Post Praimfaya Chapter 32

After a moment of silence, my voice crackled through the radio, "Echo, I'm with you all the way. Just give the word, and I'll create a diversion to draw their attention away from you."

"Negative, Leon. We need to disable the collar control device first. I'll find Dyoza and take care of it. Once that's done, you can create the diversion to help us escape."

"Understood. Be careful, Echo."

As soon as I heard Echo telling me her plan, my radio cracked to life once again, startling me since I wasn't expecting any response from her. However, the voice that came a second later made me realize that something bad happened.

"Dyoza here," her voice rings out confidently, "I see you've been busy, Leon. We've found your little daughter, thanks to an eye in the sky. Impressive work, I must say. Now, I want to meet you face to face, right now. You have exactly one hour to appear in front of the gate. Don't keep me waiting."

I should have thought that the ship that was still orbiting Earth could still scan the area and finds us… This is the worst thing that could have happened to us. Worst things worst, I can't even ignore her demand, but at the same time, I also can't abandon Echo and the others in their current predicament.

"Dyoza, I understand your request, but I won't come alone. I will meet you at the gate in one hour, as you demand, but only if you guarantee the safety of my friends and daughter. I won't risk their lives."

There's a tense silence on the other end of the radio, and I can almost sense Dyoza considering her options. After what feels like an eternity, her voice crackles back with a hint of amusement, "You're quite the negotiator, Leon. Very well, bring whomever you want along. But remember, any sudden moves, and the lives of your friends will be forfeit. Don't test my patience."

I won't let Dyoza intimidate me, not when the lives of those I care about are at stake.

"We have a deal, Dyoza. You have my word that we will come peacefully. Just remember, any harm that comes to them, and our deal is off."

I release the radio's button and take a moment to steady myself. Before reaching out to Echo through the radio once more.  "Echo, we have a problem. Dyoza knows about Madi and she wants to meet at the gate within an hour. I won't leave any of you behind, so we need to find a way to disable those collars and get out of here. Keep going with the plan, but stay alert. We'll find a way to get through this."

"Don't worry Leon, leave the collars to Raven, and as for Dyoza, I'll keep my bow aimed at her all the time. Just in case."

Reluctantly, I start making my way towards the gate, when I made myself visible to the sentries that guarded the entrance, I heard one of them shout something before tens of ex-convicts, armed to the teeth, line the walls above with their weapons pointed directly at me. The gate creaks open slowly, revealing a confident and smirking Dyoza standing before Clarke and Zoe who were both on the ground with their arms tied and a collar on their neck, just like Echo said.

I glanced at Dyoza, knowing very well that she was playing the intimidation card with me, and sadly for her a few guys and gals with guns won't make me flinch in fear or retreat from a fight. So keeping my head up and my eyes on her, I walk forward, not bothering at all with her men.

Dyoza's smile widens as I approach, and when I was standing just a few feet away from her, I decided to point at the elephant in the room. "I'm here, Dyoza. You've got what you wanted. Now, let's get this over with."

Dyoza's smirk transforms into a cold, calculating expression as she takes a step forward, closing the distance between us. "You're a man of your word, Leon. I appreciate that, but as much as some of the people on my side would love to tear you apart piece by piece, the reason behind this isn't about that. "

That surprised me a lot and judging by the way both Clarke and Zoe look at her, they too were feeling the same way I do. If this wasn't about killing me to get revenge for all the deaths, then what it was about?

Seeing my reaction, Dyoza shook her head before explaining what she meant by that. "My 'eye' saw our friend's army trying to march towards this beautiful place, but thankfully for all of us, they failed and had to return. "

To be fair, I wasn't expecting to hear that Octavia and her merry band of grounders would fail, but considering just how ''welcoming" the path she took was, I should have guessed that this might happen.

Dyoza, seemingly unaffected by our shock, continues her speech, "For everyone to coexist peacefully, Blodreina, or whatever those savages call her, must be removed from power. It doesn't matter whether it's my hand or another's, but her reign must come to an end. This is the only way we can ensure the safety and prosperity of our people. Since in a way, we are the last humans on Earth."

This wasn't something that I would have ever thought I would hear from an enemy, then again, compared to what I've done to her and her men, was almost nothing compared to fighting a war against Octavia, who, as much as it pains me to admit it, is no longer the sweet and warrior like girl that we left in the bunker more than five years ago. She became a better commander, one that leads by example on a path of blood, and that makes her dangerous.

"As a sign of good faith, I will let Clarke and Zoe leave with you to capture or kill Blodreina. Consider it a gesture of trust, Leon. Together, we can remove the obstacles standing in the way of a better future."

For the second time in less than an hour, I was in a dilemma about what should I do about this. If I refuse, all of my fruends could die and if that wasn't already bad enough, I have no doubt that Dyoza would kill Madi too, just because she could. On the other hand, if I accept her offer… tens of lives could be saved, and frankly for the greater good this was in a way the best choice I should make…

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