Chapter 10

I awoke the next day and headed for the training area this time I saw all my friends and still in the middle is Purgatory-Storm. "Ah, you're awake foolish child." "STOP CALLING ME A FOOLISH CHILD!" I yelled. "This is why I call you a foolish child. You're so headstrong and so eager you're like a mixture of water and earth you have a warm and caring heart, you go with the flow but you're too eager, too quick, outburstful and stubborn." "What? I'm not." "Prove it, if you can strike me with one hit without being impulsive or losing your temper. I will take back what I said but if you should fail I train you from the ground up. My training will be much more harder and grueling than Batmans, Black Canary, or even green arrows or wildcats. Now come!"

I ran forward and began throwing a mixture of body and head blows but Purgatory-Storm just kept dodging them he then vanished. "You're weak." I felt a kick to my back I stumbled forward only to feel another four blows three to my body and one with an uppercut. "You're not fast enough." I tried to catch myself when a glimmering shine caught my eye that's when my power began to seep out. "You must learn control or else you will continue to black out and damage your body in the process." "H-How do I do that? " "Your power derives from anger, anxiety, happiness, and calm but when you let one emotion take over the others you get what you always get extreme power but at the cost of your body breaking itself for that measure of power and you black out from overuse." "So how do I control it agh!" The flames began to burn me and electricity expelled from my body going in all directions. Purgatory-Storm walked over Arctora'hm and knelt down and put his hand to my forehead. "The flames of the stars are bright the dim light in purgatory is still and warm let this dream of power be controlled through the King of Purgatorys might!"

His deep cold voice echoed as the flames and lightning stopped hurting and retreated back into Arctora'hm body as he meekly got up everyone else saw a weird inscription on Arctora'hm forehead. "What did you do to him!" Kitsune exclaimed as she stood on edge. "Calm down, it's to hold off the excess power that escapes it'll weaken as the years go by however it'll be easier for him to learn control." "Hey, why do I feel so weird? guys..." Arctora'hm began to collapse but Kitsune caught him. "When he awakens his training begins."

In a high business tower... "Did you get the data you needed?" "Yes, the vessel shall be ready by Christmas." "Excellent Thank You, doctor Hypnis you are dismissed. Be sure to let the others know I need to see them." "Yes, Sir." Two minutes later a knock was heard. "You needed to see us sir?" "Yes, please come in." The others walked in the office and closed the door and stood waiting for their leader to talk. "As you know we are meant to bring peace across these unstable dimensions but we don't have the troop power yet at least not in this dimension I need two of you to head to the Revolutionary War period and the other two to the Icarus dimension. White Hole shall rule over these dimensions to bring peace, order, security, and justice to these unstable dimensions." "Sir." "Captain Kel, I need you to go after Infinite Spartan." "It shall be done." Captain Kel and her men left the room. "These dimension wars shall soon be over. I will soon have you back as well...Naira."