Post Praimfaya Chapter 18

Hearing what Dyoza just said, Shaw stands from his seat, looking worried. "Colonel…she cooperating."

"Which is why she'll live. Her friends, on the other hand…" She lifts the radio, finally deciding on her plans. "They killed a lot of our people. It's time to even the score."

McCreary snaps a thick collar around Clarke's neck before she was pulled to her feet and dragged to the door, fighting the entire time. Seeing that Clarke was fighting, McCreary tosses her down the stairs, and she rolls, hitting her shoulder on the way down. Despite that, Clarke holds back her scream, letting out a quiet groan of pain.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you, you might burn your fingers."

Clarke's body trembled with pain as she lay on the ground, her breaths coming out in ragged gasps. The electricity coursing through her veins felt like fire, burning her from the inside out. The collar around her neck hummed with power, and she could feel the heat emanating from it. The other prisoners cheered, their faces twisted in excitement as they watched her suffer.

Clarke's vision blurred as she tried to crawl away, her body feeling like it was on fire. "Please," she gasped, "I wasn't lying!"

But her pleas fell on deaf ears, and the guard moved forward, his hand poised to activate the collar again. "Hit her again," he commanded, his voice cold and hard.

Clarke's body convulsed again as the shock hit her, her muscles contracting in agony. The pain was worse than anything she had ever felt from the batons, and she felt like she was being torn apart, piece by piece. She screamed, her voice raw with pain, as the electricity tore through her.

When the pain finally stopped, Clarke lay there, her body still trembling with aftershocks. Her muscles twitched uncontrollably as she tried to regain control of her body, her mind still reeling from the shock. McCreary dropped down in front of her, his grin wide and cruel.

"I," Clarke weakly muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know who that was."

McCreary's expression darkened, and he grabbed Clarke by the collar, hauling her to her feet. "You expect me to believe that?" he sneered, his eyes flashing with anger.

"I guess you made your point."

For the first time, Clarke was grateful for Shaw, still trying to defend her, but Diyoza is less impressed. "You might be right. But just in case, hit her again."

McCreary electrifies Clarke again, her whole body shaking from the force of it, and she can feel herself growing weaker as the pulse moves through her. The pain stops abruptly, but it takes a second for her senses to return, and when they do, Clarke realizes that she was outside. Diyoza yells,

"Hold, and fire on my command."

Clarke stared at the rover in front of her, before she whispers, "Madi, no."

"Come out with your hands high!"

Clarke heard the rover door open and close, and she peer towards it, blinded by the bright lights. A figure approaches slowly, much taller than Madi, and her stomach drops, not sure what she's seeing. Before his face comes into view, she hears his voice, washing over her and leaving her shocked. "I'm unarmed. Just want to talk."

"Talk. Give me one good reason not to kill you where you stand."

"How about I give you 283? That's how many of your people are gonna die if you and I can't make a deal."

He holds up a cup in his hand, and it must mean something to Diyoza because she freezes in place, an unreadable expression passing over her face. She nods, and Bellamy holds up a hand, signaling for the rover to back up and drive away.

Seeing that, Clarke sighed, relieved that Madi is still safe. Diyoza glances back at her, before turning her focus on Bellamy.

"283 lives for one. She must be pretty important to you."

For the first time, Bellamy's eyes finally find Clarke', surprised to see her on the ground, clearly in pain. She was on her knees looking at him in shock, and when she took a closer look, she could see a look of pain pass over Bellamy's face as he looks her. A second later, he answers Diyoza, his eyes locked solely on her.

"She is, especially since I know that someone is right now, aiming enough firepower at you to blow the village to kingdom come, and believe me, he would do it without remorse no matter how many of your people would die."

Clarke feels a rush of tears fall down her face again, thinking about Leon and what he's ready to do to save her. Diyoza turns to Shaw, her expression serious.

"Assemble a team and head back to the transport, check on our people."

Shaw starts to walk away, but Diyoza grabs him. "Take the girl with you. Anything goes wrong, kill her."

As soon as Diyoza gave the order to Shaw, Clarke's heart dropped. She knew that she was in trouble, and her mind raced to find a way out of the situation. She looked up at Bellamy, hoping that he would say something, but he remained silent, his eyes still fixed on her. Clarke felt a sense of betrayal as she realized that Bellamy was going to let her go with Shaw, but then something happened that she didn't expect.

Out of nowhere, a bullet whizzed past Diyoza's head, missing her by inches. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the forest, and everyone froze in place, trying to figure out where it came from. Clarke felt a surge of adrenaline as she realized that someone was trying to save her. She looked around, trying to spot the shooter, but she couldn't see anyone.

Diyoza's face contorted with anger as she realized what had just happened. She turned to Bellamy, her eyes blazing with fury. "What the hell was that?" she yelled.

Bellamy smiled, holding up his hands, trying to defuse the situation. "I don't know. It wasn't me."

Diyoza wasn't convinced. She turned to her men. "Search the area. Find out who fired that shot."

Just then, another shot rang out, hitting McCreary in the leg. He cried out in pain, and Clarke could see the fear in his eyes as he realized that they were under attack. Diyoza quickly understood what was happening. Bellamy had brought backup, named Leon, Clarke's wonder boyfriend, covering him. Two shots, both of them being warning shots, made her realize that the boy wasn't joking when almost begged her to reconsider her words.

Diyoza's expression softened slightly as she turned to Bellamy. "You came alone, but you didn't come unarmed, did you?"

Bellamy shook his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I wouldn't leave my friend in danger without a backup plan."

Clarke looked up at him ashamed of what she thought before, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over her. She should have known that Bellamy would never abandon her, no matter what.

Diyoza turned to her men, "Stand down." She gestured to Clarke. "Take her with us."

But before one of the prisoners could move towards Clarke, Bellamy stepped forward, his eyes blazing with anger. "No. She stays with me."

Diyoza hesitated for a moment, fearing that another gunshot would be heard, before nodding her head in agreement. "Fine. But if you want to make a deal, you and that boy will come to me. Alone and unarmed."

Bellamy nodded, and Diyoza turned to leave. As they walked away, Clarke felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was safe, for now. But she knew that the danger was far from over. She turned to Bellamy, grateful for his help. "Thank you."

Bellamy smiled, putting his arm around her. "Anytime, Princess."

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