Preface 3.0

The hunter put another arrow into his rifle, then prepared to aim. What a mess. Laura's hand made it first and threw the weapon away, sending it flying far away. Her clenched palms grabbed the collar of the youth who had killed her father. With one hand, she lifted the young man's body up with her head tilted to one side.

In an instant, the young man's body was thrown back until he hit a large tree branch and making him die instantly. Before she could take a deep breath, someone pulled Laura's long curly hair, causing the girl to moan and groan in pain.

"Az otthonod nincs itt. A pokolban kellene lenned. (Your home is not here. You should be in hell)." A middle-aged man pulled Laura's hair roughly, then gave a code to the other two young men who surrounded the girl's body to tie it.

"Te rohadek! (Bastard!)" Laura struggled to free herself.

When the middle-aged man took out a rosary, Laura spat right in the man's face. She hissed again trying to get away.

"Az ördög elfoglalja az ördög testét. (The devil occupies the devil's body)." The middle-aged hunter shook his head. "Mi van ha megbüntetem? (What if I punish you?)"

Suddenly Laura laughed sarcastically. Her eyes narrowed sharply like a savage predator faced by a mammal in front of her. She suppressed her laughter for a moment, then hissed.

"Ez a lany nem démon. Egy vámpír, és a vámpírok nem démonok, te bolond. (This girl isn't a demon. She's a vampire, and vampires aren't demons, you moron)."

Laura's words were controlled by a demon who controlled her soul had shifted the man's sympathy. She shook her head, chuckling a few times. The rosary in her hand was tightly clasped ready to land on Laura's body. Screams of pain as well as the sound of fire being extinguished by water echoed through the place as the cross-shaped object pressed against Laura's wrist. He screamed in pain, grieved, and writhed in the clutches of the two young men who were holding him tight.

"Please! I'm begging you! Stop it!" shouted the girl began to shed tears.

"This cross hurts you, that means you are the same as the devil. What is the difference?" Again, the man stabbed the cross he was holding onto several parts of Laura's body, which was now starting to go limp.

It tried to thrash around, attacking until its pair of fangs seemed ready to land on the skin of a nearby human.