PP Chapter 43

What happened last night was something we quickly put aside in the back of our minds, hoping that one day we might forget about it, or at least try not to have that memory influence our decisions for the upcoming days. War was coming and only god knows how much I wanted to just turn my head and leave this place, letting Wonkru and Dyoza tear each other apart if that's what they want, but…I couldn't abandon my friends no matter what they did or said. Then there's Madi … I still feel guilty for what happened to her and I know that Clarke, while she doesn't voice it out loud is blaming me for that.

With nothing left to do outside, we all decided to head down to the bunker and rest for the rest of the night, choosing not to create a scene or worst start a civil war. I still wonder what happened to Sam and his group or if they survived the Praimfaya. And as much as I would have loved to go and check, truth be told, no one was going to survive hundreds of kilometers in the desert without water, not even with the rover.

"Hey, Leon!"

I was brought back by Harper's voice. She was walking towards me with a smile on her face, well at least someone here felt helpful. "What's up?"

She didn't say anything, instead, Harper went for a hug. Frankly, this was the first time I have seen her like this. Something was wrong and I knew that I need to do something before she does anything stupid.

"What happen Harper?"

"A child Leon… Octavia ordered a child to fight in the arena and she died fighting a man three times as big as her…"

'Dammit Blodreina! Do you feel better for doing this?' I thought while thinking about Blodreina. Yes, I won't call her Octavia anymore since as much as it pains me to admit it, the girl named Octavia died five years ago when Bellamy and I forced her to become the leader of this bunch of grounders.

"Where's Monty?"

"I just came from the farm. He tried his best to calm me down and to some extent, it worked. Thanks, Leon, I'll go back to our barrack and rest."

I didn't say anything and just nodded my head while breaking the hug before heading toward the hydroponic farm. As soon as I reached the place, I push the doors open to see Monty standing amongst the dying plants with a sad look on his face.

When he heard the door opening, he glances in my way and tried to give me a smile, but he just couldn't force himself. After all his girlfriend was in pain and so was he, seeing her like that. "Harper told me you are down here."

"So you heard … It's hard Leon. I don't know what to do to cheer her up. Not to mention that I'm trying my best to make this place work and I thought that this might help."

"Does it?"

"Most of the crops are neglected, and the equipment needs repair. I give it 3 weeks until this place is as dead as the wasteland. I still don't know how in God's name they even managed to survive for so long with only a third of the whole farm working properly."

I know that the situation was pink but god damn it this was worse than everything Clarke and I guessed. Well, at least Mount Weather was doing better in regards to supplies, then again that place had all of the bright minds that survived the crash-landing. That's when I remember something that I had in my bag, something it should belong to Monty. "Monty, here, I think this belongs to you."

I rummaged through my backpack for a few seconds before pulling out a note and a pair of goggles that were awfully familiar to the boy.

"Jasper's handwriting."

"Clarke and I found it at Arkadia, not long after Praimfaya. Clarke nearly read it a couple of times, but I made sure she didn't since it wasn't our business to look at it."

"You two waited for us every day huh?"

"The bunkers were shut with no way of us getting through all that rumble and rocks. Believe me Monty, we tried everything to contact you guys or even the bunkers, but nothing was working. Heck, I still don't know how the second dawn bunker and Mount Weather managed to talk all those years."

"I have my guessed about …"

Before Monty could continue, doors at the end of the hall open and the lights flick on. Both of us hide behind some of the crops and peered through the rafts seeing Cooper just as she turned and shouted. "Guard the door. I'll just be a minute."

As soon as Cooper walked past us, we waited for a few moments to make sure she was occupied before hurrying towards the door she had just accessed. Monty tugged on the handle, but it was clearly locked. He looked around for tools and found some pruning shears nearby. I watched curiously, as he used the shears to pry off a magnet that was holding the tools in place. With the magnet in hand, he moved it over the door handle, and a moment later, the lock clicked open.

"Monty, you can't pick a lock with pruning shears," I muttered, somewhat skeptical.

"Have a little faith in me," he replied with a smirk. "The keypad energizes the solenoid, pulls the coil, and pin back. A magnet can do the same thing."

Impressed by Monty's ingenuity, I followed him as he pushed the door open. We stepped into the lab and immediately noticed the body that Cooper had brought in, along with various lab-related items scattered around. But our attention was quickly drawn to a large tent in the back of the room, zipped up and secured from the outside world.

"Biocontainment lab? What the hell is that for?" Monty whispered, clearly uneasy.

"Let's find out," I said, my curiosity getting the better of me. I unzipped the tent and stepped inside, with Monty reluctantly following behind.

As I approached a large glass container, I pulled back the sheet covering its contents. My heart sank as I saw the body of a young woman inside, her stomach infested with sandworms from the desert. The realization hit me like a punch in the gut – Octavia was breeding them for war.

"Bloody Thursday!"

"I thought no one else was bitten," Monty said, equally shocked.

"They weren't from what Bellamy told me. God dammit. Blodreina is breeding them to use on the valley."

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