Chapter 1

As Kid Flash, Robin, Aqualad, and Superboy ran down the hall to escape their pursuers SuperBoy heard a voice in his: "Brother, you must rescue the project Sa head left then a hard right." "Turn left." SuperBoy and the others turned to the left and made a hard right and another right and finally a left as they came across a giant door hydrologic sealed door. "Help me pry this open Aqualad." "Right."

As SuperBoy and Aqualad tried their hardest to open the door they couldn't pry it open that's when they both decided to punch their fists into the door causing it to start to give weight. The sound of the geomorphs we're getting closer. "Anytime supey!" Kid flash cried as he and Robin readied themselves for battle. "As the geomorphs crossed the corner they door smashed inwards knocking onto the floor. "KF, SuperBoy can you two hold off the genomes while me and Aqualad see what's going on in this room. "Don't order me around." SuperBoy stated as he walked past Robin and rammed into a g-troll.

"Well you've gotta admire his semi teamwork." Kid Flash commented as he went to aid SuperBoy. Robin and Aqualad walked into the room as they entered the room Robin shivered and said "Why would they keep it so cold here?" "I have a feeling this person is why." "Hold on, that's Dark Matter swirling  inside of the pod and it's so cold in here because they got liquid nitrogen in here."

Robin quickly hacked Cadmus' systems. "Scans says there is definitely someone in that Dark Matter their vitals are... NORMAL!" "So they are still alive." "Let's release them." Robin began to unlock the pod and the Dark Matter began to drain out the pod as the liquid nitrogen stopped emitting freezing temperatures. "DAMN IT! They freed the Infinite Star! I need the advanced squads down to project Sa! Gnomes I need you to keep Project Sa from awakening!" As the Gnomes began to telepathically enter Infinite Star's mind it was too late he awakened and kicked the door across the room.

As he did Robin and Aqualad ducked down. Infinite Star looked down at Robin and Aqualad and over at the fighting SuperBoy and Kid Flash. He then laid his purple left eye and icy blue eye on Guardian and the other geno-morphs. "I thank you for freeing me now it's time for you all to take a break." His voice was deep but piercing he stroked his goatee and dashed forward knocking down three g-trolls. As he got back up and moved a stray strand of his jet black hair out of his face he turned to Guardian and smiled.

"Muéstrame lo que tienes. Tienes olor a guerrero." Guardian got tense as a small bead of sweat began to drop to his chin. Guardian dashed forward and began to throw a few jabs and body blows and finished it with an uppercut. Infinite Star just sighed and cracked his neck slightly. "This shall end fast. You're holding back because you feel my fighting spirit." Infinite Star appeared behind Guardian and chopped the back of his neck and Guardian passed out. "Did he just knock out Guardian with one hit?" questioned Robin. "Not to mention he took all of those hits like it was nothing." Kid Flash added.

That's when Dr. Desmond showed up and drank a substance labeled blockbuster and began to morph into some huge monstrous creature then he punched Infinite Star sending him reeling into a nearby wall. As he got back up Dr. Desmond's monstrous form picked up Infinite star by the head. He then tossed him across the room as he followed up with a multiple ground pound rampage. Robin threw three bird-a-rangs and they blew up causing the monstrous Dr. Desmond to stumble back a bit giving the opportunity for Aqualad and Superboy an opening to get hit with a water hammer and finished it with an uppercut as Kid Flash truly finished it with tripping Dr. Desmond.

Aqualad and Kid Flash ran over to Infinite Star and helped him up. "So, what's your name? Are you alright?" questioned Aqualad "My name is Arctora'hm and I'll be alright besides a couple of broken ribs and a mild concussion. I should be alright. "Hey uh guys; monster doctor is getting back up." Kid Flash warned. SuperBoy uppercut Doctor Desmond and he crashed into the above laboratory entrance. Robin shot his grappling hook up to join the fight kid flash followed. "Your name it's Atlantian." "Indeed, I'm half Atlantian but that is all I know the rest of my memory is foggy." "Do you know why you were in a pod filled with liquid dark matter?" "Wait, what?" "You've been in Dark Matter cryostasis for 16 years." "Impossible!" "I understand you're in shock at the moment. But I need your head in the upcoming battle. Will you help us? If you do we will help you find yourself and find out your origins."

Infinite Star looked at Kaldur in his eyes pondering then shook his head in agreement. "We appreciate your help. By the way my name Kaldur'am but my friends call me Kaldur." "A fellow Atlantian eh?"