Chapter 15

YvStorm jumped up in the air and came crashing down causing a huge crater but Alfred didn't move an inch and tossed the shotgun to the side and took out a knife and YvStorm drew his dagger from his right side leg pouch and they began to get into a heavily counter based knife fight. "You're not bad but unfortunately for you I'm not your average soldier." "I thank you sir, but what do you mean?" "Heh, I'm a Viking kid." "What!" YvStorm headbutt Alfred then slammed the palm of his hand into the ground and sent Purgatory lightning into the ground causing him to fall to his knees.

"May you find peace with your poor tortured soul." That's when Batman came down and blocked the double axe with both of his hands. "Alfred! Are you alright?" "Yes Batman. I'm alright." "So you're the famous Bruce Wayne and infamous Batman." YvStorm pushed back Batman and followed up with a tossing of cobblestone. Batman dodged the cobblestone onslaught until he looked back and saw Alfred almost get hit with one of them. Batman quickly changed his objective and shielded Alfred as he handed him his grappling hook. "Get inside and call in the Justice League." "But Master Bruce..." "Just do it Alfred!"

YvStorm sighed and slammed his axe down on the ground and walked forward. "I'm tired of you both I didn't even come to fight I was coming to find Robin. But if you continue to get in my way I will have no choice but to end you." "Wait you're here for Master Dick?" "Wait Wait the kids name is "Dick"?" "Well technically it's Richard but he prefers Dick." "So can I get the kid?" That's when Robin showed up and ran over to Alfred and Batman. "YvStorm? what are you doing here? What happened here?" "Your friend came here for you but made a racket of things. "To be fair I didn't start it it was your butler." "You were trespassing on private property sir." "That's enough Alfred!" exclaimed Batman. "But Master Bru--" "I said that's enough." "We've issued a Code Orange." "Arctora'hm?!" "Yes."

"I've got to go then Batman." "I understand Dick. Go rescue your friend." Dick smiled as he joined YvStorm and they disappeared in a flash of White Lightning. "You sure that was Wise Master Bruce?" "They'll be fine Alfred I trust them. Now let's get you some tea and an Epsom salt bath."

As YvStorm and Robin arrived just outside the Cave entrance the others were waiting for them. "Is everyone here now?" "Yeah, we've got this." "Do we know where they're located?"asked Artemis "No which is why I brought in the Zodiac Knights." answered Kitsune. A tall African American man with lightning scars stepped forward and he looked at the wind then over at the sea and back to the cave. "They're still in Japan in the High Business Tower. It's underground." "Ugh, another sub level. I'm tired of evil villains and underground lairs."

Wally bellyached. "Oh quit your bellyaching Wally or would you rather have it be in a molten magical lava pit?" "That was one time!" "You nearly got us all barbecued!" "She's got a point KF." "Oh come on! Now you're against me too?" "Hey, I nearly died! I have a right to be on her side." "Let's go rescue him!" Kitsune exclaimed. "YvStorm can you take us all back to Japan to the exact location they're at?" "To Japan yes but only to our last location there." "Fine we'll take it."