Chapter 16

As YvStorm and the others arrived just outside Kyoto one of the Zodiac Knights put a hand to the ground and she turned to them and told them to follow her. "Hey,so what's y'all's story?" Kid Flash asked the female Zodiac Knight. "Me and Gaelic are keepers of the dimensional time gate that originated from the Revolutionary Period of the United States." "Do you two have any powers and you're a real life native American." "Surprised are you? And yes we both do but we forbid ourselves to show others our powers because all it brings is pain."

"I understand that more than you would think." "What is your name young red head?" "Kid Flash but my friends off duty call me Wally or Wal." "It is nice to meet you Wally but how about I call you Wall-man." "That's awesome!" As the group managed to reach an abandoned warehouse they stopped. "Aw great! it's a dead end and why is it always an abandoned warehouse they start at why can't it be a beach!?" Wally asked. "Wall-man, hush there's a hidden access tunnel we have to wait for the patrol incoming." "Wait, how do you know all this Oir?"

Robin turned and asked. "We have the ability to see into the future being the Zodiac Knights of time and dimension traversal." Gealach turned to Oir and she told everyone to hide. As they all hid the patrol went by and they all followed close behind the patrol entering the hidden access tunnel. As they entered the access tunnel they broke free from behind the patrol trucks and Kitsune began to whisper: "Alright, Me, Ace, Kaldur, and Gealach are going to go free Arctora'hm. I need M'gann, Dust, and Super boy to cover our means of exit Kid Flash, Yvstorm, Robin, Artemis, I need you to be the distraction to get the security low." "Understood." "Got it." "Mental link established Miss Martian?" "Done." "Alright, let's go."