Chapter 20

At the fight between Aqualad and Reza began to get underway Reza looked at her necklace and saw one bead go from blue to white.(So it seems Kel was defeated.) "So what exactly are the White Sun Guardians?" Aqualad asked. "If you're worthy of the information I'll tell you." Aqualad formed two water blades with his water beiarcs. And dashed forward when Reza stood still then she slightly moved her hips and she was on the other side of Aqualad.

"Sorry, I'm over here." "Aqualad skid across the wet floor as he turned back to Reza. "How did you..." Reza put a finger up and smiled as she started to move her hips again and Aqualad flew back into the fence. Aqualad yelled out in pain. "That's such a beautiful sound now let's remix it." Reza moved her hips again rapidly and Aqualad yelled in pain and grunted with annoyance as he tried to stand back up. "Not bad...Now let's run this album in full volume!" Reza moved her hips rapidly and Aqualad screamed in agony and pain as he looked over at his lone beiarc he decided to infuse the bioelectricity in his magic tattoos and sent a jolt of lightning into the water but she dodged the trap with the grace of a ballet dancer as she landed she kicked him in the face causing him to crash into a tree.

(It's her hips she's using them to do something to me but what is it? illusions? No, they're too real. Time manipulation? No I haven't really felt the effects of time being messed with so what is it?) "Aw you're racking your brain trying to figure out how my ability works.... You're on the right track it's my hips but I use the art of belly dancing and Ballet to grace my lovers with a feeling they desire so much in life..... Acceptance! I'm known as Reza The Dancer of desire and acceptance." "Let's take a look into your desires shall we?" "No stay back get away!" Aqualad swung his beiarc sword frantically when Reza appeared behind him she gripped his off hand and restrained his main hand then she wrapped her legs around his neck and used her free foot to jump and let him go catching her self with her hands as Aqualad fell to the ground she then got on top of him and straddled him. "Aw such beautiful eyes. Now let's take a peek into your desires."

Reza put a hand on Aqualads' head and she began to see his love for Tulia and how he wants to please Aquaman his King and Mentor. "Oh but there's something else you desire let's see." "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Aqualad put his foot onto Rezas' stomach and kicked her off then followed with a punch to her face. "Oh, you're going to be fun!" Reza began to move her hips but Aqualad closed his eyes and jumped in the air and he formed a water mace and brought it down into the ground. (He figured out the way my ability works and its weakness.)