it makes a human-less human.

Clarke and Madi were both being held hostages by the hefbis, while their leader, the one dressed in medieval armor was staring at me, spear in hand, almost as if he was provoking me to a duel to the death. There was nothing I could do to save them other than fighting against that thing with a wood axe…

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