Post Praimfaya Chapter 13

While the man was screaming for help, I made my way toward Clarke and Madi, who were crouched along the ridgeline. As soon as the two of them heard my footsteps, both of them turned towards me with guns at the ready just in case I was a prisoner. Luckily, for all of us, they saw that was the one who was behind them and lowered their guns.

"I thought you would throw him into a trap."

"Clarke, I might not like people invading our home, but I'm not a monster, besides, that would only make them warier of even more traps. This way, they would assume their friend was just left to die on a pole rather than being used as bait for them to fall into a trap, at least I hope they are dumb enough not to think about that."

Suddenly, Madi interrupted us with a question that made Clarke look at her daughter with a sad expression on her face.

"Do we really have to terrify him like that before he dies?"

"Madi, I know that this isn't exactly the right way, but this is our home, your home."

"And they want to take our home from us."

"That's right. They are here to take it by force."

"But he's our enemy, why does he have to live in fear? We can kill him now, right?"

"Not yet, Madi. Leon explained earlier why not."

"But still…"

Just as Madi was about to argue more with Clarke, there was some movement in the forest, quite close to the edge. Not long afterward, the same woman that first left the ship and quite a lot of prisoners walked out of the forest and toward the man. Though they didn't advance for long as the woman raised her hand in the air so that everyone could stop, however, it seems that despite being the leader, she wasn't exactly liked by all as a few of the prisoners around her ignore her. The six men walked right past her and right into the death trap.

Three of them walk in the front, seemly with care in the world when the ground under their feet opened and they fell right into the spike trap that Madi and I made a while ago. Their cries made everyone look at the place where they fell in shock, not wanting to go anywhere near that trap.

While the remaining prisoners froze in place, Clarke and I nodded at each other before pointing our guns toward them.

"I'll take the one in middle."

"I've got the one in the right."

Once we knew our targets, we fired, and one after the other, the two prisoners that we aimed at fell to the ground with bullet wounds in their chests. Before the men could hit the ground, the woman alongside the rest of her people dropped to the ground trying to take cover while at the same time looking for us.

The only prisoner that went forward, turned around and run as fast as his legs could, only for him to stumble right into another spike trap killing him instantly. Hearing his last cry made me realize that we had to move, or at least I should move away so that prisoners think that there are more of us than just Clarke, Madi, and I.

I quickly made my way down towards the woods that were on their right side, just to see one of the prisoners stand up, holding a large strange looking weapon aimed towards the ridgeline where Clarke and Madi were hiding. Without even thinking about the consequences of me being spotted I fired, slightly missing the man's torso, but still, the shot managed to hit his left arm, forcing the man to drop his weapon just as he pressed the trigger.

Whatever that weapon was firing made a blast that knocked everyone near that man away before multiple bodies hit the ground with a hard thud. While none of them died, they were injured, at least that's what I could judge by seeing and hearing them groan in pain. Not even a second later, bullets hit the trees around me, making it clear that I was seen by the prisoners.

Clarke fired back at them, managing to hit one or two of them before, one of the prisoners fired a similar large gun at the ridgeline blowing some of the rocks. I don't know if the shot hit them or if they are injured as I was running away, but I do know that I will do everything in my power to at least make sure that these make it out alive.

Meanwhile, oblivious of my attempts of easing their escape, Clarke groans out in pain before she forced herself back on her legs. It took her a second to regain her bearings before she saw Madi.

"Madi! Madi! We have to run!"

Even though she could barely stay on her legs, Madi nod her head, crouching low and following Clarke into the trees behind them, trying to gain some ground before the prisoners reach their position. While it wasn't noticeable, the further away from the ridgeline the two of them got, the worst Clarke's condition became, as she start gasping, as quietly as she could to hide her pain from Madi. When the pain become way too unbearable for her, Clarke stopped, trying to catch her breath before looking at Madi.

"We have to make it to the cave, they won't find us there!"

Before Clarke could even react, Madi ignore her words and quickly look at her body only for her eyes to go wide open when she saw blood on Clarke's torso

"You're hurt! We…"

Just as Madi was about to continue, someone shouted that they saw them making Clarke look back in fear before she grabbed Madi's hand.

"I need you to hide, Madi. Promise that you will not come out no matter what you hear, ok? And don't worry, Leon will find us."

"Not without you. I don't want to lose you too."

"You will not lose me. Not today and not anytime in the future. I did promise you that I will always be here for you, no matter how hard or impossible that might seem."

Just as Clarke and Madi were about to run once again, they heard the noise of safety being switched and the voice of a man coming from behind them.

"Would you look at that, we caught two little birds."

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